creating a thesis and an outline on George Washington’s Continental Army. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The decision by the Continental Congress to allow George Washington to lead the continental army was largely made possible by John Adams.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on George Washington’s Continental Army. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The decision by the Continental Congress to allow George Washington to lead the continental army was largely made possible by John Adams. One reason he was selected was because of his proven competence as a military commander. In the French and Indian War, he showed his aggressiveness, as well as his uncanny ability to adapt his strategies to the terrain. Another reason he was selected was because of the fact he was Virginian. Congress thought that this would unite the southern colonies, and convince them to support a rebellion, which was, for the time being, taking place in the North.

One of his greatest assets was to know when to not fight. At the Battle of Long Island, his army looked across Brooklyn Heights at almost certain defeat.

Washington somehow managed to withdraw to Manhattan, and later New Jersey, minimizing losses2. Also, Washington managed to hold his army together, when it was on the verge of collapsing. When the majority of his troop’s enlistments were about to expire and they were going to go home, it took some fiery oratory from Washington, as well as some money out of his own pocket to hold the army together. There was no doubt he had the support of his troops. Washington was no tactical genius, but he did show some prowess at commanding his troops on several occasions, as is illustrated by the battle of Trenton. On Christmas night of 1776, he launched a brilliant maneuver across Delaware and crushed the Hessian mercenaries at Trenton. His victory was nearly flawless, as he lost only 3 men.

Another of Washington’s assets was the ability to adapt to the conditions given and learn from his mistakes. He was constantly modifying his strategy and learning new techniques. He also had no problem with facing adversity.&nbsp.