Theodore Dreiser’s Sister Carrie

How does the text convey “drift”
Essay on the book: Theodore Dreiser’s Sister Carrie
Please make sure too add quotes from the book to support argument.
Think about the theme of drifting. We have seen Edna Pontellier drift away from her roles of
mother and wife, and drift literally out to sea. Isabel Archer drifts in her travels. We’ve also seen many of our
characters drift in their imaginations, and at the end of Sister Carrie, we now see that it is Carrie’s longing for a
deep and expansive life that allows her to drift from situation to situation, geographical locations, and away
from her family. Drifting also allows her to find the theater, while it leads to Hurstwood’s demise. We will
perhaps see the same theme surface in Nella Larsen’s Quicksand.
Successful Papers will:

  1. State an argumentative and SPECIFIC thesis that goes beyond a “yes or no” answer
  2. Provide adequate textual evidence for the paper’s claims
  3. Maintain clear paragraph organization throughout
  4. Discuss formal elements in the text that help convey your argument

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