Mark 8:29 Worksheet

In Mark 8:29, Jesus discussed with his disciples what people were   saying about him. Jesus asked his disciples directly, “But who do   you say that I am?” In this assignment, you will have the   opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of who Christians claim   Jesus is and to share your own belief about who Jesus is.

Follow the directions in the “Mark 8:29 Worksheet.”

GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Mark 8:29 Worksheet





Please address each question below with complete sentences and clear, specific explanation. The total word count (including all questions and answers combined) should be between 900-1400 words. For questions one and two, use a total of one to three resources, in addition to the Bible. Include sources in the reference list at the end of the assignment. If you have your own Bible commentary, you may use that, or use the sources in the “Other Biblical Sources on the Internet” found in the topic materials.

Sample citation:

Keener, C. S. (2011). IVP New Testament Commentary Series: Matthew. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic. Retrieved from


1. Select one teaching of Jesus from one of the following Bible verses (underline the passage chosen): Matthew 5:21-24; Matthew 5:43-48; Matthew 6:19-24; Matthew 7:15-23; Luke 15:1-32; John 13:1-17, 34-35; John 15:1-11. Answer the following questions:

a. What was Jesus’ point in the teaching?


b. What sort of relevance does this teaching have for other worldviews?


c. What does this teaching reveal about Jesus?


2. Identify at least one claim that Jesus made about his nature and/or the purpose of his ministry (such as in Matthew 9:1-8; Matt 9:9-13; Luke 7:18-23; John 5:16-18; John 10:25-38; or John 14:5-11). Underline the passage chosen. What is the significance of this claim?


3. How would you personally answer Jesus’ question, “But who do you say that I am?” (Mark 8:29 ESV). Describe your own beliefs about Jesus.









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