research paper on commercial project management. Needs to be 7 pages.

Need an research paper on commercial project management. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism. Introduction of the Biometric Data Capture Facility in the renewal of driving licenses is a big move. The process need to be taken carefully and systematically in order to archive it. Because of this, there is the need to use the Gateway5 review process. From the Gateway5 review process, it is evident that the project has been successful. Review of operating phase Following an alert and committed attempt by all the employees involved the accomplishment of the project is looming completion (Cameron, Duff & Hare 2008). A few areas are yet to use the Biometric Data Capture Facility but are considered to be on time with the budget. The change has seen the Post office as one of the best performing organizations in the United Kingdom. This is because of the use of this new facility. Safety measures are taken when using the facility unlike the manual methods that were used to get the signatures, fingerprints and international civil aviation organization compliant photographs (Shoniregun & Crosier 2008). It was hectic, tiring and time consuming. This facility has eased all that. This has made the facility efficient. Despite some branches taking long to start using the facility and some employee shortage issues, the modifications have been successfully realized (LI & Jain 2009). The high level of support and devotion of all the employees involved has been broadly pointed out by those interviewed. Almost all the objectives set out in the project have now been accomplished and the project is successful even though some issues need to be adjusted in order to ensure full success of the project. A few of the issue that are yet to be handled include: Advertising the use of the new facility. so that the public does not hesitate to renew their driving license when they see the new facility being used (Gibson 2008). Ensuring all the 750 branches are using the facility. the remote areas are not excluded from the development. They too ought to upgrade their systems. Business case and benefits management The Application, Enrolment and Identification program (AEI) did not have a consolidated Business case. The service change anticipations were documented through the session and options process, whilst financial targets were made as measurement of the corporate performance and financial management command of the system (Marks 2012). However, throughout the AEI program, advancement reports to the Trust Board have been made regularly as a component of the approved governance structure. Thorough performance examination has been supported with a presentation scorecard across a number of regions that were the objectives of the programme (Marks 2012). These included, time used to renew a driving license and Flow of people. in that people just come for a few minutes and therefore no overcrowding. Extensive reports of presentation on these and other regions have been taken place. The majorities are now part of the corporate management process in the system and as such are treated very seriously. There is also a client satisfaction survey and amenable process that helps to track client’s experience (Ramakrishna 2010). The financial savings anticipated at this point have not been achieved.