Guidelines For Research Article Review Bonus Paper Social Behaviour
Guidelines for Research Article Review Bonus Paper
The purpose of this assignment is to get you beyond the textbook and into the recent
social psychological literature. The first requirement, then, is that you find a research
article published in a relevant psychology journal sometime in the last 10 years. The
specific article is up to you, but it must meet the following criteria: (a) it must be in the
area of social psychology; (b) it must be published since 2006; (c) it must describe some
research, as opposed to being a solely theoretical article or an article that only reviews the
literature in some research area (please ask me if you are unsure whether an article meets
this criterion); (d) it must be an article located by you; and (e) it must be a different
article than the one you used for any other class requirement.
If you have any doubts about the suitability of a potential article, I would be happy to
look at it. Please note that most items you might locate in magazines or on the Internet,
although potentially relevant to social psychology, are not appropriate for this
One way to find an article is simply to flip through recent volumes and unbound issues of
various social psychology journals, such as Basic and Applied Social Psychology, the
Journal of Social Psychology, and the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Recent full text articles from Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin are available via
the computerized research databases accessible on campus, and the Journal of
Experimental Social Psychology is accessible from Saint Mary’s at Another way to find an article is to start with a
topic you are interested in and then search PsycINFO, a computerized database that is
available via the Saint Mary’s library website.
You will find that many published articles describe more than one study; if this is the
case for the one you choose, just focus on a single study when you write the assignment.
In writing this assignment, please follow the nine requirements described below, and
structure your paper in the same manner and order. In other words, it is not necessary that
you write in “essay” format—simply number and answer each of the nine questions
1. Include a full reference to the article using the exact format recommended by the
American Psychological Association (APA). An example is provided below:
Darley, J.M., & Latane, B. (1968). Bystander intervention in emergencies: Diffusion of
responsibility. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 8, 377-383.
2. Summarize the purpose of the article, and briefly describe how the study follows from
earlier social psychological research and theory. What was the primary hypothesis of
the study?
3. What was/were the primary independent variable(s)? What was/were the primary
dependent variable(s)? Note that even in correlational research—where causal
relationships cannot be determined with certainty—there are usually implied or
theoretically specified “predictors” (i.e., independent variables) and “outcomes” (i.e.,
dependent variables).
4. What was the nature of the data—experimental or correlational? Briefly explain your
5. Briefly summarize the method of the study.
6. What were the one or two primary findings of the study? Did they support the
primary hypothesis?
7. Make one suggestion for further research that builds on the study you reviewed.
Explain how this would extend the findings of the study.
8. Briefly relate some aspect of the article to something relevant considered by Myers
and Smith (2015) in our textbook, Exploring Social Psychology.
9. Attach a copy of the article to your paper (or a pdf version if you are submitting via
Suggested page length: No more—and possibly less—than four double-spaced, typed
pages. Try to be clear and concise.
A warning regarding plagiarism: The work you hand in must be your own. Be aware of
the definition of plagiarism used by Saint Mary’s: “Plagiarism is the presentation of
words, ideas or techniques of another as one’s own. Reference to or appropriation of
another’s work whether by direct quotation or paraphrase must be acknowledged by
proper citation. When in doubt, one should seek the advice of the instructor before
submitting the work” (St. Mary’s University Calendar 2016-2017, p.17-25).