write an article on low fat diet as a way of slimming, the pros and cons Paper must be at least 2250 words.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on low fat diet as a way of slimming, the pros and cons Paper must be at least 2250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! The human body requires certain essential substances in order to grow and maintain itself. Lack of any of these factors can lead to deficiencies, while excess can cause harm to the body as well. More than dieting is the understanding needed about what substances to use more in the daily diet and which to avoid. Among such dietary innovations is the nonfat or low-fat diets. Low-fat diets have been one of the most common and oldest dietary regimes recommended by physicians. Obesity is the current epidemic globally that is affecting many health outcomes in individuals. The obese population is increasing due to the increased use of refined foods, decreased activity, and sedentary lifestyles. Patients who are obese have a higher risk of developing heart problems, blood pressures, and diabetes, to name a few. Overeating along with inactivity is a very detrimental combination that can lead to many health complications. With the high availability of fast foods or junk foods, the consumption of fats in the body is many times higher than required. (Prentice, 2001, pp234, 236 and 239) Obesity is now not only a concern in adults but in children as well. Today’s children are exposed to high levels of junk food and refined sugars. Nowadays children do not take an active part in sports than did before, and this is increasing obesity and weight gain tendencies in them.