APA Scavenger Hunt

APA Scavenger Hunt Guidelines


The purpose of this assignment is to allow the student to demonstrate proficiency in APA format. Students will also use this assignment as a quick reference guide for future use of APA format 6th edition.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

3. Demonstrate effective verbal, written, and technological communication using legal and ethical standards for transferring knowledge. (PO #3)

4. Integrate critical thinking and judgment in professional decision-making in collaboration with faculty and peers. (PO #4)

6. Relate application of the legal and ethical requirements of nursing laws and standards to interactions with faculty, peers, and others. (PO #6)

9. Demonstrates responsibility for personal and professional development by assessing computer competence, implementing plans for upgrading computer skills, and using effective strategies for online student success. (PO #5)

Due Date

Submit the assignment to the Week 3 Dropbox by Sunday at the end of Week 3, 11:59 p.m. MT.


This assignment is worth a total of 150 points.

Preparing the APA Scavenger Hunt

1. Read this document (APA Scavenger Hunt Guidelines), including the Rubric.

2. From Doc Sharing, download the APA Scavenger Hunt Template. Rename the document as Your Last Name APA Scavenger Hunt.docx. Save it to your own computer or flash drive in a location where you will be able to retrieve it later. Type your assignment directly on the saved document. Remember that Microsoft Word 2010 or a later version is required. The document must be saved as a .docx. Save your work frequently as you type to prevent loss of your work.

3. As you prepare your APA Scavenger Hunt, use all resources available including Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sample Paper in Doc Sharing, and APA Tutorial. However, your page numbers and section numbers in the Location column must be from the Manual. List the page and section numbers of the APA rule, not of an example.

4. Complete the APA Scavenger Hunt by typing in all of the empty boxes in the Answer column and the Location column. Clearly explain and/or demonstrate the format rule to answer the questions asked in each item. Work on this assignment during Weeks 2 and 3. Don’t wait until the due date to begin your work!

5. When your assignment is completed, save and close the document. Enter the course and submit the document as an attachment to the Week 3 Dropbox. See the Week 3 Assignments page for step-by-step instructions on how to use the Dropbox.

6. Required elements and points possible are clearly marked on the APA Scavenger Hunt Template.


Chamberlain College of Nursing NR-351: Transitions in Professional Nursing

NR-351 APA Scavenger Hunt Guidelines.docx Revised 3/19/14 cjm 3


Directions and Grading Criteria

Category Points % Description


1. Running head 8 points 5.33% Type 2 correct running heads (one for title page and one for subsequent pages) using correct capitalization, alignment, and punctuation.
2. Byline and institutional affiliation 5 points answer

3 points location

5.33% Using correct alignment and capitalization, type your byline and institutional affiliation in the box to the right.

Indicate the page number and reference point (section number) in the manual where information about this may be located.

3. Margins 7 points 4.66% Give the setting for margins in the body of the paper and the Reference page.
4. Line spacing and typeface 4 points answer

3 points location

4.66% Identify the line spacing for the title, body of the paper, and Reference page. Identify the preferred typeface font and size.

Indicate the page numbers and reference points in the manual where information about this may be located.

5. Headings 5 points answer

3 points location

5.33% Define headings and explain how headings are formatted.

Indicate the page numbers and reference points in the manual where information about this may be located.

6. Commas 4 points answer

3 points location

4.66% Explain the rule for comma use within a sentence containing a series of items. In the example provided, insert commas appropriately.

Indicate the page number and reference point in the manual where information about this may be located.

7. Citations 8 points 5.33% Define a citation and describe how it is formatted. Identify when to use “and” to join author names and when to use an ampersand (&) in citations.
8. Quotations 5 points answer

3 points location

5.33% Describe how quotations are formatted and cited.

Indicate the page numbers and reference points in the manual where information about this may be located.

9. Secondary source citation 5 points answer

3 points location

5.33% Demonstrate a correct secondary source citation using the information provided.

Indicate the page number and reference point in the manual where information about this may be located.

10. Citation and reference 7 points 4.66% Describe the relationship between what is cited and what is on the References page.
11. Reference italics 5 points answer

3 points location

5.33% Describe what portions of a reference for a book and a reference for a journal article are italicized.

Indicate the page numbers and reference points in the manual where information about this may be located.

12. Author information on the reference page 8 points 5.33% Using the information provided, demonstrate the correct author information that would appear on the reference page.


13. Letter case in article titles on reference page 5 points answer

3 points location

5.33% Describe when to use uppercase and lowercase letters in the title of an article on the reference page.

Indicate the page number and reference point in the manual where information about this may be located.

14. Reference page format for periodical 5 points answer

3 points location

5.33% Type the general reference format using the format requested.

Indicate the page number and reference point in the manual where information about this may be located.

15. Reference examples by type 4 points answer

3 points location

4.66% Identify the page and section number where examples by type of reference begin in the APA Manual. Explain how you will use this section.

Indicate the page number and reference point in the manual where information about this may be located.

16. Entire paper location 4 points answer

3 points location

4.66% Identify the location of the miniature paper in the APA Manual. Describe how you can use this miniature paper to help you write your papers.

Indicate the page number and reference point in the manual where information about this may be located.

17. DOI number 4 points answer

3 points location

4.66% Define a doi number and where you will use it when writing a paper.

Indicate the page number and reference point in the manual where information about this may be located.

18. Referring to author: tense 4 points answer

3 points location

4.66% Choose which example is correct when referring to an author in the body of the paper.

Indicate the page number and reference point in the manual where information about this may be located.

19. Gender-biased language 7 points 4.66% Describe ways to avoid gender-biased language in scholarly writing.
20. Abbreviations 7 points 4.66%

Describe the rules for properly using abbreviations the first time and subsequent times in the body of the paper.
Total 150 points 100%  
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