riting homework on Barriers to nursing profession. Write a 500 word paper answering; BARRIERS TO NURSING PROFESSION Over the last decade, nursing profession has witnessed the number of male nurses increase. However, men still comprise a very small fraction in the nursing profession.

Need help with my writing homework on Barriers to nursing profession. Write a 500 word paper answering; BARRIERS TO NURSING PROFESSION Over the last decade, nursing profession has witnessed the number of male nurses increase. However, men still comprise a very small fraction in the nursing profession. Nursing is still the occupation that has been dominated greatly by the women. Many people view the women as being ‘naturally suited’ for the profession. This bias has been contributed by a lot of factors, historically. the first nurses were men and not women. Ironically, women are the ones who have made enormous strides in a profession that was previously dominated by men, while there has been an opposite movement of men in the profession (Butts & Rich, 2011). This has inhibited the growth of nursing as knowledge based profession.

Nursing is considered as a role that is permanently natural for women. single sex occupation. Therefore, it is identified as a profession that is deeply fixed in the society’s gender based power relations. Women established nursing. it fits the stereotypical ‘feminine’ picture with characteristics of gentleness, nurturing, and caring as opposed to the masculine traits of aggression, strength, and dominance (Giele, et al. 2003). These are the reasons as to why occupations that require these qualities are exclusively considered suited to women, they have gone further and labeled them ‘women work’. Strong stereotypical boundaries that concerns feminine and masculine behavior has been presented to men by the society. Men that dare to choose nursing as a career, face the danger of challenging the gender roles and stereotypes that are defined by the tradition. Economic, political, and social systems enhance these stereotypes. Men who choose careers viewed to be feminine like nursing are always discriminated against are always subject to criticism from the public. Some people have a difficulty of accepting the image of men as gentle, compassionate, and caring. Men fear challenging the stereotypical image of nursing in the society. These characteristics are not essential attribute in the social and biological of the sexes, they are just cultural constructs that are reinforced by the social activities that are associated with being female or male.

Nursing image has traditionally been supported using symbols like the angle, sex symbol, doctor’s handmaiden, and, commonly, nurses as women. These pictures are based on women values and attributes, have been utilized by mass communication and interpersonal, strengthening the stereotypes of women being the nurses. This is also reinforced by excluding men in any promotional materials or recruiting processes that involves nursing profession.

A stereotype that is also common for the men who choose nursing as a career is that they are gay or effeminate (Butts & Rich, 2011). In order to be a nurse, the society assumes that female attributes like capacity to serve, understand and share the feelings of another, and nature are required. Therefore, it is a must that men who are nurse to be ‘feminine’ and are viewed as gay. This forms a big obstacle to the heterosexual men who may wish to pursue the nursing career.

Many people view nursing as an extension of the role of a woman in the society, as a result, many people view the profession as a low value occupation. The low pay, economic status and the value that the profession has as compared to the other male dominated professions has also resulted men to be underrepresented in nursing.


Butts, J. B., & Rich, K. L. (2011). Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Giele, J. Z., & Stebbins, L. F. (2003).&nbsp.Women and equality in the workplace: A reference handbook. Santa Barbara, Calif [u.a.: ABC-CLIO.