BSBCRT401 Articulate, Present And Debate Ideas
BSBCRT401/BSBCRT401 SAG v1.0.docx
Student Assessment Guide |
Articulate, Present and Debate Ideas |
Student Assessment Guide – BSBCRT401 Version 1 – July 2017
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· Student Assessment Guide
· Student Assessment Workbook
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Table of Contents Assessment Information 1 Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions 2 Question 1 2 Question 2 2 Question 3 2 Question 4 2 Question 5 3 Assessment Event 2: Go Green Simulation 3 Task 1: Analyse ideas for communication to others 3 1.1 List and describe the key facts about the Go Green initiative 3 1.2 Identify positions with the Go Green initiative 3 1.3 Identify ways of communicating Go Green ideas for different purposes and people 3 1.4 List and describe techniques to engage and fascinate others with Go Green ideas 3 1.5 List and describe the skills and attributes required to communicate ideas 4 1.6 Plan the use of digital tools to store and present information 4 Task 2: Provoke response and reaction 4 2.1 Use different techniques to engage and fascinate 4 2.2 Creates innovating approaches to different communication challenges 4 2.3 Takes risks in communicating ideas 4 Task 3: Debate ideas to achieve commitment to the Go Green initiative 4 3.1 Articulates substantiated positions on ideas 4 3.2 Is open to critical analysis 4 3.3 Argues substantiated position 4 3.4 Participate in conversations to generate new ideas 5 Appendix A: Go Green Simulation 5 Go Green Simulation Background 5 Simulation Phases 5 Your Role in the Simulation 5 Phase 1: 5 Phase 2: 5 Phase 3: 6 Assessment Conditions for the Observation 7 Appendix B: Observation Check Sheet 8
Assessment Information
Welcome to your Student Assessment Guide for BSBCRT401 Articulate, Present and Debate Ideas. This Guide provides you with information on the assessment particularly what you have to do and to what level of performance.
This assessment has the following two events:
Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions |
There are five questions that will provide us with evidence of your general knowledge of key principles and techniques associated with planning and articulating ideas.
This assessment is completed in your own time and by a submission date provided by your Assessor. You may use support material in the development of your responses, but you must indicate the source. In addition, you must not ‘cut and paste’ content from your source, rather, use your words, unless it is a direct quote. |
Assessment Event 2 – Simulation: Go Green |
You will complete a number of tasks that will provide us with evidence of your skills with planning then debating ideas to influence commitment to the Go Green initiative. These tasks will be based on your role of Project Officer in a simulation with your RTO. |
Remember, you do not type your responses in this Student Assessment Guide, but use the Student Assessment Workbook, which is a separate document. This document is simply a guide to explain what you are required to do, and by doing so, this will assist you to perform at your best.
Please note that your responses for both assessment events can (where appropriate) use dot point format. See below for an example of a dot point response and a full sentence response.
Dot point format | Presentation Plan includes the following:
· outcomes · needs of the audience · context. |
Full sentence format | When you are preparing for a Presentation, there are a number of tasks that must be carried out. These are; listing the outcomes that you want to achieve, followed by the identification of the needs of your audience. When you have completed these two tasks, you then check on the room you will be conducting the simulation in etc. |
Performance required
· complete all of the questions and tasks listed in this Student Assessment Workbook
· ensure that your responses meet the requirements
· ensure that these responses are relevant, accurate and specific
· submit your completed Student Assessment Workbook to your Assessor electronically (note, your Assessor may allow you to submit Assessment Event 1 and receive feedback before starting Assessment Event 2)
· submit your Student Assessment Workbook within the timeframes given by your Assessor
· ensure your work is your own and in your words
· where you use an external source for information, you must provide citation.
Please be aware that your Assessor is here to provide you with the necessary support throughout the assessment process. If you have questions, then contact them for guidance.
Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions
These questions are theoretical and provide evidence of your understanding of communication skills particularly using creative techniques to engage.
Each question includes the requirements which indicate what you have to do and the depth of your response to achieve a satisfactory result.
Question 1
In the table below, explain different ways in which individual receive and respond to ideas and information and the factors that influence their response.
R 1. identify methods that individuals receive and respond to ideas and information:
a. list and explain three methods
b. word count is approximately 25 words for each explanation
R 2. list four factors for each method.
Methods | Explanation | Factors influencing their response |
Question 2
Identify the enabling skills and attributes of people needed to effectively discuss ideas.
R 1. list five attributes required to discuss ideas
R 2. list five skills required to discuss ideas.
Question 3
Describe the nature and role of risk taking in the presentation and debate of ideas.
R 1. explain the concept of risk taking in approximately 20 words
R 2. explain two roles that risk taking can play
R 3. word count is approximately 150 in total.
Question 4
Explain the role and techniques with storytelling in communicating ideas.
R 1. explain two roles of storytelling
R 2. list four techniques of storytelling
R 3. word count is approximately 75 words in total.
Question 5
Describe common techniques to tailor comments to particular audiences.
R 1. describe five techniques
R 2. word count is approximately 75 words in total.
Assessment Event 2: Go Green Simulation
In this assessment, you will undertake a number of tasks associated with the preparation and then implementation of a persuasive discussion to a set of stakeholders on the merits and challenges of the RTO becoming more environmentally sustainable.
In this simulation you will perform the following actions:
· analyse ideas to communicate to stakeholders
· deliver ideas to provoke a response
· debate ideas.
Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with this set of requirements that underpin this simulation. This includes understanding the background of the simulation and the criteria you will be assessed on. These are located in the Appendix of this document.
Task 1: Analyse ideas for communication to others
In this task, you will plan how you will have stakeholders embrace the implementation of the Go Green initiative.
1.1 List and describe the key facts about the Go Green initiative
R 1. research and list five facts about sustainability in the RTO
R 2. word count is approximately 50 words per fact.
1.2 Identify positions with the Go Green initiative
R 1. describe three potential positions of end users
R 2. describe three positions you have with the project
R 3. word count is approximately 100 words per description.
1.3 Identify ways of communicating Go Green ideas for different purposes and people
R 1. identify and describe four communication methods:
· with each method describe the purpose
· with each method describe the requirements to meet the needs of various end users to the project
R 2. word count is approximately 75 words for each method.
1.4 List and describe techniques to engage and fascinate others with Go Green ideas
R 1. describe at least two examples of engaging others
R 2. word count is approximately 200 words for each example.
1.5 List and describe the skills and attributes required to communicate ideas
R 1. identify and explain four attributes and five skills required to discuss ideas
R 2. word count is approximately 5 words for each attribute and skill.
1.6 Plan the use of digital tools to store and present information
R 1. use a minimum of one digital resource in the preparation and presenting of ideas
R 2. word count is not critical.
Task 2: Provoke response and reaction
In this task, you will implement your plan in an effort to get a response and reaction from end-users of the Go Green initiative.
2.1 Use different techniques to engage and fascinate
R 1. uses a communication technique to get attention to the project
R 2. word count is not critical but this task will have a duration of ten minutes.
2.2 Creates innovating approaches to different communication challenges
R 1. uses a communication technique to get attention to the project
R 2. word count is not critical but this task will have a duration of ten minutes.
2.3 Takes risks in communicating ideas
R 1. uses a communication technique that has a level of risk to the individual (both student and stakeholder)
R 2. word count is not critical but this task will be part of either 2.1 or 2.2 and have a duration of ten minutes.
Task 3: Debate ideas to achieve commitment to the Go Green initiative
In this task, you will continue with the engagement of stakeholders to get a level of commitment to the project.
3.1 Articulates substantiated positions on ideas
R 1. describes key facts about the Go Green initiative
R 2. articulates position on the Go Green initiative
R 3. word count is not critical but this task will have a duration of five minutes.
3.2 Is open to critical analysis
R 1. listens to the view of others
R 2. does not take a defensive response but is open to the ideas being generated
R 3. treats these ideas as opportunities to develop new understandings
R 4. word count is not critical but this task will have a duration of ten minutes.
3.3 Argues substantiated position
R 1. includes where appropriate the view of others and adjust substantiated position
R 2. with views that are inappropriate, explains the limitations of their ideas
R 3. uses other communication approaches to influence substantiated position
R 4. word count is not critical but this task will have a duration of ten minutes.
3.4 Participate in conversations to generate new ideas
R 1. identifies areas mutual acceptance
R 2. identifies areas of disagreement
R 3. invites collaboration on strategies to refine ideas
R 4. reflects on this refinement and where possible embraces new ideas
R 5. word count is not critical but this task will have a duration of ten minutes.
Appendix A: Go Green Simulation
Go Green Simulation Background
Your Registered Training Organisation (RTO) where you are enrolled will have a number of operational procedures for managing the college. In recent times, the RTO has been moving to a more sustainable model where it would like to take a number of steps to improve its carbon foot print. The Manager has branded this initiative as ‘Go Green’ and intends for the organisation to become a responsible corporate citizen in terms of protecting the environment.
Management is aware that one of the challenges to this implementation will be overcoming the resistance of students and staff to taking on this change initiative. In this simulation, the Manager has requested that the Project Officer (you the student) develop an approach to engage stakeholders to commit to the Go Green Project. The manager is well aware that this will require crafting and implementing dialogue that will generate collaboration to the project.
Simulation Phases
This simulation is divided into the following phases:
Phase 1: | analyse ideas to communicate to stakeholders |
Phase 2: | deliver ideas to provoke a response |
Phase 3: | debate ideas. |
Your Role in the Simulation
You will be the Project Officer of Go Green in the simulation. Your roles and responsibilities in the simulation are as follows:
Phase 1:
Phase 1 occurs from Task 1.1 to Task 1.4. In Phase 1 your main duties in the organisation are as follows:
· Identifies the themes in the communication of the ideas
· Identifies methods of communication
· Identifies the skills and attributes required to participate in the discussion of the ideas.
· Identifies the technologies required to communicate the ideas
Phase 2:
Phase 2 occurs in Tasks 2.1 through to Task 2.3.
This simulation will have a duration of 60 minutes where you will interact with a minimum of two stakeholders who will be role played by the RTO staff, to gain attention and provoke a response to the Go Green initiative. Note that your Assessor will not play a role in this observation activity as they will be observing your interaction with the stakeholders and documenting evidence in the Observation Check Sheet(s) provided in Appendix B.
In Phase 2 your main duties in the organisation are as follows:
· Interact with stakeholders to trigger a reaction to the Go Green initiative
Phase 3:
Phase 3 occurs from Task 3.1 through to Task 3.4. In Phase 3 your main duties in the organisation are as follows:
· generate dialogue on go green initiative
· seek refinement to the initiative.
Assessment Conditions for the Observation
The information in this section outlines the assessment conditions for the Observation which occurs in phases 2 and 3 and involves your interaction with two stakeholders.
Before the Observation:
· you must ensure that you have read and understood any documents required to undertake the Observation
· you must ensure that you have read and understood all performance requirements listed under each task
· you must ensure that you have read the requirements listed in the Observation Check Sheet as your performance will be judged based on these criteria (see Appendix B)
· your Assessor will inform you of the date of your Observation.
During the Observation:
· you will be interacting with the Administration Officer and a Trainer
· it has a total duration of 60 minutes
· other students will not be observers during the session as this will give them an unfair advantage
· these stakeholders will be role played by staff from the RTO or other externals
· your Assessor will brief them on your topic so that they can carry out their actions in an appropriate manner
· you cannot refer to the Observation Check Sheet while undertaking the Observation
· your Assessor will:
· observe you individually based on the criteria in the Observation Check Sheet
· document their observations in detail on the Observation Check Sheet
· provide extensive written feedback
· ensure that the session will be free from distractions
· you must comply with WHS requirements
· you must demonstrate all the criteria in the Observation Check Sheet to achieve a satisfactory result for the Observation.
If you are not successful, after the observation, the Assessor will:
· provide written feedback on the Observation Check Sheet explaining their justification in detail
· communicate this feedback to you
· arrange another suitable time to observe your second attempt.
Appendix B: Observation Check Sheet
We have provided the Observation Check Sheet(s) for you to prepare for your assessment with the Assessor. Remember, you will not be able to use this Check Sheet(s) during this session. However, we recommend you use this as a planning tool so that you are fully prepared for the observation.
Note that you must demonstrate all the criteria listed in the following Observation Check Sheet(s) to be deemed satisfactory.
Performance requirements: |
· welcomes participants:
· friendly · introduces each other · is positive |
Provoke response and reaction: |
· commences with a dynamic opening:
· delivery is energising · content is concise · content is relevant to the pitch · content and delivery is novel · delivery gains attention · and it generates interest · it produces a response |
· uses an additional communication technique to address communication challenges such as:
· stakeholder(s) are not engaging with content · to provoke further reaction · this technique: · is energising · is concise · is relevant to the pitch · is novel · gains attention · generates interest · produces a response |
· these techniques have a level of risk such as:
· acknowledges own limits · gives personal information · shows vulnerabilities · asks for help in a controlled manner · challenges current norms, such as position will be different to what is accepted by the group · Uses an alternative style to what is preferred such as use of humour |
Debate ideas: |
· information is presented covering topics such as:
· what has been achieved · what areas need addressing · the impact of these issues on the organisation · the benefits of sustainability |
· this information is accurate and grounded on research |
· this information is logical and rational in thought |
· uses technology to support the message:
· uses a resource aid · resource aid supports understanding · is used in a professional manner
· seeks input on their views:
· encourages a response · uses open questions to explore issues · listens and does not interrupt · validates contribution · clarifies this feedback to confirm understanding · takes notes to ensure points are not lost · includes where appropriate, the views of others by adjusting one’s substantiated position(s) · where views are considered as inappropriate, explains the limitation of their ideas · uses other methods to influence substantiated positions · reflects on areas of mutual agreement · reflects on areas of disagreement · invites further collaboration to attempt to refine ideas that are acceptable to both parties · commits to new ideas |
Appropriate Communication Skills: |
· body language skills:
· maintains eye contact · uses appropriate facial expressions · posture is appropriate · gestures fit message |
· verbal skills:
· vocal pitch is appropriate · tone is pleasant · pace is at the right speed to achieve clarity · volume is appropriate for participants |
· sensitive to the cultural diversity of the participants:
· language avoids jargon · language is easy to understand · level of formality shows respect · content is non-sensitive · watches for non-verbal signs of both participants · seeks input if withdrawn through direct open questioning |
· appropriate use of emotions:
· processes emotions of self and participants and stayed calm · feeds back to the group, emerging issues · these interpretations are accurate and appropriate |
Trust: |
· session is presented in an interesting way:
· generates enthusiasm · material is comprehensive |
· the student is credible:
· knowledgeable · honest · sincere · motivating · confident |
· the student is professional:
· concise · organised · uses resources where appropriate · does not read from notes · does not lose focus |
Student Assessment Guide – BSBCRT401 Version 1 – July 2017
__MACOSX/BSBCRT401/._BSBCRT401 SAG v1.0.docx
BSBCRT401/BSBCRT401 SAW v1.0.docx
Student Assessment Workbook | |
Articulate, Present and Debate Ideas |
Student Full Name: | |
Student ID: | |
Date Submitted: | |
Assessment – BSBCRT401 Version 1 – July 2017
Assessment Information
Welcome to your Student Assessment Workbook for BSBCRT401 Articulate, Present and Debate Ideas.
This Workbook is where you will write all your responses for the knowledge questions and simulation tasks. Please refer to the Student Assessment Guide for more information.
This assessment has the following two events:
Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions |
There are five questions that will provide us with evidence of your general knowledge of key principles and techniques associated with planning and articulating ideas.
This assessment is completed in your own time and by a submission date provided by your Assessor. You may use support material in the development of your responses, but you must indicate the source. In addition, you must not ‘cut and paste’ content from your source, rather, use your words, unless it is a direct quote. |
Assessment Event 2 – Simulation: Go Green |
You will complete a number of tasks that will provide us with evidence of your skills with planning then debating ideas to influence commitment to the Go Green initiative. These tasks will be based on your role of Project Officer in a simulation with your RTO. |
Please note that your responses for both assessment events can (where appropriate) use dot point format. See below an example of a dot point response and a full sentence response.
Dot point format | Presentation Plan includes the following:
· outcomes · needs of the audience · context. |
Full sentence format | When you are preparing for a presentation, there are a number of tasks that must be carried out. These are listing the outcomes that you want to achieve, followed by the identification of the needs of your audience. When you have completed these two tasks you then check on the room that you will be conducting the presentation in. |
To be deemed competent for this unit, you will need to meet the following requirements:
· complete all of the questions and tasks listed in this Student Assessment Workbook
· ensure that your responses meet the performance requirements
· ensure that these responses are relevant, accurate and specific
· submit your completed Student Assessment Workbook to your Assessor electronically (note, your Assessor may allow you to submit Assessment Event 1 and receive feedback before starting Assessment Event 2)
· submit your Student Assessment Workbook within the timeframes given by your Assessor
· ensure your work is your own and in your words
· where you use an external source for information, you must provide citation.
Pre-assessment Checklist
Your assessor will go through the assessment for this unit, BSBCRT401 Articulate, Present and Debate Ideas. It is important that you understand this assessment before taking on the questions and tasks. To confirm that you have been given this overview, we ask you to complete the following Pre-Assessment Checklist.
You are required to carefully read each checklist item provided below and tick either ‘Y’ to confirm your understanding or ‘N’ if you disagree. In case you disagree with an item, please provide your reason under the ‘Comments’ column.
When you have done this, we ask you to sign this Pre-Assessment Checklist. This acknowledges that your Trainer/Assessor has discussed all of the information with you prior to undertaking this assessment.
Pre – assessment Checklist | Comments | ||
Y | N | I, the student, understand the purpose of the assessment. | |
Y | N | I understand when and where the assessment will occur, who will assess and in what format the assessment will be submitted. | |
Y | N | I understand the methods of assessment. | |
Y | N | I understand what resources are required to complete this assessment. | |
Y | N | I understand the performance level required for each assessment event. | |
Y | N | I understand that it must be my own work. I have been explained and understand the serious consequences in case this work is found plagiarised. | |
Y | N | I understand the process if I am deemed not yet competent. | |
Y | N | I understand the feedback process and the appeals process. | |
Y | N | The assessor has discussed with me if I have any special needs and if so what arrangements have been made. |
Student Full Name | Student ID | Student Signature | Date |
Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions
These questions are theoretical and provide evidence of your understanding of communication skills particularly using creative techniques to engage.
Question 1
In the table below, explain different ways in which individual receive and respond to ideas and information and the factors that influence their response.
Write your response into the table:
Methods | Explanation | Factors influencing their response |
Question 2
Identify the enabling skills and attributes of people needed to effectively discuss ideas.
Write your response here:
Question 3
Describe the nature and role of risk taking in the presentation and debate of ideas.
Question 4
Explain the role and techniques with storytelling in communicating ideas.
Question 5
Describe common techniques to tailor comments to particular audiences.
Write your response here:
Assessment Event 2 – Go Green Simulation
In this assessment, you will undertake a number of tasks associated with the preparation and then implementation of a persuasive discussion to a set of stakeholders on the merits and challenges of the RTO becoming more environmentally sustainable.
In this simulation you will perform the following actions:
· analyse ideas to communicate to stakeholders
· deliver ideas to provoke a response
· debate ideas.
Task 1: Analyse ideas for communication to others
In this task, you will plan how you will have stakeholders embrace the implementation of the Go Green initiative.
1.1 List and describe the key facts about the Go Green initiative
Write your response here:
1.2 Identify positions with the Go Green initiative
1.3 Identify ways of communicating Go Green ideas for different purposes and people
Write your response into the table:
Communication options | Purpose (outcomes) | People (suited to which position) |
1.4 List and describe techniques to engage and fascinate others with Go Green ideas
1.5 List and describe the skills and attributes required to communicate ideas
1.6 Plan the use of digital tools to store and present information
Task 2: Provoke response and reaction
In this task you will implement your plan in an effort to get a response and reaction from end-users of the Go Green initiative.
2.1 Use different techniques to engage and fascinate
2.2 Creates innovating approaches to different communication challenges
2.3 Takes risks in communicating ideas
Write your response here:
Task 3: Debate ideas to achieve commitment to the Go Green initiative
In this task you will continue with the engagement of stakeholders to get a level of commitment to the project.
3.1 Articulates substantiated positions on ideas
3.2 Is open to critical analysis
3.3 Argues substantiated position
3.4 Participate in conversations to generate new ideas
Write your response here:
For Assessor Use Only | ||
Task Outcome Sheets
The Outcome Sheet below is the assessment questions and tasks for each of the assessment events that the student is required to complete. Assessors, tick ‘S’ if the student achieved a satisfactory outcome for an assessment task and ‘NYS’ if the student does not meet these requirements. Also, you are required to write comments on the quality of this evidence under the ‘Comments’ column. For your judgement on the student’s overall performance, tick ‘Satisfactory’ if the student achieves a satisfactory outcome for all of the tasks or ‘Not-Yet-Satisfactory’.
Assessment Event 1
Assessment Event 1 Knowledge Questions | S | NYS | Comments |
Question 1 | |||
Question 2 | |||
Question 3 | |||
Question 4 | |||
Question 5 | |||
The student’s performance for Assessment Event 1 is | Satisfactory | Not-Yet-Satisfactory | |
Assessor Signature: | Date: |
Assessment Event 2 – Simulation
Assessment Event 2 | S | NYS | Comments | |
Task 1:
Analyse ideas for communication to others |
Sub Task 1.1 | |||
Sub Task 1.2 | ||||
Sub Task 1.3 | ||||
Sub Task 1.4 | ||||
Sub Task 1.5 | ||||
Sub Task 1.6 | ||||
Task 2:
Provoke response and reaction |
Sub Task 2.1 | |||
Sub Task 2.2 | ||||
Sub Task 2.3 | ||||
Task 3:
Debate ideas to achieve commitment to the Go Green initiative |
Sub Task 3.1 | |||
Sub Task 3.2 | ||||
Sub Task
3.3 |
Sub Task
3.4 |
The student’s overall performance is | Satisfactory | Not-Yet-Satisfactory | ||
Assessor Signature: | Date: |
Assessment Outcome Sheet
Student ID | Family Name | First Name | |||
Course Code | Course Title | ||||
Unit Code | BSBCRT401 | Unit Title | Articulate, Present and Debate Ideas | ||
Assessment Outcome
Assessor, please tick and date the student’s final outcome of this assessment: |
Initial Submission | Date | Re-submission 1 | Date | Re-submission 2 | Date | |||
|_| C | |_| NYC | ___/___/____ | |_| C | |_| NYC | ___/___/____ | |_| C | |_| NYC | ___/___/____ |
Assessor’s Feedback
Assessor, please provide your comments on the student’s final outcome of this assessment:
Assessor Full Name | Signature | Date |
Receipt of Student’s Assessment
Assessor, you must provide the completed copy of this receipt to the student as an evidence of submission of their assessment to you. |
Student ID | Family Name | First Name | |||||
Course Code | Course Title | ||||||
Unit Code | BSBCRT401 | Unit Title | Articulate, Present and Debate Ideas | ||||
Due Date | __/__/___ | Date Received | __/__/___ | Extension
Approved |
Y N | Date Approved | __/__/___ |
Initial Submission | Re-submission 1 | Re-submission 2 | Assessor’s Signature |
Student Feedback Form
Dear Student,
We are keen to improve our products and services, and assessment tools are a key part of this. Therefore, we would welcome your feedback on the assessment. If you could take a few minutes to complete the form below, it would be greatly appreciated. Please provide thoughtful responses as your opinions are highly valued.
Yes | No | Questions |
Y | N | Did the assessment cover the training you received for this unit? |
Y | N | Were the tasks in Assessment Event 2 based on realistic activities that you would expect to be doing in a workplace? |
Y | N | Did you understand the assessment instructions? |
Y | N | Were the tasks easy to understand? |
Y | N | Did the Assessor set up and run the simulation professionally? |
Y | N | Was the Assessor’s decision fair? |
Y | N | Was the Assessor’s feedback specific? |
Y | N | Was the Assessor’s feedback comprehensive? |
Y | N | Was the Assessor’s feedback constructive? |
Y | N | Was the Assessor’s feedback timely? |
Y | N | Were you satisfied with your effort in this assessment? |
What would you change about this assessment? | ||
What could the Assessor have done differently to improve the assessment process and/or assessment feedback? | ||
Overall, what was the most significant challenge of this assessment? | ||
Overall, what did you like the most about this assessment? | ||
Do you have any other comments? |
Assessment – BSBCRT401 Version 1 – July 2017