research paper on zombie meme and the american culture. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on zombie meme and the american culture. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism. Additionally, John Minchillo takes a photo of protesters marching in Wall Street, New York City, who have dressed as zombies. He shows how the corporate world has turned some people into corporate zombies (Minchillo 1). Lastly, Kyle Bishop in his article titled “Dead Man Still Walking: Explaining the Zombie Renaissance” talks of how the idea of Zombie has come to inspire the stories behind some Hollywood movies. Dawkins in his article has asked the question “what is it about the idea of a god “the god meme” that gives it its stability and penetrance in the cultural environment (Dawkins 1). He has explicitly answered that memes are replicates, which move from one brain to another brain. Moreover, memes’ prowess is characterized by its longevity, fecundity and copying-fidelity. In accordance with Dawkins’ texts, then the idea of McAllister’s zombies/zombies from Haiti becomes a perfect example of a meme. Zombie as a meme has been embedded in the American Culture to the extent that numerous Hollywood films are centered on this idea, and this is shown in Bishop’s article. This paper seeks to answer the question, “what is it about the Zombie meme that gives it stability and penetrance in the American Culture”.

A meme is a style, behavior, or idea that is spread from one individual to another within one culture. This meme is a unit that carries cultural practices, symbols, or ideas that are transmittable from one individual mind to another via rituals, gestures, speech, writing, and other phenomena. This concept requires its supporters to regard memes as analogs of cultural genes since they are self-replicating, can mutate, and are also responsive to particular selective pressures. The meme is modeled after the word gene and is a shortened form of the word meme, which refers to something imitated or to imitate. Richard Dawkins, a British biologist first used it in his book The Selfish&nbsp.gene as a way of discussing principles of evolution to explain the spread of cultural phenomena and ideas.&nbsp.