creating a thesis and an outline on Learning and Assessment Basics. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Learning and Assessment Basics. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. It is therefore imperative to have these factors in mind when designing an appropriate assessment technique. To be more precise, an assessment technique that best serves learning must be integrated with instruction and curriculum. Characteristics of learners Although the characteristics of students may have some similarity, in the long run, they are as unique as finger prints. It’s of great importance for educators to monitor and have knowledge of the characteristics of their students. In fact, educators or teachers should keep a well updated profile of their students. This is very important when it comes to structuring tailor-made techniques of teaching, instruction and assessment. As an educator, there are various characteristics I can identify with learners. Firstly, majority of learners poses the ability to evaluate. Students like to quickly form opinions and can evaluate basically everything and especially their tutors. They can easily detect lack of competence, sincerity or enthusiasm (Wood &amp. Cantillon, 2011). Tutors therefore need to be dedicated to doing their best to avoid giving students the opportunity to make evaluations especially the adverse one. Fallibility is another trait associated with students. Just like anybody else, students make mistakes and tutors should not lose patience when students make mistakes.