Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Is Karl Marx Still Relevant.

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Is Karl Marx Still Relevant. Strong role for proletariat social class and the state in promoting social change through revolution, the socialist experiment has frequently been associated with revolution and violent social change. Initially seen as the antithesis to capitalism and capitalist modes of production, socialism today represents a variety of ideas that blend modern capitalism and socialist ideas about redistribution and the role of the state in economic affairs. Seeking to explore the history of socialism and thereby analyze its future in international affairs, this essay will chart the history of socialism through an in-depth analysis of the U.S.S.R. and China. Each country represents socialism in practice and will be used to discuss this important political theory. Does Karl Marx, the most famous advocate of socialism, remain relevant in the 21st century? Seeking to address this question and many more, the following aims to provide a holistic analysis of socialism today.