write an article on Automated Manufacturing Process and/or Systems. It needs to be at least 1750 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Automated Manufacturing Process and/or Systems. It needs to be at least 1750 words. A developed nation like Sweden doesn’t depend on labor intensive force when carrying out its engineering projects. It has invested massively in designing programmed machinery that work quicker and appropriately. The degree of freedom (DOF) of such equipment is multifaceted: translational, rotary, and angular. Invention and Creation of an Automated Manufacturing System Scientists, programmers and engineers came up together with an idea of automating manufacturing processes by integrating various systems. Two chief components were drawn in to create this system namely: the computer and the machine accessories. A simple automated manufacturing system consists of the following components: A computer structure (CAD system joined to a machine management/control set-up via a transmission BUS cables), servo-mechanical motors, data cables and working heads. This simple set up has changed the world completely and can work where humans are not able to operate. A good example is the recent Gulf of Mexico oil spill where special under-sea robots were sent to seal the bust duct. Following instructions and commands from a ship above the robots worked on damaged section of the rig. If it were not for the said machines, immense damage would have been meted on the ecosystem eventually affecting the whole globe. This is what is referred to as the power of automated engineering as it leaves anybody who comes across it taken aback. Operation and Control of an Automated Manufacturing Systems An article to be worked on by an automatic process doesn’t come into contact with humans once set. At advanced levels the setting is done by the machine itself with the help of robotic arms. The heart of an automated system is the computer unit. The computer system has three main sections as described above on the composition of a Computer Aided Manufacturing System (CAMS). Engineers come up with a design they want to create on the real physical object. Some designs are intricate and a conventional draughtsman is unable to handle. A higher level of intelligence is required for such a task. Using software that have been created for design purposes such as inventor, AutoCAD, mechanical desktop, solid works etcetera, a three or two dimensional object is generated. This item is saved in the memory of the computer system in softcopy version as a file. Additionally, programmers do the vital work of designing a step by step command system that is procedural as far as the works will be concerned. The programs can be altered to ensure best results are achieved. Besides, vector analysis and dimensional controls are considered in creation of a complete automated process. This is referred to as Vector/Dimensional Automation. The sole function of the computer design system is to relay coordinate commands information to the machine control section. A special BUS or jumper cable is used to pass this information between the two units. The servos are connected to the machine control output. Therefore, an input from the Computer Design System is interpreted and analyzed here for further processing. The process of digesting this information is aided by Programmable Logic Circuits (PLCs) (Hugh 2007). They are logical circuits that work on information sequentially. After examination, an output is dispatched to the servos for execution.