Analyze and critique your chosen qualitative article.

Analyze and critique your chosen qualitative article. Include 3 scholarly references—the article, the text, and one outside source. Use the University of Phoenix Material: Guidelines for Qualitative Nursing Research Critique to complete the following steps:

1. Is the problem clearly stated and is significant to nursing or health care? 
2. Is the purpose clearly stated?
3.Is the research question stated broadly enough for a qualitative study?
4. Is the study design consistent with its qualitative approach? What type of study is this? (eg. Grounded theory)
5. Sampling: Are the subjects obtained using a method consistent with the qualitative methodology?
6. What is the setting and is it appropriate for the study?
7. Are the data collection methods consistent with the purpose of the qualitative approach?
8. Are the rights of human subjects protected?
9. Is evidence of data saturation provided?
10. Are the data analysis procedures appropriate for the type of data collected and the qualitative method?
11. Is there sufficient evidence of scientific rigor?
12. Are the conclusions and implications appropriate and clearly stated?
13. Are suggestions for future research included?