School of Health Professions, Science and Wellness
Department of Nursing
Clinical Care Plan
Student: _________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Submission of clinical care plan on due date (5 Points)
Instructor: ______________________________ Clinical Course: ______________________
Client’s Code Name: ___________ Age: _________ Gender: ________
Primary Medical Diagnosis: ____________________________________________________
Secondary Medical Diagnoses: __________________________________________________
Present Surgery (if applicable): _____________________ Date of Surgery: ______________
Allergies and Symptoms They Cause: _____________________________________________
Height: ________ Weight: _________
Code Status: ________________________
Section I
General Data, Health History, and Review of Systems
( 10 Points)
Biographical Data:
Chief Complaint:
History of Present Illness (Detailed):
Past Medical/Surgical and Injury History:
Sociocultural History (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, ADLs, marital status, children, religion, culture, ethnic group, and education):
Spiritual Well-Being:
Family History of Illness:
Immunization History:
Developmental Stage in Life:
Description of Procedures (Surgeries) Performed this Admission:
Review of Systems – brief history of each system and use abbreviated format, not complete sentences
Skin, hair, and nails:
Lymph nodes:
HEENT (head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, throat):
Section II
In this section, the student must address a description of the disease process including etiology, pathophysiology, signs and symptoms and standard treatment including medication, surgery, etc. (This section should be used to describe the textbook explanation of the disease and compare it with the patient’s picture of his/her disease condition. Attach a reference page at the end of care plan ) References done in APA Format (5 Points)
Pathophysiology of Disease Process
(Points 10)
Classic Signs and Symptoms of Disease Process
(5 Points)
Section III
Physical Assessment
(15 Points)
Physical Assessment:
Vital Signs (T, P, R, BP, SPO2)
General Appearance
Breasts and Lymph Nodes
Skin and Nails
Pelvic and Rectal
Neurological (DTR’s, reflex grading, cranial nerve evaluation)
Intake and Output
Pain assessment (include reassessment)
Fall Risk Assessment (include score)
Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment (include score)
Section IV
Diagnostic Data
(5 Points)
Inlcude pertinent diagnostic tests, including labs, EKG, and X-Rays
Diagnostic Tests | Patient’s value | Normal Range | Inference(why is this patients value abnormal) |
Section V
Treatments and Procedures
List all treatment and procedure interventions/nursing actions dependent (physician initiated) and independent (nursing initiated) performed during your clinical experience.
( 5 Points)
Treatments and Procedures | Day & Times | Rationale |
Section VI
Teaching and Health Promotion
( 5 Points)
List client’s teaching Needs/Knowledge Deficits, such as teaching about a new diet, reasons for being NPO, reasons for wearing elastic stockings, etc.
Section VII
(5 Points)
List of Nursing Diagnoses (Minimum of 5) Use your assessment of your client’s human needs to write your nursing diagnoses. Actual and Potential deficits and wellness diagnoses are expected. Your nursing diagnoses must be substantiated by your health assessment of your client.
Human Needs | Nursing Diagnoses
(Circle Selected Nursing Diagnoses) |
Nursing Diagnoses Statements |
1. Perfusion (Cardiac) 2. Acid Base Balance 3. Ventilation 4. Diffusion |
Decreased Cardiac output
Tissue perfusion, altered (specify) renal, Cerebral, cardiopulmonary, gastrointestinal, peripheral Impaired Gas exchange Ineffective airways cleaning Ineffective Respiratory pattern Difficulty maintaining spontaneous ventilation, Respiratory dysfunctional response to Weaning High risk of Asphyxia High risk of Aspiration |
Fluid & Electrolytes Balance
1. Acid Base Balance 2. Metabolism 3. Intracranial Regulation |
Liquids, excess volume Liquids, Volume Deficit Liquids, high risk of volume deficit Body temperature: high risk of impaired Hypothermia Hyperthermia Ineffective Thermoregulation | |
Elimination | Constipation Subjective Constipation Chronic Constipation Diarrhea Fecal Incontinence Urinary, impaired elimination Urinary incontinence: stress Urinary Incontinence: reflects Urinary Incontinence: emergency Urinary Incontinence: Functional Urinary Incontinence: total Urinary, retention Self-care, deficit: use the potty / toilet
1. Energy 2. Cellular structure and function 3. Failure to Thrive 4. Metabolism |
Nutrition, altered: excess Nutrition, altered: by default Nutrition, potential alterations: excess Self-care, deficit: feeding Swallowing, impaired Ineffective Breastfeeding interrupted breastfeeding Effective Breastfeeding Infant Feeding ineffective pattern | |
Sleep | Sleep pattern disturbance | |
Mobility | Disuse, high risk of syndrome Physical mobility, disorder Peripheral Neurovascular, high risk of dysfunction Activity intolerance Activity, high risk of intolerance
Self-care, deficit: dressing / grooming |
Sensation and Cognition
1. Mood and affect 2. Tissue integrity |
Sen-so-perceptual alterations (specify) visual auditory, kin esthetic, gustatory, tactile, olfactory.
Tissue, impaired integrity Oral mucous membrane, altered Skin, impaired Cutaneous, high risk of deterioration of the integrity Self-care, deficit: bathing / hygiene |
Rest and Comfort
1. Pain 2. Stress and Coping 3. Fatigue |
Coping: ineffective
Anxiety Fear FatigueTransfer, stress syndrome Pain Chronic Pain
Spiritual Integrity
1. Grief and loss 2. Cultural |
Spiritual suffering HopelessnessImpotence Bereavement dysfunctional Early Mourning | |
1. Love and Belonging 2. Social Support Systems 3. Self-Actualization |
Verbal, disorder Social, impaired interaction Social isolation Coping: ineffective
Recreation, deficitRole, impaired performance Parenteral, alteration Parenteral, high risk of disruption Parenteral, role conflict Adaptation disorder Family, alteration processes Role of caregiver, overexertion in The role of caregiver, high risk to overuse in the Defensive coping Denial ineffective Ineffective family coping: disabling Ineffective family coping: engaged |
Sexual Integrity
1. Reproductive Health 2. Sexual Relationships 3. Sexuality |
Sexual dysfunction Sexuality, altered patterns of | |
1. Infection and Inflammation 2. Immunity 3. Substance abuse 4. Abusive environments |
Infection, high risk of Dysreflexia Injury, high risk Poisoning, high risk of Trauma, high risk of Protection, impaired engaged Violence, high risk: self-injury, injury to other Self-mutilation, high risk of Post-traumatic response Rape, traumatic syndrome of Violation, trauma syndrome: compound reaction Violation, trauma syndrome: silent reaction | |
1. Developmental milestones across the lifespan 2. Health promotion/health beliefs 3. Behaviors 4. Teaching and learning |
Growth and development, altered
Coping familiar development potential Coping:ineffective Knowledge, deficit (specify) Thought, alteration processes Health, generating conducts (specify) Treatment, tracking no (specify) Decisions, conflict in the making (specify) Therapeutic regimen, ineffective management of (individual) Home, difficulties in maintaining Health, alteration in the maintenance of Body Image, disorder Self-esteem disorder Self-esteem, lack of: chronic Self-esteem, lack of: situational Personal, disorder |
Section VIII
(5 Points)
Medication Sheet
Medication Dose
Brand/ Generic Name |
Mechanism of Action/Indication for Use | Contraindication | Adverse Effects/Side Effects | Nursing Implications
Outcomes | Safe Dose
(yes or no) Why is your client on the drug? |
Section IX
Nursing Interventions
(Points 20)
Findings |
Nursing Diagnoses
(Actual & Potential Deficits, Wellness Diagnoses) |
Short and Long Term |
Interventions/Nursing Systems
(Dependent & Independent) |
(Why are you performing that intervention?) |
(What was the actual result?) |