Psy 215 Research Gap Worksheet

PSY 215 Research Gap Worksheet

This worksheet will help you complete the Module Four Worksheet: Identifying a Research Gap.


In order to complete this worksheet, you will need to review all five studies you have selected for your final project.


This worksheet is filled out to provide an example for you to follow.

Note: Use this sheet as a template by deleting the highlighted portions and replacing them with your own content.


Gap Identification

Based upon your review of the articles in your chosen track and the additional articles you selected, identify a gap in the abnormal psychology research presented in the course that is unexplored or underdeveloped. For example, is there an unexplored aspect of abnormal psychology you believe could be further explored? When reviewing a resource, one good way of identifying a research gap is to look at the author’s own conclusions and any suggestions for future research, which may point his or her readers to areas of the study that require further research. The limitations of the gap haven’t been further forms of the Gap identification also,

Future studies indicate that there hasn’t been enough gap identification on the study in the five articles in question regarding the studies within the anger and borderline personality disorder. Which is dealing with being bipolar.



Research Question

Develop a basic research question addressing the identified gap. In other words, create a question that you could answer in research further investigating your identified gap. Remember: An effective research question should be clear and focus your research. Ideally, it should also be something that you are interested in or care about.


Within the treatment for bipolar disorder, what are good therapeutic treatments that could help those suffering from the disorder ?



PSY 215 Research Gap Worksheet


This worksheet will help you complete

the Module Four


Worksheet: Identifying a Research Gap.



In order to complete this workshee

t, you will need to review all five


studies you have selected for

your final project




This worksheet is filled out to provid

e an example for you to follow.


Note: Use this sheet as a template by deleting the highlighted portion



and replacing




your own content.



Gap Identification



Based upon your review of the articles in your chosen track


and the additional articles you


, identify a gap in the abnormal psychology research presented in the course that is

unexplored or underdeveloped. For example, is there an unexplored asp

ect of abnormal

psychology you believe could be further explored? When reviewing a resource, one good way of

identifying a research gap is to look at the author’s own conclusions and any suggestions for


e research, which may point his or

her readers t

o areas of the study that require further



The limitations of the gap ha



t been


urther f

orms of the Gap identification also





studies indicate that





enough gap identification on the study in the five


in question


regarding the studies within the anger and






Which is dealing with being bipolar





Research Question




PSY 215 Research Gap Worksheet

This worksheet will help you complete the Module Four Worksheet: Identifying a Research Gap.


In order to complete this worksheet, you will need to review all five studies you have selected for

your final project.


This worksheet is filled out to provide an example for you to follow.

Note: Use this sheet as a template by deleting the highlighted portions and replacing them with

your own content.


Gap Identification

Based upon your review of the articles in your chosen track and the additional articles you

selected, identify a gap in the abnormal psychology research presented in the course that is

unexplored or underdeveloped. For example, is there an unexplored aspect of abnormal

psychology you believe could be further explored? When reviewing a resource, one good way of

identifying a research gap is to look at the author’s own conclusions and any suggestions for

future research, which may point his or her readers to areas of the study that require further

research. The limitations of the gap haven’t been further forms of the Gap identification also,

Future studies indicate that there hasn’t been enough gap identification on the study in the five

articles in question regarding the studies within the anger and borderline personality disorder.

Which is dealing with being bipolar.



Research Question