What courses would you be interested in taking as they relate to the sub-area or contexts of communication?

This reflection and projection assignment marks the culmination of COMM 1115.

For this assignment, you are to write a two-page essay (no cover page needed) responding to the prompts below. Your submission should be type-written in 12-point times new roman font, double spaced, with 1 inch margins. Note that you should not simply provide bullet pointed responses for this assignment.

Reflection Prompts:

  1. What is your major, classification, and status (Full-time/Part-time)?
  2. Why did you take this course?
  3. What was your experience with the field of communication study prior to this course?
  4. What role does communication play in your everyday life? How important is it to you?
  5. What is the most important thing or things you learned in this course and why is it so important to you?
  6. What would you like to have learned in this course that was not covered?
  7. What sub-area or context of the field of communication most interests you and why?
  8. What courses would you be interested in taking as they relate to the sub-area or contexts of communication?

Projection Prompts:

  1. Has this course helped improve your personal communication? Why or why not?
  2. How might you use the information from this course in future situations?
  3. Is there value for you in taking courses similar to COMM 1115? Why or why not?

Rubric COMM 1115 Reflection/Projection Rubric (1) COMM 1115 Reflection/Projection Rubric (1) Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Format & organization Submission follows APA style, is reasonably close to the length target, and employs an introduction, transitions, and concluding paragraph. 15.0 to >8.0 pts Excellent 8.0 to >0.0 pts Needs improvement. 0.0 pts Needs substantial improvement or was not submitted. 15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Reflection prompts The essay addresses all 8 of the reflection prompts in a coherent narrative or argument. 40.0 to >30.0 pts Excellent 30.0 to >0.0 pts Needs improvement 0.0 pts Needs substantial improvement or was not submitted. 40.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Projection prompts The essay addresses all 3 of the projection prompts in a coherent narrative or argument. 40.0 to >30.0 pts Excellent 30.0 to >0.0 pts Needs improvement. 0.0 pts Needs substantial improvement or was not submitted. 40.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Mechanics & grammar Submission uses standard written English and contains few or no distracting errors. 5.0 pts No Description 3.0 pts Needs improvement 0.0 pts Needs substantial improvement or was not submitted. 5.0 pts

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