Write 6 pages thesis on the topic cassiopeia constellation.

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic cassiopeia constellation.

As night approaches on an autumn evening, human beings can view pointers in the two end stars know as Dipper pointing towards Polaris. Polaris is also known as the North Star. Further, Polaris is not one of the notorious stars globally. however, it is known for its closeness to the location of the celestial North Pole. Polaris uniquely comes out almost motionless in the sky over the night and provides vital direction to help human beings get out of the woods. Virtually at the small distance on the other side of Polaris is a W shaped constellation known as the Cassiopeia.

Traditionally, the Greeks attribute the star’s origin to Cephus and Cassiopeia’s marriage, the king of Ethiopia (Rey 32).

As human beings continue to move their eyes across the sky away from pointers, they eventually see the constellation Andromeda, who was Cassiopeia’s daughter in the Greek tradition. Further, moving southeast from Cassiopeia, alongside the Milky Way, the constellation Perseus can be seen (Rey 32).

After autumn, the winter season begins. Cassiopeia’s constellations appear close and closer to the western horizon virtually in the same hour in the night.

In the early evening in January, constellation Cassiopeia and Perseus are often seen in an overhead position. Further, closer to Perseus, human beings can view six stars next to each other in space to the south of the Milky Way.

The prominent and superb constellation Cassiopeia is circumpolar in the mid-northern latitudes. This shows that human beings can view the stars every night and for the whole night. Constellation Cassiopeia never rises nor sets. The patterns resulting from the five brightest stars’ display look like the slightly extended letter M when the constellations are in Culmination or the letter W when it is above the northern horizon.

If the star’s approximate position is identified, then it is easier to view it at any place and time. The brightest stars include the Gamma, alpha or Shedir, beta, delta, and Epsilon (Plunket 241). Further, the whole area is occupied in stars and open clusters as the milky way wind it way from end to end of the constellation. Some of the stars constituting the constellation Cassiopeia are discussed as follows.