Identify at least one area of grammar or punctuation in which you think you have room for improvement. How could you work towards the goal of improving in this area? Answer in one paragraph.

Discussion 1

WRTG 112 is a required course for all students, so that is probably one reason you are taking it. However, we all have individual backgrounds and goals that affect how we approach a learning experience. Read over the course syllabus, and then post your responses to the following questions in two paragraphs:

  1. What prior experiences do you have that inform how you approach this class? This could be, for example, writing experience that you think will either help or hurt you as you work on the academic writing assigned in class.
  2. What are some of your aspirations (educational, professional, or other goals) that you can work toward by taking Introduction to Writing, and how might this course help you on your path toward your goals? Which, if any, of the reasons for taking college courses discussed by Michelle Singletary in “Getting to the Real Point of College” apply to you?

Discussion 2


Personal Grammar Challenges

Each week in WRTG 112, we will have a brief lesson on a grammar or punctuation topic, and you will be encouraged to apply the lesson to your own writing. At the same time, you can be working toward your own goals for improved mastery of grammar and punctuation.

Initial post (by Friday):

Identify at least one area of grammar or punctuation in which you think you have room for improvement. How could you work towards the goal of improving in this area? Answer in one paragraph.