Psychology Family And Child

You will define family and seven other terms, theories and/or key persons related to child and family psychology and describe their significance. Significance refers to identifying the relevance to the study of families. Examples are important; well-described clinical or research examples that clearly illustrate the importance are acceptable.

Please note: Terms listed together, such as # 4 assimilation and acculturation, are considered as “one term” as they are interrelated. References to the text, slides and/or course readings are required.
Summary: Comprehensively define family based on what you have studied and read during the spring semester, and select and define seven other terms from the key terms list. You will define eight terms in total.



Ambiguous loss


Beilf systems : Spritual and Cultural

Divorce Process

Family Therapy and Play Therapy (examples)


Parent-Teen Communication


Attached below is an example of two terms, please dont copy it and it doesnt have to be so lenghty.

Note:  Below  find  two  examples  from  prior  student  exams  of  well-­developed   definitions.  Responses  will  vary,  but  should  show  thoughtful  preparation  and   adequate  detail.    I  will  accept  a  range  of  responses  and  lengths  as  long  as  the  answer   is  complete  and  connects  relevant  terms  to  child  and  family  psychology.  Be  sure  to   refer  to  textbook,  readings,  and/or  slides  for  definitions.  Many  students  refer  to  case   studies  and  readings  for  examples  as  well  if  needed.  Relevant  personal  examples  are   acceptable  as  well.     Assimilation  and  Acculturation       These  related  processes  reflect  family  reactions  after  the  transition  or  move

to  a  new  cultural  setting.    Reactions  may  follow  family  and  child  immigration  and/or

migration  for  various  reasons.  Assimilation  is  the  process  in  which  an  individual  or  a

family  adopts  the  dominant  culture’s  practices,  language,  norms  or  customs.

Acculturation  is  a  process  where  there  is  a  conscious  process  of  making  decisions

regarding  what  aspects  of  one’s  culture  of  origin  to  retain  and  to  continue  to

practice  and  what  aspects  may  be  sacrificed  (and  to  what  degree).  There  are  several

theories  linked  to  acculturation.  Changes  are  multidimensional  according  to  Berry

and  occur  at  individual  and  societal  levels.  The  concepts  of  adaptation  and

adjustment  are  closely  related  to  acculturation

Knowledge  of  these  processes  is  critically  important  for  the  study  of  children

in  the  context  of  their  families  given  the  rising  number  of  immigrant  families

including  transnational  families.  Immigrant  families  often  need  assistance  with

decisions  affecting  acculturation.  Cultural  shifts,  differences  and  preferences  should

be  acknowledged  and  understood  by  those  who  work  children  and  families.  Within

families  there  may  be  generational  differences,  divides  and/or  conflicts  linked  to

these  two  processes,  particularly  with  the  degrees  of  assimilation  and  the  choices  in




An  example  of  a  difference  would  be  an  East  Indian  adolescent  wanting  to  and

feeling  more  comfortable  dressing  in  American/Western  style  clothes,  rather  than

abiding  by  the  family  preferences  of  girls  only  wearing  a  sari  or  other  traditional

Indian  clothing  as  they  come  of  age.  While  the  change  is  at  the  appearance  level  it

may  be  highly  symbolic  of  the  adolescent’s  adjustments.  This  could  lead  to  a  rupture

in  family  relationships;  communication  is  vital.

Boundaries       Boundaries  are  key  to  the  structural  model.  Boundaries  are  formed  within

families  as  subsystems.  Subsystems  such  as  spousal,  sibling,  and  parent-­‐child

subsystems  must  be  able  to  maintain  boundaries,  but  must  also  allow  for  a  flow  of

information  between  subsystems.  Clarity  of  boundaries  is  linked  to  healthy  family

functioning.    Conflict  may  arise  when  the  flow  of  information  and  the  structure  of

relationships  in  the  family  are  out  of  synchrony.  Enmeshment  (no  separation)  or

disengagement  (too  much  rigidness  or  separateness)  indicate  extremes  in  how

boundaries  may  impact  family  systems.  Boundaries  are  also  both  internal  and

external;  specifically  boundaries  exist  between  the  overall  family  system  and  the

outside  world.

Boundaries  are  significant  because  they  often  reflect  nature  of  authority,

communication  and  closeness  and  provide  structure  to  family  life.  Children  often

find  security  with  healthy  and  clear  boundaries,  but  may  feel  confused  and/or  be  at

risk  when  they  have  very  enmeshed  or  very  disengaged  relationships.  When

boundaries  shift  problems  may  occur.  These  problems  or  adjustments  may  be

needed  at  times  in  response  to  stressors,  and  can  be  long-­‐term  or  more  temporary.



For  example,  if  a  child’s  medical  needs  entirely  consume  one  parent  to  the  point  of

not  giving  any  attention  to  the  spousal  subsystem,  this  adjustment  while  needed

may  create  a  strain  on  family  relationships  and  cause  boundaries  to  shift.