Write a 5 pages paper on the role of effective leadership in promoting inclusion. Implement effective leadership in an effort to ensure that the commitment to the extensive legislation in the education sector presents positive outcomes. This paper will highlight the main ideas discussed by McCleskey and Waldron in the article.

Write a 5 pages paper on the role of effective leadership in promoting inclusion. Implement effective leadership in an effort to ensure that the commitment to the extensive legislation in the education sector presents positive outcomes. This paper will highlight the main ideas discussed by McCleskey and Waldron in the article.

The article highlights that the No Child Left behind Legislation served to establish new standards in the educations system. The policy introduced new measures in the education system as well as performance standards that each public school must attain. The main objective of the Act was to ensure that all the children including those with special needs have an opportunity to access quality education. In the past, many schools did not give attention to the learning needs of children with disabilities (McLeskey & Waldron, 2015). However, the act has made it clear that schools must ensure that all the groups of students in each school are able to attain a remarkable performance. The Act has strict measures in place taken against schools that do not make the yearly progress standards. However, the article reveals that leadership can play a critical role in helping schools meet the expected standards. The authors compiled their findings from case studies involving three different schools.

The first aspect described in the article is the fact that school principals should adopt a leadership style that promotes the commitment to core values. School principals who promote a commitment to shared values are able to ensure that teachers and administrators exhibit a high level of determination in ensuring that all the students irrespective of their learning capacities. The core values in any learning institution should be the demonstration of an undying commitment to ensuring that students achieve positive learning outcomes (p. 69). However, Waldron and McLeskey have mentioned that school principals need to introduce shared values. It is impossible for shared values to begin at the lower level of the school hierarchy.&nbsp.