Write a 8 pages paper on comparison of the key management and leadership aspects of organisations in the private sector, public sector and not for profit.

Write a 8 pages paper on comparison of the key management and leadership aspects of organisations in the private sector, public sector and not for profit. Several experiments on ways to improve performances of organizations in terms of synchronization and productivity were conducted, and consequently paved the way for several approaches to management. The behavioral approach to management is a turning point to organizational relations. Modifications in the way managers deal with subordinates are given emphasis. As proposed by Maxwell, successful business is not all about efficient management of resources or development of work skills in response to the growing demands of the industry. Its core foundation is good relationship and thus cultivated by trust and respect from people – customers, employees, and partners, among others (2004). Growth will be next to impossible if concentration is entirely drawn to the inanimate factors. In his work “Top Performance”, Zig Ziglar points out that “you won’t be an effective leader or manager unless you gain the willing cooperation of others. Cooperation is not getting others to do what you want, but getting others to want to do what you want. The aforementioned principle, however, may not apply to all forms of organizations. Although it proves beneficial that the personal needs of the members are given due consideration, there are instances in which it will do more harm than good. Military organizations, as we all know, implement procedures that are significantly distinct from those privately established. They strictly follow a hierarchy of command, and respect to authority is of utmost weight—a culture that has prevailed over the centuries. Men in the military receive the same standard privileges as other employees do—wages, leaves, medical coverage, etc. Their function, nevertheless, is not called a profession but accountability. For this reason, the proposal to incorporate behavioral approach to military organizations may not be feasible. 2.0 Behavioral Approach “The behavioral approach to management has 2 branches: the human relations approach and the behavioral science approach” (Bromiley 2005). In the first approach, managers understand the underlying reasons behind the behavior of their subordinates along with the “psychological and social factors that influence them” (Bromiley 2005). Advocates of this approach attempt to demonstrate how the process and functions of management are affected by differences in individual behavior and the impact of groups in the work environment. The second approach to management use motivation, leadership, communication, group dynamics, and participative management to achieve organizational goals (Clark 2009). This approach helps secure better employee performance and the willing pursuit of organizational goals. The human relations approach to management was introduced in the 1930s in response to the mechanistic view of organizations and the pessimistic position of human nature suggested by the classical approach (Cooke n.d.). The classical approach meant that people were perceived as machines and efficiency was the sole criteria for success (Walker 2002). On the contrary, human relations approach suggests that people are emotional rather than economic rational beings. that, organizations are cooperative social systems, and are composed of informal structures, rules, and norms as wells as formal practices and procedures (Cooke n.d.