Social Ethical Issues in Management

Management issues are studied from an ethical point of view through 2 case analyses from the news.  An ethical point of view is one that applies conceptions of right, good, justice, and virtues and vices of conduct, with special focus on safety, risk, and Environmental Protection of companies. Make distinctions between classical and average utilitarianism of distributions of benefits and costs and social contract conceptions;

  Identify various applicable developmental conceptions of the good and the right in cases

For this assignment you have to analyze from a; moral, ethical, conceptions of the good, justice, etc perspective, 2 cases from the news that involve any kind of business and their responsibility with the safety of their employees or consumers / clients, risks, and environmental protection. (I will be attaching the main  guide of the 4 domains that you will need to analyze the cases, the guide attachment is called 4 domains of human development- Please add this concepts and levels as much as you can, red a analyze this table from you point of view, there is not right or wrong )

I am also attaching an example with 2 case studies from the news where you can see the use of the 4 domains guide and its levels ( but in this case you have to look for news that have more to be with businesses responsibility with the safety of their employees or consumers / clients, risks, and environmental protection and from there use the 4 domains of human development to analyze the cases)

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