write an article on multi-media retailer Paper must be at least 2250 words.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on multi-media retailer Paper must be at least 2250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Altogether the first retail shop has 37 retail outlets in the UK and online cross channel offering. The company has an annual turnover of $5.2 billion. Critics have given the credit of John Lewis persistent success to its distinctive business model and integrated multimedia retailing which has also enabled the organization to recognize its employees as the company partners. Currently, John Lewis is successfully catering to the needs of its customers through its various retail outlets, inexorable pledge, and focus on excellence. Ultimately the company has acquired a distinctive position in retail marketing through innovative ideas of reaching to their customers which ultimately leads to increased sales and augmented brand equity (Cisco, 2012). John Lewis welcomes all its customers and makes sure that everyone has easy access to their products and services and all the customers are catered with an equivalent level of services. Their multichannel retailing strategy includes shops, call centres, online shopping, mobile app, and home delivery which indicate that their customers have easy access to their goods and services. In addition to this John Lewis is offering multimedia and multi-platform purchasing experience which is quite evident from the fact that internet facility for customers is available in two-third of all its retail stores (John Lewis, 2013). Challenges of Multimedia Retailing At present, the multimedia retailing is facing significant challenges in the corporate world related to brand management on the micro and macro level. If we analyze it from a micro perspective then marketers are required to manage all the individual channels and the communication options to enhance their brand equity effect in addition to increasing sales. While on the other hand they also have to maintain indirect brand equity effects which are particularly connected with a specific channel or a communication option. At the macro level marketers are required to formulate and execute communication options and multimedia channels in a way that they enable synergy between sales and brand equity (Kevin Lane Keller, 2010). The brand as a whole comprises of four components with respect to multimedia retailing: Direct and interactive channels including mail, telephone, mobile, online shopping, and company stores. Indirect channels including discount stores, departmental stores, superstores, catalogue showrooms, speciality stores, supermarkets, and convenience stores. Personal communications include personal selling, word of mouth, direct marketing, and interactive marketing. Mass communication includes advertising, sales promotions, public relations, events, and experiences. At John, Lewis marketers are required to develop a clear understanding of all the retail channels and their integration in association with consumer behaviour. In addition to this, their job is to identify the related multimedia retailing components and to subsequently apply them so as to increase sales and brand equity (Kevin Lane Keller, 2010). It is a fact that in the past few years the concept of multimedia retailing has occupied strength and it is growing with an enormous speed while bringing scope, diversification and sophistication to the overall retail environment. However, research indicates that consumer behaviour regarding multimedia retailing is rather inadequate. The initial challenges faced by a marketer operating in such a retail environment are to figure out the expected consumer behaviour in multimedia retailing.&nbsp.&nbsp.