Create a 9 pages page paper that discusses human rights, global wrongs.

Create a 9 pages page paper that discusses human rights, global wrongs. In 1948, members of the United Nations (UN) convened at a convention aimed at addressing prevention strategies and legal implications against those found guilty of genocide crimes. It was during this convention that members defined the term as systematically planned annihilation of a group of people based on their nationality, race, ethnicity, or religion.&nbsp.

It is the presumption of most scholars that the prevention of genocide crimes hinges on the identification of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators that predispose individuals to engage in mass violence. Structural and individual theories of genocide attempt to explain these factors and conditions, which make it conducive for people with no prior intent of hurting others to participate in mass violence. Structural theories encompass cultural, situational, and institutional explanations, which are specific to a given society at a particular time (Charny 1982). Conversely, theories relating to individuals encompass situations specific to an individual and the psychology of individuals in a mob (mob psychology). Combined, these theories provide a holistic view with regard to the extent to which “ordinary” individuals perpetrate genocide crimes.

The basic presumption of structural theories centers on contextual factors, which mobilize individuals to participate in mass violence. According to proponents of structural theories, the occurrence of genocide crimes hinges on the existence of the right structural context. The contextual factors include characteristics of a specific culture, state, or the existence of a specific historical situation. Entrenched in this theory exists institutional explanations concerning individuals’ participation in genocide. The state represents an example of an&nbsp.institution whereby, these theorists argue that a state’s structure plays a pivotal role in molding citizens’ motivation. In addition, they infer that institutional hierarchy and the state’s capacity controls citizens’ inclination to perpetrate mass violence.&nbsp.