research paper on communication theories. Needs to be 10 pages.

Need an research paper on communication theories. Needs to be 10 pages. Please no plagiarism. In 1976, while exploring the continuing effects of extensive television viewing on the American audience, George Gerbner and Larry Gross introduced the ‘cultivation theory.’ Their research’s primary conclusion was that prolonged exposure to violence-related material on television results in the formation of a societal reality in the viewers’ minds, which further dictates their thought formation and alters their social behavior (Gerbner and Gross, 1976). To further this hypothesis, Robert Hawkins and Suzanne Pingree, in 1977, conducted detailed research to study how exactly the cultivation effect takes place and what variables can enhance or diminish it. In 1980, they documented their findings in a publication titled “Some Processes in the Cultivation Effect,” which is the subject of this paper. This paper will analyze how Hawkins and Pingree, in the light of the ‘cultivation hypothesis’, formulated their thesis, conducted research, and interpreted qualitative and quantitative data. Furthermore, this paper will suggest any revisions, deemed necessary, to their adopted research methodology, along with the recommendations that can enhance their findings. &nbsp.

Hawkins and Pingree’s research were based on the fact that the viewers highly exposed to television programming, both aggressive and nonaggressive, would carry a certain amount of prejudice in their social outlook. They were also influenced by the contrasting and contradicting studies conducted by various researchers in other parts of the world, controlling numerous variables, such as Doab and McDonald’s study of cultivation effects among multiple demographics in Toronto, Canada (1979), and Weber’s research in Great Britain (1978). These studies showed that television’s impact on viewers’ perception is individual. however, what is still unknown is the exact ‘size and importance of that effect’ (Pingree and Hawkins, 1980). Generally, it was observed that there was no strong relation between watching violent programming and fearing that the viewer himself would get involved in a similar scenario when controlling the third variable. One of the reasons could be that people in other parts of the world were unconsciously aware that their society was different from that of America. Therefore, they were not impacted that much by American programming.

Furthermore, not much research was done involving controls that would illuminate the children’s exact process.&nbsp.