The Case Of Robert Week 10


Intake Date: May 2019



This is a voluntary intake for a 33-year-old Caucasian, Protestant male. Robert has

had several psychiatric hospitalizations in the past. He has been married for 8

years and has been separated from his wife for the past ten months. He initially

moved in with his parents but recently moved to his own place for the past five

months. His wife lives two blocks from him. Robert has had difficulty in jobs and

has not been at any job longer than two years.



“I miss my wife and do not want to live if I have to live without her”.



Robert reports first seeking psychiatric treatment when he was seventeen years old.

He was prescribed anti-depressants but does not remember what kind. The antidepressants worked well for his depressed mood, so he remained on antidepressants for three years until he believed he did not need them anymore since

things started changing for him. He was feeling much better, happier, freer, able to

get out there and conquer the world. At 21, he began drinking. His chemical use

increased in his early twenties when he began using cocaine and amphetamines.

His use of alcohol and pills continued throughout his late twenties. At twentynine-years-old, he attempted suicide after his wife left for the first time. He was

hospitalized in a psychiatric unit for thirty days where he was also treated for drug

and alcohol addiction. At this time, he became involved with AA and NA for a

short period of time. After the reconciliation with his wife, their financial

difficulties, which existed from the start of the marriage, continued. At that time,

Robert was put on Vraylar with continued successful results for three years.

Robert stayed clean and sober at this time.

Robert reports being in a car accident six months ago where he hurt his back and

was prescribed Oxycontin. He began using the medication more often than

prescribed. Shortly after the accident, he began using other medication once in a

while that he would obtain from friends, such as Klonopin. He decided to return to

self-help meetings to end this behavior, but it did not last long because he felt














In December 2018, Robert returned to his psychiatrist because he was becoming

depressed again, feeling sad, fearful, and suicidal. He was given Luvox. Soon

after, the psychiatrist did not think this was working very well and added Ritalin to

augment his medication regiment. During the next three months, Robert’s mania

increased. He was having angry outbursts regularly. His wife asked him to leave

the home. He took an overdose of Klonopin. Robert was hospitalized for 3 days

until his mood was stabilized and then returned home. He reports feeling anger

towards his wife believing she forced him to be hospitalized and started using

amphetamines again.

Robert continued on anti-depressants and Luvox. His psychiatrist was unaware

that he continued using amphetamines. Robert’s wife was getting continuously

concerned about their financial state because Robert would constantly buy presents

for her that she did not need or want, nor that they could afford. They would have

arguments about this all the time. Robert continued his use over the fall and by the

end of March was asked to leave his home again because he used pills as a suicidal

gesture. He began drinking again to cope with the separation. This use continued

up to his current presentation for intake.



Robert is the only child from his parents union. Robert reports his childhood to be

tumultuous. His mother separated from his father on several occasions and

sometimes would throw Robert out of the house with the father. His mother made

all the decisions and his father played a more passive role. Both parents would

often have physical fights and Robert would try to break up the fighting from as

early as he can remember.

Robert had very few friends growing up due to his tumultuous family system.

Robert was considered an underachiever in the early years of school. He went on

to college and graduated with a bachelor’s in science with a major in computer


Robert denies any legal history. Robert worked for many years in the family

business right after college. Although the customers liked him, he was asked to

leave because of his mood swings. After his addiction recovery, he entered the

computer business and was a salesperson for a major company. Robert stayed at

his first job six months but did not like the company and left. He then became a













director in another company. He had several jobs for a while but would not stay

long at the job. He became a district coordinator at his next job. He stayed there

three years.



Robert states he has no major physical illnesses.



Robert married at twenty five years old. He reports not loving his wife but thought

he should be married. The first four years of their marriage Robert reported being

happy but there was turmoil with his mood being elevated at times and depressed

at other times. Over the past several years, he believed his wife was becoming

more distant from him, which angered him. Their fighting increased especially

over his excessive spending. Robert reports not having a lot of friends.



Robert presents as a neatly dressed male who appears younger than his stated age.

His hair is a bit disheveled, although he continuously takes a brush out to fix it. He

discusses his weight and body image stating he wants to be thinner and return to

weightlifting to build up his muscles again. His nails are neatly groomed. Facial

expressions are appropriate to thought content. Motor activity is appropriate.

Thoughts are logical and organized. There is no evidence of hallucinations.

Robert admits to a history of suicidal ideation. Robert has some manic like

symptoms, i.e. getting up, going to the men’s room, talking fast during the

interview. Robert is oriented to time, place, and person. His intelligence appears
