How is public administration different from private management?

Essay 3 Pages.










Comment by stacy peerbolte: Review APA 7 Professional formatting.


Organizational Management

Abdirahim M Muhumed

Liberty University

Prof: Dr. Peerbolte, Stacy Fri, 04/16/2021



Introduction Comment by stacy peerbolte: An abstract is not the same thing as an introduction. Please review APA 7 professional formatting.

Organizational performance is influenced by a number ofseveral factors. One key factor is nth management of the human resource and various resources in an organization such as financial management. It is a result that various schools have delved into finding out what organizational theories can be used to foster the performance of an organization. It is important to note that One such theory that is popular in the discussion is the classical organization theory. This paper seeks to discuss the classical organization theory with respect to the contributions of various scholars and the implications of the same in decision-making.


Background of the issue

The development of the classical organizationtheory has been day in and out. Manyresearchesresearch and studies have been made in attempt to improve the viability, effectivenesseffectiveness, and reliability of the theory. It is important to embrace all the contributions of the various scholarsand how the same could be embraced in decision making, human resource managementmanagement, among others.

Importance of the issue

There are a number ofseveralscholars who have helped in research and development of the classical organization theory. FirstlyFirstly, is Fredric Taylor who researched and recommended on firms doing a thorough study of the customized tasks and come up withprecise procedures that could be used toused to improve the human resource outputs (Suddaby & Foster, 2017). Secondly is Henry gantwhodeveloped the bar graph used tomeasureplanned and complete work and the various stages of development. Such is used to improve the efficiency by ensuring step wise optimal input of resources and output. Additionally, Lillian Gilbreth researched into the necessary motions that and movements that are used to improve the performance of the human resource. The researcher also researched on howtoeto effectively understands the human needs in work by for instance moods assessment to ensure improvement of the performance and organizational results (Oreg& Berson, 2019).

S/No Scholar Area of contribution Scholarly contribution
1. Fredric Taylor Organizational management- classical organizational aspects researched and recommended on firms doing a thorough study of the customized tasks and come up with precise procedures that could be used to improve the human resource outputs
2. Henry gant Organizational management- classical organizational aspects Developed the bar graph used to measure planned and complete work and the various stages of development. Such is used to improve the efficiency by ensuring step wise optimal input of resources and output.
3. Lillian Gilbreth Organizational management- classical organizational aspects Researched into the necessary motions that and movements that are used to improve the performance of the human resource. The researcher also researched on hoe toe effectively understands the human needs in work by for instance moods assessment to ensure improvement of the performance and organizational results


Public administration is different from private administration in the sense that public administration entails offering services in management in public organizations and entities such as the state-owned. On the other hand, private management entails services that are offered in the sector in private entities such as privately-owned organizations. There is usually a greater sense of responsibility in private management as compared to public administration (Sroufe, 2017).

In the public administration, there is usually adherence to government formulated policies in the management of the public-ownedpublic owned as compared to the private management where the owners formulate the management policies and guidelines through the use ofusing the managers that are often delegated the duty of doing such. The taxpayers for instance fund the public entities as opposed to the private organizations that are often funded by the owners or through the trading of shares in the listed companies (Oreg& Berson, 2019).

It is vital to note that the differences in the above influence a number ofseveral aspects in an organization that have to do with decision making, human resource management, and the classical organizational theory. For instance, decision-making is through the management that is employed by the government. The input of the public could also be need when it comes to decisions that are made in public administration. There is also a strict adherence to a given stipulated public administration code of performance and administration amongst the state officers. It is in sharp contrast to the private management that mostly does the contrary to the above.






S/No Public administration Private management
1. Decision making is usually pluralistic in nature and entails many decision makers Decision making is often monopolistic in nature with few decision makers
2 Accountability is to the general publicpublic Accountability is to the owners
3. Mostly for welfare orientation purposes Profit oriented in nature
4. Taxation and duties are some of the sources of revenue Profits are often the sources of revenue



Regarding human resource management, as mentioned above, the human resource is managed according to the stipulated operational policies and laws of the government in most cases. For instance, the grounds for dismissal and hiring are usually as guided by the government or public stipulation which is often not the same as the private management. It is the reason for a more stringent management oof human resources and more accountability of human resources as compared to private management.

On the other hand, the classical organizational theory is influenced greatly by the type and differences rights are encountered as discussed above. For instance, the administration of the affairs of organizations is directly linked to public accountability and government directives as opposed to private management where accountability is to the owners and maybe to the shareholders (Aslam et al., 2018).

Additionally, aspects such as money management and use also have a direct link to the various policies and guidelines that govern the two types of management and practices that are linked to the same. It is important to note that in many countries or nations, both private management and public administration have been of great sense and hence it has evoked the need for even better management of the same. It explains the need for the input of the various scholars into making the field of organizational management even better through the use ofusing the various study recommendations and inputs by numerous scholars such as the ones that are discussed in this paper.


It isimportant to adhere to the various scholarlyadvocaciessuch as sticking to classical theory advisories on how for instance to increase the effectiveness and the efficiency of the managementthrough better human resource management. Additionally, the difference between the private and publicmanagement and amidnsuitarion should be clearlyevaluated to ensure the bestpractices are sued and discard the unnecessary practices such as pooraccountability.



Suddaby, R., & Foster, W. M. (2017). History and organizational change.

Oreg, S., & Berson, Y. (2019). Leaders’ impact on organizational change: Bridging theoretical and methodological chasms. Academy of Management Annals13(1), 272-307.

Aslam, U., Muqadas, F., Imran, M. K., & Saboor, A. (2018). Emerging organizational parameters and their roles in implementation of organizational change. Journal of Organizational Change Management.

Sroufe, R. (2017). Integration and organizational change towards sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production162, 315-329.





You will be asked to respond to a broad-based question about public administration. You will be asked to demonstrate critical thinking about a controversial issue in public administration and take a position on which course of action would be the best approach for public administrators.

Mid-Term Essay Question: Classical Organizational Theory deals with the “systematic processes necessary to make bureaucracy more efficient and effective.” Nam three scholars that are credited with the development of classical organizational thought that most correctly fit into this definition of Classical Organizational Theory.

1. What are the basic arguments articulated by each in their contributions to the development of Classical Organizational Theory?

Final Essay Question:

2. How is public administration different from private management?

3.  What are the implications of these differences for the public administrator in the areas of

a) decision making;

b) human resource management;

and (c) Classical Organizational Theory

Items to include are outlined as follows:

. Abstract,

. Introduction

. background on the issue

. Detailed presentation of the importance of the issue,

. Discussion of possible solutions,

.  and a Recommendation for the Solution.

· Two tables and/or figures to help convey key points.

· Length of assignment: 3- pages, excluding tables, figures, title page, and reference page.

· Format of assignment: APA

· Number of citations: 5

Acceptable sources include scholarly articles published within the last five years.