Create a cognition clinic brochure for prospective clients and their families

Paper One Template


For this project, you will create a cognition clinic brochure for prospective clients and their families that describes the services your clinic offers to help enhance memory or attention, along with summaries of current research in the field to help educate potential clients on the value of those services. As you create your brochure, consider your audience. Write using nonscientific terms, be clear and concise, and include content based on researched best practices. Include in-text citations and a References section, but write in your own words and do not use direct quotations.


Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. You must address each of the rubric criteria listed below in about 500 to 750 words total.


Based on the research in your milestone, pick two strategies that you would use to help enhance cognition in your chosen population.


Population Target selected: Older people without cases of dementia

Focus: Working/Short-Term Memory

Primary Sources selected:

Butler, M., McCreedy, E., Nelson, V. A., Desai, P., Ratner, E., Fink, H. A., … & Kane, R. L. (2018). Does cognitive training prevent cognitive decline? A systematic review. Annals of internal medicine, 168(1), 63-68.


Sisco, S. M., Marsiske, M., Gross, A. L., & Rebok, G. W. (2013). The influence of cognitive training on older adults’ recall for short stories. Journal of aging and health, 25(8_suppl), 230S-248S.


Montoya, M. F., Susperreguy, M. I., Dinarte, L., Morrison, F. J., San Martin, E., Rojas-Barahona, C. A., & Förster, C. E. (2019). Executive function in Chilean preschool children: Do short-term memory, working memory, and response inhibition contribute differentially to early academic skills?. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 46, 187-200.



[Insert Title/Name of Clinic]


[Optional: Insert images.]


[Create an overview of your clinic’s program.]


[Describe the needs of your target population. Include details of the cognitive processes that might be interrupted and how interventions can help the population’s quality of life.]


[Summarize the current research in the field that has informed your evidence-based cognitive interventions.]


[For your first evidence-based cognitive intervention, describe the methods and techniques used and how the results of the research showed effectiveness. Be sure to include why or how the results are relevant to your target population in your response.]


[For your second evidence-based cognitive intervention, describe the methods and techniques used and how the results of research showed effectiveness. Be sure to include why or how the results are relevant to your target population in your response.]


[For one of the interventions above, describe how a cognitive theory supports the use of that intervention.]



[Insert any references for the in-text citations in your paper according to APA style.]