Freedom In American Society

6/24/19, 10*55 PM8.6 Assignment | Semester Paper

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8.6 Assignment | Semester Paper

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What should I write?

Write an exposition on the health of freedom in American society today. Do not forget to include economic freedom. Explain the major threats to freedom. Propose solutions.

Do I need to include research in this paper?

Yes. This paper requires at least 6 sources. You must use at least 4 of the following 8 sources (reading selections in the course):

1. Sharansky 2. Winthrop 3. Plato 4. Rousseau 5. Declaration of Independence 6. S. Constitution 7. Evans 8. D’Souza

You must also cite at least one lesson from the course and one outside source.

That is a requirement of a minimum of 6 sources.

How long should it be?

It will be very difficult to accomplish all the requirements short of 1,750 words. Aim for about 2,000 words. Title and reference pages do not contribute to the total word count.

This paper is worth 200 points. To earn the most points:

1. Include all the required sources. 2. Address the health of freedom (and economic freedom) in American society today. 3. Explain major threats to freedom. 4. Propose real life solutions (do not parrot the professor/lesson). 5. Use the grading rubric to guide your work.



6/24/19, 10*55 PM8.6 Assignment | Semester Paper

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Freedom Semester Paper

Criteria Ratings Pts

50.0 pts

40.0 pts

6. Follow APA format – an example paper is available is available under Week 8. (No abstract is necessary.) 7. Cite all sources in APA format. 8. Avoid contractions and use of “you”. 9. Avoid plagiarism.

If you have questions about what constitutes good grammar or proper APA citation/format, please visit the Center for Writing Excellence in the Lower Level of the Warren Library.

Health of freedom

Discusses the health of freedom in American society today, including political and legal freedom

50.0 pts Superior/Excellent

Multiple aspects of freedom are referred to, specific examples are used, and society is described. The argument or analysis is clear, clearly supported and organized logically.

45.0 pts Good/Above Average

Multiple aspects of freedom are discussed, examples are used, and society is described. The argument is clear and organized logically.

35.0 pts Satisfactory

The health of freedom is discussed, including political and legal freedom, and the argument makes sense.

30.0 pts Almost

The health of freedom is mentioned, as is society. The argument was difficult to follow.

25.0 pts Attempt Made

Freedom was discussed. No supporting argument or organization made the argument difficult to discern or follow.

0.0 pts No Credit

The rater did not see this element discussed.

Economic Freedom

Discuss economic freedom in American society today.

40.0 pts Superior/Excellent

Economic freedom in American society was discussed using specific examples. The health of economic freedom in American society was discussed using specific examples. The argument or analysis is clear, clearly supported and organized logically.

36.0 pts Good/Above Average

Economic freedom was discussed using hypothetical or general examples. The health of economic freedom in American society was discussed using hypothetical or general

30.0 pts Satisfactory

Economic freedom was discussed. The health of economic freedom was discussed. The argument or analysis makes sense.

25.0 pts Almost

Economic freedom and its health were mentioned, but the argument was difficult to follow.

10.0 pts Attempt Made

Economics and/or economic freedom was mentioned. No supporting argument or organization made the argument difficult to discern or

0.0 pts No Credit

The rater did not see this element discussed.



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20.0 pts

20.0 pts

examples. The argument or analysis is clear, clearly supported and organized logically.


Threats to Freedom

20.0 pts Superior/Excellent

Emerging or existing threats to freedom are identified, using specific examples. That these identified threats ARE threats is supported using course material/resources, historical context, or logical and organized analysis.

18.0 pts Good/Above Average

Emerging or existing threats to freedom are identified, using specific examples. Argument is logical, organized, and easy to follow.

15.0 pts Satisfactory

Emerging or existing threats are identified using general examples. Argument is logical, organized, and easy to follow.

12.0 pts Almost

Threats are identified. No examples given. Major points were clear and easy to identify.

5.0 pts Attempt Made

Threats mentioned. Argument/analysis weak, disorganized, unsupported, or difficult to follow.

0.0 pts No Credit

The rater did not see this element discussed.

Solutions to Threats

20.0 pts Superior/Excellent

Solutions proposed directly address the threats mentioned. They are clearly articulated, include specific details, provide context, and are organized logically.

18.0 pts Good/Above Average

Solutions proposed directly address the threats mentioned, are clearly articulated, and are organized logically.

15.0 pts Satisfactory

Solutions are proposed and the major points are easy to identify and follow.

12.0 pts Almost

Solutions are proposed and make sense.

5.0 pts Attempt Made

Solutions are proposed. The major points or argument was weak, disorganized, unsupported, or difficult to follow.

0.0 pts No Credit

The rater did not see this element discussed.

Content & Thinking

10.0 pts Superior/Excellent

The paper links theory to

8.0 pts Good/Above Average

5.0 pts Almost

The paper

3.0 pts Attempt Made

The paper

0.0 pts No Credit

No theory



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10.0 pts

10.0 pts

10.0 pts

10.0 pts

relevant examples and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly. The content is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive.

The paper links theory to relevant examples. The content is accurate and persuasive.

mentions theory and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly.

mentions theory, but does not necessarily use the vocabulary of the theory correctly.

vocabulary was used. The content was not accurate or persuasive.

Sources Used

10.0 pts Full Marks

Used an argument/supporting quote (cited) from at least 6 of the following: — Sharansky — Winthrop — Plato — Rousseau — Declaration of Independence — The U.S. Constitution — Evans — D’Souza — Class lecture/lesson (REQUIRED) — Outside source (REQUIRED)

8.0 pts Almost

Missed one of the REQUIRED sources, but still got in 6 of the source choices.

6.0 pts Good Attempt

Missed BOTH of the required sources, but still got in 6 of the source choices.

4.0 pts Attempt Made

Used 6 sources, but not necessarily all from the list.

2.0 pts Unsatisfactory

Used sources, but fewer than 6, and not from the list.

0.0 pts No Credit

No sources used. Simply a freewrite.

Introduction 10.0 pts Full Marks

Strong introduction with clear and defensible thesis – or excellent hook.

7.5 pts Satisfactory

Introduction summarized what would be covered in the paper.

5.0 pts Attempt Made

There appears to be an introduction, but it was difficult follow or difficult to find.

2.0 pts Unsatisfactory

Introduction consisted of one sentence.

0.0 pts No credit

The rater did not see an introduction.

Conclusion 10.0 pts Full Marks

The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and sums up the paper nicely.

8.0 pts Good

The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper and reviews the major points.

5.0 pts Attempt Made

The conclusion simply recaps the major points in the introduction or those mentioned throughout the paper.

2.0 pts Unsatisfactory

The conclusion was included in another element of the paper (like “Solutions”) – or was simply a single sentence at the end of the paper.

0.0 pts No Credit

The rater did not see a conclusion.

Readability & Style

15.0 pts Superior/Excellent

12.0 pts Good/Above

10.0 pts Satisfactory

5.0 pts Attempt

0.0 pts No Marks



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Total Points: 200.0

15.0 pts

5.0 pts

8.0 pts

2.0 pts

Paragraph transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper. Sentences are well constructed and maintain the flow of thought. There are no run-ons or comma splices, no fragments, no awkward wording. The tone is appropriate to the content – and there are no contractions used. “You” and “your” are also avoided.


Good paragraph transitions, good sentences, no awkward wording, some contractions OR use of “you”.

Decent paragraph transitions, good tone (but does use contractions AND “you”/”your”), some ill- formed sentences.


There are paragraph breaks and the sentences can be understood, but the transitions are not smooth.

No paragraph breaks, sentences are difficult to read and follow.

APA formatting

5.0 to >0.0 pts Full Marks

The paper- including the running head, title page, reference page, page numbers, spacing and indentations – follows APA guidelines.

0.0 pts No Marks

Citations 8.0 to >6.0 pts Full Marks

Everything that needs to be cited IS cited and in-text citations follow APA guidelines.

6.0 to >4.0 pts Almost

There are citations where needed, but they are not APA formatted.

4.0 to >0 pts Not Quite

Missing some or all citations.

Grammar & Punctuation

2.0 to >0.0 pts

Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed and spelling is correct.

0.0 pts No Marks

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