1. Identify the possible outcomes of this incident; especially for the infant. (three points with little explanation)

You are required to act your part as an Enrolled Nurse in an infection control committee meeting to discuss an incident that occurred in your ward:

Your client, Mrs Nan Hg who speaks very little English was found in her bed breastfeeding Baby of Mrs Hum Hg who shares a room with her in the Maternity unit. It was identified that Mrs Nan Ng has Positive Hepatitis B serology.essaycove.com/m3-assignment

1. Identify the possible outcomes of this incident; especially for the infant. (three points with little explanation)

2. Identify the required follow-up for the infant, and possible services required to adequately cater for the needs of this family. (Five points with little explanation)

3. Provide a report to the management to ensure that individuals or teams are able to implement infection prevention and control practices.