research paper on analysis of the social construction of substance use. Needs to be 6 pages.

Need an research paper on analysis of the social construction of substance use. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. The population were heavy alcohol drinkers with a representation of about 37% of heavy women drinkers in this area and about 46 % percent of the men were heavy alcohol drinkers. However, among these, 14 % of the women were harmful alcohol drinkers and 21 % of this male too were harmful drinkers. The hazardous alcohol drinking was stipulated to be ranging in the alcohol consumption of 280 g to 420 g of absolute alcohol consumption among the men and a range of regular alcohol taking of 140 g to 280 g among the women. Due to the effects of alcohol consumptions between 1997 and 1998, there were reported cases of hospitalization from alcohol consumptions of 43032 episodes in the country (Blignault & Brider, 1997)

For example, tobacco is the principal cause of premature death and hospitalization in Australia. However, alcohol-related incidences caused more deaths among children and young people than all illegal drug-related events and tobacco (Collins, 2006)

In early childhood, as evidence shows, the child’s development can be impeded by parental tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug use. Investment needs to be made to develop and monitor health programs to address these issues. One good example of a successful program was the structured home visit initiative to give encouragement and support to mothers before and after birth in Australia. The mothers were deemed at risk through alcohol and drug problems (Nair, Schuler, & Black, 2003)

Over the last twenty years, Australia has become ever more concerned with drug-related harm to the social fabric of its society and by the cost to its economy incurred by the use of licit and illicit substances. It was reported that in 2004/2005 the total social cost of drug abuse was $55 billion. By far and away the biggest proportion of this was tobacco accounting for $31.billion (56.2%) and alcohol $15.3 billion (27.3%) whereas illicit drugs were $8.2 billion (14.6%).

Research has shown that there are four principal types of substance use&nbsp.patterns that present risks to health, safety, social development, and economic consequences.