Stretch Application 5

HD 205, Fall 2019 Stretch Application 5


“The more you embrace your values, the greater your sense of fulfillment.”

– Russ Harris, The Happiness Trap

Intention: To transform your complaints into commitments by using course concepts to effectively navigate a challenging life situation. To apply your knowledge of HD205 lessons to your life in order to create long-term results that align with your personal values.

Mechanism: You will explore a complaint that stems from a personal value, create an action plan, and engage in a safe and modest risk to address your complaint. This risk must include FACE TO FACE conversation with another human being.

To complete the stretch, please work through the following steps:

Part 1: Identifying and Taking the Risk 1. Complete an ACT Matrix worksheet either using a complaint you identified in lecture or a new one

that is important to you. You’ll find extra blank copies on Blackboard. You must identify a safe and modest, communication-based (FACE TO FACE) risk that addresses your original complaint and aligns with your value(s).

2. Take the safe and modest, communication-based risk you identified to address the situation. Don’t just think about doing it; you must actually engage in the process and put the plan into action. You may not use cueless communication. Examples of cueless communication include but are not limited to communication by: letter, email, texting and Facebook. You must actually use your voice to communicate, face to face.

3. After completing the safe and modest risk, notice whether it was successful: did the situation change in a constructive way? If your safe and modest risk did not transform the situation constructively, adjust. Identify other safe and modest risks you could make and continue to address the situation.

***If you do not engage in your safe and modest risk, you cannot write the reflection and will receive no credit for this assignment***



Part 2: Reflection Essay

After taking the safe and modest risk(s), write a cohesive essay by including an introduction and conclusion in addition to answering each of the prompts below (remember, you can use this in your junior writing portfolio).

1. (5 pts) Write an introductory paragraph that captures the reader’s attention and sets a clear frame for your essay. This should include why you intentionally chose to take the safe and modest risk that you did.

2. (5 pts) Describe in detail: What is the nature of your complaint that you are addressing?

3. (5 pts) Describe in detail: What safe and modest risk (committed action) did you take and with whom?

4. (5 pts) Include an explanation of why this action was a risk in your growth zone. Specifically, how

well did you stretch out of your comfort zone? Be sure to explain your experience in the growth zones (comfort, growth, panic).

5. (5 pts) Identify and describe each of your values underlying your complaint. (Lower right of ACT Matrix)

6. (5 pts) Describe the uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, sensations and urges (possible internal obstacles or challenges; e.g. lower left of ACT Matrix) you were willing to experience in order to achieve the safe and modest risk (committed action) you completed. You must correctly identify thoughts, feelings, and sensations for full credit.

7. (10 pts) Choose ONE of the following course concepts listed below and describe how you applied

it to address a non-constructive behavior that you were “doing” or “not doing” (Upper left of ACT Matrix) that was preventing you from taking your safe and modest risk.

a. Concepts include: Present Moment Connection, Defusion (from unhelpful thoughts), Expansion (around uncomfortable emotions), Observer Self, Consensus, Feedback, Circles of Influence, TKI.

b. Your audience here is one of your friend’s intelligent grandmother who has never taken HD205 and is unfamiliar with the course concept.

8. (10 pts) Assess the safe and modest risk experience: Describe, in detail, what you experienced while taking your safe and modest risk(s) by answering the following questions:

a. What “worked” and “didn’t work” as far as navigating the safe and modest risk is concerned? b. What adjustments did you make or could you have made in hindsight (NOTE: answering

‘none’ or something to that effect is not acceptable)? c. How did the situation evolve or change? d. How were you personally responsible and accountable for your role in the experience?

9. (5 pts) What did you learn in this process that you can apply to other areas of your life? Why might

it be important for you to continue to practice this process of values-based committed action?

10. (5 pts) Concluding paragraph that summarizes main points of the essay. Assignment Guidelines: Be sure to follow all of these guidelines when submitting your assignment to avoid point deduction(s).

• 3-5 written pages, pay attention to transitions between paragraphs • Double spacing, 12-pt. Arial font • Submit essay text in Blackboard as a WORD document (.doc or .docx) version of essay.



Achieving Developing Struggling

Prompt 1

(5 points)

• Introductory paragraph strongly captures reader’s attention.

• Introductory paragraph sets clear frame for essay.

• Introductory paragraph clearly states intentionality of safe and modest risk.

4.5-5 points

• Introductory paragraph attempts

to capture reader’s attention. • Introductory paragraph attempts

to set frame for essay. • Introductory paragraph includes

vague intentionality of safe and modest risk.

3.5–4 points

• Introductory paragraph does not capture reader’s attention

• Introductory paragraph does not set clear frame for essay

• Introductory paragraph does not state intentionality of safe and modest risk

• Does not include an introductory paragraph

0-3 points

Prompt 2

(5 points)

• Clearly and with specific detail describes the nature of the complaint being addressed. 4.5-5 points

• Description of safe and modest communication risk taken is generic or vague.

3.5–4 points

• Limited or no description of the safe and modest communication risk taken. 0-3 points

Prompt 3

(5 points)

• Clearly and with specific detail describes the safe and modest communication risk taken. • Clearly states with whom risk was taken. • Clearly and with specific detail explains of why this risk was in growth zone. • Clearly states how risk is in direction of values. • Clearly and with specific detail describes experience in the growth zone. • Shows clear understanding of growth zones.

4.5-5 points

• Description of safe and modest

communication risk taken is generic or vague.

• Generically states with whom risk was taken.

• Generic or vague explanation of why this risk was in growth zone.

• Generic or vague description of how risk is in direction of values.

• Generic or vague description of experience in the growth zone.

• Shows limited understanding of growth zones.

3.5-4 points

• Limited or no description of

the safe and modest communication risk taken.

• Does not identify with whom risk was taken.

• Risk was not communication based.

• Limited or no explanation of why this risk was in growth zone.

• Limited or no description of how risk was in direction of values.

• Limited or no description of experience in the growth zone.

• Lacks understanding of growth zones.

0-3 points



Prompt 4

(5 points)

• Clearly and with specific detail explains of why this risk was in growth zone. • Clearly and with specific detail describes experience in the growth zone. • Shows clear understanding of growth zones. 4.5-5 points

• Generic or vague explanation of why this risk was in growth zone.

• Generic or vague description of experience in the growth zone.

• Shows limited understanding of growth zones.

3.5-4 points

• Limited or no explanation of why this risk was in growth zone.

• Limited or no description of experience in the growth zone.

• Lacks understanding of growth zones.

0-3 points

Prompt 5

(5 points)

• Detailed definition of values listed in the lower right of the matrix. 4.5-5 points

• Defines the values listed in the lower right of the matrix.

3.5-4 points

• Offers no definition of values listed in the lower right of the matrix. 0-3 points

Prompt 6

(5 points)

• Clearly identifies and with detail

describes the thoughts • Clearly identifies and with detail

describes the feelings • Clearly identifies and with detail

describes the sensations.

4.5-5 points

• Generic or vague identification

and description of thoughts • Generic or vague identification

and description of thoughts • Generic or vague identification

and description of sensations

3.5-4 points

• Limited or no identification and description of thoughts

• Limited or no identification and description of feelings

• Limited or no identification and description of sensations

0-3 points

Prompt 7

(10 points)

• Clearly describes the non- constructive behavior with focus on observable behavior. • Clearly and accurately describes course concept so that an intelligent reader with no background in HD205 would understand it. • Clearly and with detail explains the role the course concept played in addressing a non- constructive behavior. 9-10 points

• Description of non-constructive behavior lacks clarity with focus on observable behavior. • Generic or vague description of course concept. • Generic or vague explanation of the role the course concept played in addressing a non-constructive behavior. 7-8 points

• Limited or no description of non-constructive behavior • Focus is not on observable behavior. • Limited or no description of course concept. • Limited or no explanation of the role the course concept played in addressing non- constructive behavior. 0-6 points




Prompt 8

(10 points)

• Provides a detailed description of both what worked and didn’t work during the safe and modest risk experience. • Clearly identifies and explains adjustments that were made. • Provides a detailed explanation of what has evolved in the situation as a result of the safe and modest risk experience. • Demonstrates personal accountability during the risk- taking process. 9-10 points

• Lacks detail to understand what

worked and what didn’t work during the safe and modest risk experience

• Generic or vague inclusion of adjustments that were made.

• General or vague explanation of what has evolved in the situation as a result of the safe and modest risk experience.

• Personal responsibility regarding role during the risk-taking process is not clear or unaccountable (justification).

7-8 points

• Limited or description of both what worked and didn’t work during the safe and modest risk experience

• Limited or no explanation of adjustments

• Limited or no explanation of what evolved in the situation as a result of the safe and modest risk experience

• Does not demonstrate personal accountability regarding role during the risk- taking process (blames others).

0-6 points

Prompt 9

(5 points)

• Clearly identifies lessons

learned. • Clearly describes why it is

important to continue to practice value-based committed action.

4.5-5 points

• Generic or vague identification of

lessons learned. • Generic or vague description of

why it is important to continue to practice value-based committed action.

3.5-4 points

• Limited or no identification of lessons learned.

• Limited or no description of why it is important to continue to practice value-based committed action.

0-3 points

Prompt 10

(5 points)

• Solid conclusions which summarizes main points of essay. • 3-4 pages. • Double spacing, 12 pt. Arial font.

4.5-5 points

• Conclusion is confusing or needs additional detail to serve purpose. • Over or under page limit. • Incorrect font or formatting. 3.5-4 points

• Conclusion does not summarize main points of essay. • Does not include conclusion. 0-3 points