Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses will global warming heat up or cool down the economy.

Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses will global warming heat up or cool down the economy. This is known as global warming, which then leads to such ecological aberrations as ozone layer depletion, rising sea levels, and changes in the pattern and amount of precipitation. These changes in precipitation, in turn, increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events like floods, droughts, heatwaves, hurricanes, and tornados. The effects of these severe weather disturbances range from lower agricultural yields, glacial retreat, less summer stream flows, extinction of species, and an increase in the number of disease vectors (Wikipedia).

The scientific community is now nearly unanimous in heaping the blame for global warming on human activities, with only a small minority of the scientists absolves man for the phenomenon. But the persistent debate centers somewhere else, such as on how much worse climate change will occur in the future, and what needs to be done to reverse or at least reduce it.

The relationship between global warming and hurricanes is another subject that is hotly debated. If the world’s climatic scientists agree on one thing, it is on the superlative force of Hurricane Katrina, which swept across the Americas and Europe in 2004. The consensus is that no natural calamity in memory matched the scope and magnitude of the damage it wrought on lives, property, and the economy. But the suspected link between weather events like Katrina and global warming is yet to be proven. Research by a group of German scientists argues that the devastating floods in central Europe in 2002, for example, were perfectly normal events based on historical records (Murray, I., 2006). Other hurricane scientists agree that there is no way to blame global warming for Hurricane Katrina. Allegations that extreme weather events had become more damaging lately do not take into account the fact that human beings now live and invest resources in more&nbsp.dangerous areas, such as mountainside and seacoasts.&nbsp.&nbsp.