Busi 536

Discuss the following questions/topics using the textbook and additional research.  Your answers must include 2 sources other than the textbook, 1 biblical integration, and be in APA format, a title page and abstract are not required.Your analysis per question should be at least a half- to a full-page of original written analysis, not including the question.    Insufficient written analysis per question will not be eligible for full credit to be earned.Please make sure to label your work and include references at the end of the paper, and to number your questions.You should include a section on what the text states regarding the topic, what an Internet reference(s) state regarding the topic, and then provide a detailed original commentary on what you have learned regarding the question’s topic.Again, I would strongly encourage you to write more than just a 1/2 page of analysis, and limit your use of quotations.   You will not be eligible for full credit on the question if blocks of quotations are utilized.Remember that zero points will be earned on the entire homework assignment if plagiarized work is present in the written document.  Homework assignments that are plagiarized will earn an automatic zero points.  Plagiarized work will also be reported directly to Liberty University for administrative processing, so please remember to quote or to write original personal commentary analysis.The page numbers provided are for the 6th edition of the text, and the page numbers in brackets are for the 7th edition of the text.Discuss the Williams Act and the implications it places on mergers and acquisitions.The Williams Act is discussed in the text on pages 77 to 88 (73-80, 252-254, & 641).  You may want to discuss sections 13D and 14D of the Williams Act.https://media2.mofo.com/documents/faqs-schedule-13d-g.pdfDescribe and discuss why the time period of a commencement offer is crucial in an offer.The commencement of the offer is discussed in the text from pages 81 to 82 (78).Discuss the implications of Wellman v. Dickinson in the U. S. District Court for mergers and acquisitions.The Wellman v. Dickinson case is discussed in the text on pages 84 and 257 (80-82).You may want to discuss the Eight Factor Test.http://homepages.wmich.edu/~edwards/622/readings/DEFIN.htmlhttps://h2o.law.harvard.edu/collages/3628Choose two of the U. S. State Corporation laws defined in your text.  What implications do these laws or legal principles create for the buyer and seller?Begin your readings on page 98 (96) under the section titled, “U.S. State Corporation Laws and Legal Principles”.Why are state antitakeover laws important?  Who are these laws designed to protect?The topic of antitakeover laws begins on page 101 (99).  You may want to discuss poison pills.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIxH3R9iC6U6.  Discuss SEC Rule 10b-5.  How does this rule protect shareholders who incur losses?This section is covered under insider trading on pages 109-110 (108-110).SEC Rule 10b-5:https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/rule10b5.asphttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sp4f_LsppkcYou will want to address insider trading.7.  The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 provides the foundation of antitrust law.  Discuss at least two of the other Acts that pertain to antitrust.The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1980 begins on page 111 (110).  Section 1 and 2 are addressed on this page.https://business-law.freeadvice.com/business-law/trade_regulation/anti_trust_act.htmhttps://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/sherman-antiturst-act.aspThe Sherman Anti-Trust Act Explained:  US History Review:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DSN0uUNLOw8.  Acquisition is a popular growth strategy, why?The Growth strategy begins the readings on Chapter-4’s Merger Strategy.9.  How does the synergistic effect influence mergers and acquisitions?Synergy begins on page 136 (136) of the text.You may want to address the equations 4.1 and/or 4.2.You may want to address the differences between operational verses financial synergies.10.  Discuss diversification as it relates and drives corporate strategy.The topic of diversification begins on page 148 (146) of the text.You may want to address the differences between a horizontal verses vertical integration.