prepare and submit a paper on compare the differences and similarities in how stories are framed.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on compare the differences and similarities in how stories are framed. Tsunami-Japan CNN has quoted only official sources in a report on the nuclear crisis in the aftermath of Tsunami (CNN, 19 March . First personaccounts by affected persons regarding their health problems are not included. There is also no news included from refugee camps in this otherwise comprehensive report and the reporter talks from Tokyo, not from the affected area. Visuals from the affected area are also lacking. In the report, different aspects of the situation at hand are discussed with extensive details of technical information of the efforts to restore the nuclear reactors to normalcy. MSNBC has given more space to describe the nature of food contamination and has also included a human element in the report (MSNBC, 19 March 2011). There is a quote from the nuclear specialist who narrates his meeting after the disaster with his wife and children (MSNBC, 19 March 2011). By including this real life experience, the report gets more close to the human disaster rather than dwelling only on technical details. While reporting the radiation contamination of food items, Fox News has included crucial information that others have not- the tap water also has become contaminated with radiation (Fox News, 19 March 2011). This is important information and missing this does not go well with other news agencies. Fox News also has included the emotional account of the nuclear specialist about meeting his family (Fox News, 19 March 2011). Fox News has also given a brief history of the disaster by telling how it started and through which phases it developed (Fox News, 19 March 2011). It is a good practice to keep the viewers informed about the history of an event when it is a running story. CNBC has not made th food contamination a major headline and has given it as only a sub-heading to the main heading, ‘Japan Sees Some Stabilization in Nuclear Crisis’ (19 March 2011). The food contamination is mentioned only towards the end of the general story (CNBC, 19 March 2011). But the humanitarian crisis is covered under a sub-heading by including first person accounts by victims and also by telling what is being done to help the affected people (CNBC, 19 March 2011). Also, space is given to mention the bravery of the nuclear workers who have been working hard to avert the nuclear crisis (CNBC, 19 March 2011). NBC (19 March 2011) has not given this news item in its top news segment and also anywhere else. American President Obama’s trip to Brazil is top news on NBC on 19 March 2011. The ideological bias towards an American-centered world- view is evident in this omission. This is an indication that the priority of news is determined in these news agencies according to how that news is important to America. It was on March 17th 2011 that CBS last covered the disaster of Japan and it was a talk show titled, ‘The Tragedy in Japan: How it Affects You’ (CBS, 17 March 2011). Though the talk show expresses solidarity with the victims in Japan, it is more focused in what it would mean to the Americans and what threat it may indicate regarding America, geographically, as well as financially (CBS, 17 March 2011). Though this approach may be quite natural, this kind of framing of news, again, is an ideological position, which sees the welfare of America above everything else. It is because of this US-centered world outlook promoted by US news agencies that the people of America have failed to express through their voting patterns, a real concern for the world, a concern that takes a position against wars initiated by United States in the Middle East and in other countries. It was on 17th March 2011 that ABC covered Japanese disaster last (ABC, 17 March 2011). The news has been very matter of fact describing the proximity of the disaster cite to nuclear plants and also adding in human element by reporting that American kids have sent love to Japan (ABC, 17 March 2011). But after 17th ABC seems to have lost interest in the disaster. The tendency to depend too much on the official version can be seen as a common trend when Japanese Tsunami is being reported by these 7 news agencies discussed above. This creates a culture of believing the official version, which has influenced the American society, people and voting pattern as well. Though the news on Tsunami is a neutral news for Americans, the way in which this news is framed is reflective of this tendency. This amounts to an ideological position which represents the overall nature of American democracy. References ABC (17 March 2011) The efforts to cool down the nuclear reactor, World News 3/17,, Retrieved from [Accessed 19 March 2011] CNBC (19 March 2011) Japan sees some stabilization in nuclear crisis, Retrieved from [Accessed 19 March 2011] CNN, (19 March 2011) Radiation found in food as workers scramble to curb nuclear crisis, Retrieved from [Accessed 19 March 2011] Fox News (19 March 2011) Japan cites radiation in tap water, milk, spinach, near nuclear plant, Retrieved from [Accessed 19 March 2011] Lemley, K (17 March 2011) The tragedy in Japan: how it affects you,, Retrieved from [accessed 19 March 2011] MSNBC (19 March 2011) Food in Japan contaminated with radiation, Retrieved from [Accessed 19 March 2011] NBC (19 March 2011), Retrieved from http://www.nbc.