Write 8 pages thesis on the topic the healthcare workforce.

Write 8 pages thesis on the topic the healthcare workforce. The lasting policy frameworks that can sustain a culturally diverse society should begin by empowering its education system by way of creating affirmative action tools in the system of learning in health oriented programs. This paper also evaluates the progress of past measure created to improve minority images in healthcare and provide a close look into future measures meant to bridge diversity gap. Thesis Statement: The racial/ethnic composition of the U.S. is projected to change enormously in the coming decades. It is therefore important that the health professions improve their efforts to provide culturally competent care to all patients. Interventions to improve access to quality healthcare in the culturally diverse population of the U.S. medical workforce must be employed in the school system first. Research has shown that even with most factors of health i.e. age, status of insurance, level of income as well as the extent of illness have been attuned, many cultural groups still find themselves in a difficult position in accessing quality health care compared to their elite counterparts. As the demographic trends shift in the U.S, more input needs to be put in achieving diversity in the healthcare providers who can cater adequately to more diverse groups that are forming the major ethnic groups in the country. The practical rewards would be. enriching the medically trained professionals that will spearhead the healthcare system through their leadership, ensuring an accommodative workforce rich in ethnic diversity, as well as improving the access to quality health care in all cultural settings. The case for diversity in the healthcare workforce of the United States is very paramount due to its richness in the mixture of races and their subsequent rapid growths. Demographic figures illustrate a trend whereby the minority groups are becoming more diverse and increasing at a higher rate compared to that of their majority white populations. The ethnic and racial backgrounds are becoming more distinct as well. The country’s population constituting the whites only increased by 9 percent in the duration between 1980 and 2000, Hispanics by 122 percent, that of the African American race increased by 28 percent, the native American by 55 percent, and the Asians by more than 190 percent. In view of this, it is projected that the U.S. citizenship will constitute members of minority groups by more than half. This trend informs the need to increase the workforce diversity in healthcare, enhancing the student proportions in medical schools especially those of minority origins to prepare competent and more conducive healthcare professionals. Cultural competence refers to the acquired skills, knowledge, behavioral conduct and attitudes needed to equip a practitioner who will be poised to provide the best services by being able to work for and with people from diverse origins of culture. Healthcare professionals must be ready to handle all patients regardless of backgrounds that differ from theirs. In order to do this, the attitudes of care givers as concerns understanding that illnesses may be influenced by cultural factors and how patients respond to medical care and treatment is all different. Their beliefs, family structures and cultural biases all play an important role in access and acceptance of certain healthcare skills.