The supranational aspects of the UN are

Question 1 (2 points)

International organizations that are supranational subsume __________ within a larger whole.

A) intergovernmental organizations

B) several states

C) subnational actors

D) subnational actors


Question 2 (2 points)

The supranational aspects of the UN are __________.

A) further promoted by the UN Security Council

B) further promoted by the UN Charter

C) mostly limited by the UN Charter

D) mostly limited by the UN General Assembly


Question 3 (2 points)

The European Union is a somewhat more __________ entity than the UN, at a regional level.

A) nationalist

B) unified

C) supranational

D) marketable


Question 4 (2 points)

The integration theory that asserts that technological and economic development lead to more and more supranational structures as states seek practical means to fulfill certain activities is

A) functionalism

B) neofunctionalism

C) supranationalism

D) Supranationalism


Question 5 (2 points)

The Andean Common Market promoted a limited degree of regional integration in

A) sub-Saharan Africa

B) East Asia

C) South America

D) Oceania


Question 6 (2 points)

The form of government adopted in the U.S. Constitution is an example of which principle?

A) liberalism

B) nationalism

C) functionalism

D) Integration


Question 7 (2 points)

Among the costs of integration for states is __________.

A) a potential cultural backlash against homogenizing effects

B) the declined ability to take advantage of foreign trade

C) a declining sense of community as integration proceeds

D) a greater diversity of cultures


Question 8 (2 points)

Turkey continues to seek EU membership, __________.

A) and there is increasing popular support in Turkey for EU membership

B) and it is likely to achieve that goal by the year 2025

C) and Turkey’s president said in 2018 it was ready to “beg” for membership

D) although Turkey’s president said in 2018 it would not “beg” for membership


Question 9 (2 points)

The European Court of Justice has actively established __________, unlike the World Court.

A) judges

B) economic commissions

C) an appeals process

D) its jurisdiction


Question 10 (2 points)

__________ is a Schengen country though it is not an EU member

A) Norway

B) Sweden

C) Denmark

D) Turkey


Question 11 (2 points)

The Schuman plan led to the establishment of the European __________ in 1952.

A) Economic Community

B) Coal and Steel Community

C) Atomic Energy Community

D) Union


Question 12 (2 points)

About 40 percent of the EU budget is spent on __________.

A) the coal and steel industries

B) foreign aid to underdeveloped countries

C) salaries for EU bureaucrats

D) subsidies to farmers


Question 13 (2 points)

Which statement is true regarding the European Court of Justice?

A) The Court can overrule national law when it conflicts with EU law.

B) Cases before the Court cannot be brought by individuals or businesses.

C) The Court has no established jurisdiction.

D) The Court serves as merely a mechanism of international mediation.


Question 14 (2 points)

The Maastricht Treaty includes which of the following?

A) renaming the European Economic Community the European Community

B) renaming the European Economic Community the European Community

C) eliminating the proposal for establishing a common foreign policy

D) eliminating nontariff barriers to trade


Question 15 (2 points)

Which of the following is a criterion to join a single currency in the EU?

A) national debt above 60 percent of GDP

B) inflation no more than 10 percentage points above the average of the three lowest-inflation members

C) budget deficit less than 3 percent of GDP

D) balance-of-payment deficit less than 10 percent of GDP


Question 16 (2 points)

An example of a prominent internationally integrated scientific area of European society is the __________.

A) European Space Agency

B) eurozone

C) Euratom

D) Schengen Area


Question 17 (2 points)

The first step in creating crosscutting economic linkages in Europe after World War II that would prevent future wars called for the merger of which industries?

A) steel and oil

B) coal and railroad

C) defense and oil

D) steel and coal


Question 18 (2 points)

European integration is following a certain plan, from free trade area to customs union to common market. What is an example of the next step in the process?

A) integration of defense strategy

B) unified political structure

C) establishment of an economic and monetary union

D) inclusion of Eastern European states



Question 19 (2 points)

The Single European Act is an example of an attempt at the creation of a __________ through comprehensive changes.

A) common market

B) war treaty

C) court of justice

D) defense community


Question 20 (2 points)

Which economic theory best describes the exemption certain countries received in the so-called chocolate wars?

A) economic liberalism

B) constructivism

C) mercantilism

D) Idealism


Question 21 (2 points)

Which of the following is the order of progression of economic integration?

A) free trade area, customs union, common market, economic union

B) free trade area, common market, customs union, economic union

C) free trade area, customs union, economic union, common market

D) free trade area, customs union, monetary union, economic unionV


Question 22 (2 points)


How does the European Commission compare with the Council of the European Union

A) Commission membership is based on the size of the member state’s economy, whereas Council of the European Union membership is based on one member per member state.

B) Commission membership is approved by the Council of the European Union, whereas Council of the European Union membership is approved by the European Parliament.

C) Commission membership is based on one member per member state, whereas Council of the European Union membership varies from one meeting to the next depending on the topic being discussed.


Question 23 (2 points)

The country that is scheduled to leave the EU in 2019 is __________.

A) Iceland

B) Greece

C) Luxembourg

D) Great Britain


Question 24 (2 points)

The Treaty of Rome created which institution?

A) European Coal and Steel Community

B) European Economic Community

C) European Council

D) European Union


Question 25 (2 points)

Which countries were the first to join the (then) European Community after its founding?

A) Britain, Ireland, and Denmark

B) Greece, Spain, and Portugal

C) Austria, Sweden, and Finland

D) Norway, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein


Question 26 (2 points)

That the world had over 7.5 billion cell phone subscriptions in 2017—nearly as many as people and far outnumbering the 1 billion landlines—is an example of __________.

A) an unaffordable technology

B) a bid to expand cell phones’ U.S. audience

C) the empowering of ordinary citizens

D) the infrastructure for Internet sales


Question 27 (2 points)

Technology, especially information technology, is shifting power from __________ to __________.

A) governments; transnational actors

B) substate actors; individuals

C) individuals; states

D) governments; individuals


Question 28 (2 points)

Recent trends appear to be progressing in the direction of a more __________.

A) culturally imperialistic world culture

B) multilateral world culture

C) technologically limited culture

D) unilateral global system


Qatar has introduced a potent force in Middle East politics, which is __________.

A) an all-news satellite TV network

B) an extensive 4G cell phone network

C) digital video cameras in all college classrooms

D) a pan-Arab military force


Question 30 (2 points)

After the Soviet Union collapsed, leaders of the Soviet Union’s former republics asked the U.S. secretary of state, __________.

A) “How do I get CNN?”

B) “Where is our financial assistance?”

C) “How does the Internet work?”

D) “Will you assist in our demilitarization?”