Prioritizing the IT Project Portfolio. The work is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Prioritizing the IT Project Portfolio. The work is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. As such, re-evaluation is recommended. In addition to the external cutting edge technologies, the top management peruses a variety of processes to access the most appropriate project to be funded. For example, a company with well establihsed information technology infrustructure can consider building a facility from scratch or develop a unique product. The implementation and installation of support product willdefinately be outsourced. The decision to settle on such a project can be seen to be simple. However, there are other factors such as the management of project execution via costs, resources, milestones and schedules which must be in-check to ensure the success of the project. The management also faces the challenges related to supply chain oversight to make sure that materials, resources and equipments are availed on time whenever needed. The major concern is, “will the organization’s top management be able to integrate the project management processes with their portfolio to attain both business value and project profitability?” A corporate intranet project priority portfolio Background Most organizations depend on the chief information officers to process the collected data and present it in a form that can be understood. They are also expected to spearhead innovation that solves the challenges faced by the organization. The chief information officers in turn, respond by suggesting a corporate intranet. This is a platform that ensures the organization’s prized assets are safeguarded, improve process work flow and link the employees (Sauter, 2010) Critical analysis of the exising literature and continous studies by Baum (2011) revelaed that the assumption that both business objective and employees requirements can be met in one-size-fits-all project is not realistic. The management always thinks that the project idea is noble. A single univeral project that provides a blueprint of the organization is enough. Sincerely speaking, this is imposible. The context of the chosen project can have relevant content for majority of employees but not all. The users are forced to mentally filter the project non functiona contents (Power, 2008). Some CEO creates a communication platform that is one-way. Ideally, it excludes the users’ efforts to approving and publishing their content. People are gravitated away from the project because of such restrictions. When developing a project, developers ignore the feedbacks from the users. The corporate project deployment process is always delayed untill all the requirments for various departmenrts are captured. This does not work very well. Doing an IT project in a modular or in phases does not imply that the business is not big enough. It enables one to integrate all the user functional and non functional requirments. The users are more comfortable when the responsibility of managing their user account and login credentials is left in their hands. The idea of forcing the users to login to the intranet is not well taken by the users. This is bacause they already have too much login credentails such as ticketin g tracking, ERP system login credentails and the organization’s CRM (Marven, 2010).