National Security Strategy

For the National Security Strategy – Individual Paper, provide a 6 page paper on your position-specific topic. Be sure to reference course materials (lectures and course-readings) to support your arguments and positions. This work should use a standard presentation design (Times New Roman, 12-font, double-spaced, 1” margins, APA citations with a bibliography)

As the Minister of the Economy and Trade of your country, please lay out a clear vision of your economic policy. In this section please provide a response to the following:

  • -Define your nation’s overall economic policy for growth and development. Will a more competitive mercantilist or liberal free trade policy be more effective?
  • -Discuss the role of trade regimes in your National Security Strategy (NSS). How important will engagement and entanglement in international trade organizations like the World Trade Organization WTO be in your overall security?
  • -Discuss which sectors of industrialization and development are necessary to sustain competitive growth?National Security Strategy


    The Democratic People’s Republic of Atropia

    Sean Andrews, Ali Alqabandi, Michal Mielewczyk,

    Khatia Diasamidze, Lujain Alsenafi.




















    – While the beginning details the challenges of the simulation alignments, it fails to address the purpose of the opening section, which is to define the environment, locate the specific dangers facing your country’s security and then presenting an overall paradigm that subsequent sections of the NSS will follow. Correcting this section will drastically improve the paper and focus the attention of the reader of this policy memo. (SEAN) 😀 (LOL) had to make sure huh?YUP!! heavy with the red… what makes the green grass grow?

    blood! -Blood blood bright red blood. – The State section is strong, but again should make reference to the over-arching strategic goals of Atropia. (ALI) – The defense section utilizes the course material well and defines a clear purpose and organizational structure. It would be better to include a section that ties the use of military action to the State’s mission. (MIKE) – Again, the DNI section is overall well-written (though lacks reference to course materials), but it makes statements that are better suited for the opening section. (KHAT) – Trade section is solid. (LUJAIN) – Review your formatting…make sure it is consistent throughout. (DNI/Trade is quite different from State/Defense) – This is a decent first draft, but needs 3 things: 1. Edit the opening section. It needs to give more direction and less reflection. 2. Reform the Domestic Affairs Director (or at least address something in this section). LOL I know that this section was purposefully left blank because work was not submitted by a group member. However, please address how you will gain support for NSS. (GHOST) 3. A thorough formatting edit is needed. The information and analysis is good, but it reads more like 5 different papers than 1 cohesive document.








    The Democratic People’s Republic of Atropia is a peace-loving nation forced to take up arms in order to free its oppressed and enslaved citizens, the primary goal of our nation is to free our captured and exploited people and take back what is ours. Atropia is a stable Totalitarian- Communist country. The country is built on the minds of the great philosophers, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. With these minds as the spine of our country’s structured backbone, we were able to support and give to the people of Atropia the freedom that they so desired. Like any country in the world, other nations have their weaknesses. Atropia is located north/ northwest of the other six nations that are in Atropia’s area of operation (AO). One of the best gifts that the military force can give its economy and people is the simple reason why its citizens love Atropia. Atropia has no conscription and joining the military, going in as enlisted or officer, is purely voluntary based. The defensive goal of Atropia is to protect its economy and people from all threats foreign and domestic. What our country will concentrate on will be Intelligence. One of the big projects that will help us in terms of security and intelligence gathering is CIA. This project lets us have information about every country, without them having a knowledge about us. It gets rid of the need to have foreign embassies in our territory for the purpose of intelligence gathering.


    · President

    A comprehensive evaluation of the Statecraft International Relations Simulation yields the discovery that while the game has parallels to real world scenarios, the bulk of the game has very little to do with international relations. Success in the game is achieved through a comprehensive understanding of gaming theory coupled with previously existing relationships with class members.

    Upon reading the 71 page manual for play, several observations are clear: one, that the game designers pay little to no attention to detail as seen in the numerous contradictions in the manual; two, that while the manual is lengthy, it leaves out numerous important pieces of information required for gameplay; three, that the manual serves to highlight important components of the game that have little to no real significance to gameplay. Rudimentary attempts to manipulate players and instigate conflict are overly simplistic, painfully banal, and generally unnecessary.

    Moving on, the game itself is poorly programmed with numerous glitches that can be exploited such as the ability to conduct the “Crackdown” special ability without meeting the necessary conditions required. The map has the appearance of programming by a middle schooler new to coding, and the general gaming experience is poor to say the least. However, all of these software issues do not detract from the gaming experience nearly as much as the player interaction.

    In the beginning of the course, the class was introduced to the prisoner’s dilemma game. The biggest fundamental lesson to be taken from the game is that player history is crucial for effective negotiation and bargaining. This history was clearly seen early on in the game when four countries immediately banded together. The eventual addition of a fifth country into the alliance made success in the game untenable. While this has real world applications regarding the history of nations in regards to global diplomacy, player’s lack of adhesion to the contrived global history substantially nullified attempts at diplomatic relations and resulted in players taking sides based on existing relationships before gameplay even started.

    From the start of the game, Atropia was focused on technology given the 1200 SK it produced per turn. To illustrate how much more SK Atropia generated over other countries, the average production of it was 300 with the highest other country producing 500. With an abundance of SK, Atropia was able to rush technologies early on in the game and simply outclass the other countries. This allowed for early bidding on big projects.

    Big projects are the clear metric for success in this game. The ability to control the five key big projects: the national railroad, the oil pipeline, the CIA, the SDI, and the Schwarzkopf War College; allow a nation to outproduce the globe and sets the conditions for long-term success. With this in mind, it is important to create a path to be able to acquire them in a timely manner. Given that most of the requisite technologies take 3 to 5 turns to research, it is unfeasible to acquire the technologies by waiting until the respective turn. Strategic rushing of resources and acquisition of big projects that yield free technology slots is crucial to getting the big projects early on in the game when they matter most. Big projects like the Einstein Research Lab and the Moon Landing provide three and two free technologies respectively. Having 5 free technologies is almost game-breaking.

    The acquisition of the aforementioned five big projects gives the host nation 1500 food, 1500 gold, 1500 steel, 3000 oil, free spy data on all countries (including realtime troop locations and budget expenditures), and unlimited military maintenance allows the country to outproduce the rest of the nations in the game while developing an unparalleled military able to maneuver effectively against the enemy nations given the intelligence clairvoyance. As the game progresses, any country that controls these is able to compete with the entire world militarily and is almost assured control of the world.

    While Atropia was clearly the country with the most potential to succeed, deliberate calculation was required to make up for the lack of production of oil and steel. Trading of technologies provided Atropia thousands of resources as technologies could be traded with more than one nation. While the big projects require technologies, they also require large amounts of resources; this is why early acquisition is crucial. Big projects are bid on which can cause the price to get incredibly inflated. This was best illustrated when Poseidonas bid on the oil pipeline. The minimum bid of 500 was increased to 900 before Atropia claimed it. The other six big projects Atropia acquired were all purchased at the minimum cost because of the peerless bidding.

    Following that preface, we can move on to the meat and potatoes of the simulation. Atropia currently does not face an international environment as it was invaded and completely taken over by the combined military might of 5 nations. This renders any future strategies moot along with nullifying the need for a National Security Council or any discernible pattern for decision making. There are currently no future goals, threats to sovereignty, or plans of any kind. With this in mind however, we can continue to evaluate the previous turns to identify failures on behalf of the various branches of the National Security Council.

    As stated previously, the flaw in this game is that students have pre-existing relationships which make true diplomacy very difficult. Much like in the real world, the past is crucial to conducting negotiations of any kind. Despite repeated attempts to sway other countries, they were relentless in their desire to eliminate my nation. Ultimately, despite having six big projects and the largest economy, it was not enough to compete with the “Mobilization” special ability enacted by the three military dictatorships which resulted in an approximate net gain of 30 army divisions.

    In a turn-by-turn breakdown, it is clear what actions led to the current status of the game. Atropia pulled away from the pack on the first turn by buying the maximum amount of gold and steel mines. This gave Atropia the raw resources necessary to acquire the big projects it needed. Additionally, rushing research turn 1 set the stage for acquiring the requisite technologies necessary for big project bidding. Given that Atropia was one of two communist countries, we were able to trade our technologies for oil early in the game. I had hoped that by trading with everyone, I could foster a simulation of peace. Apparently, this dream was not to be as seen by my current lack of country.

    Turn 2, Atropia acquired Solid Rocket Boosters and proceeded to rush Ballistic Missile Tracking. This set the conditions for acquiring the Moon Landing big project on turn 3. This plan was quickly moved up given the necessity for acquiring other big projects turn 3, and Atropia double rushed Ballistic Missile Tracking and bid on the Moon Landing Big Project several turns before any other country was expecting bids to be placed.

    Turn 3 was possibly the most public display of Atropia’s economic prowess seen by the acquisition of the National Railroad. Everyone in the class was well aware of the benefits of the big projects and seizing the most resource-generating one definitely motivated the four country alliance to prepare to engage in military action against me. In my interests to pursue peace, I had not purchased any military units until Turn 3. Even then, the purchased units were minimal and were designed to be defensive. Atropia had no offensive ambitions for the entire game and did its best to negotiate peace with every nation. What seriously shocked me was that countries turned down offers for resources in exchange for peace. I had not anticipated countries turning down resources to pursue military ambitions.

    Atropia definitely took a risk in pursuing technology and economy so heavily. The lack of early game military spending resulted in the country being invaded by the combined might of five nations. I had hoped that Eschryos would pull enough attention given their geographic position in the world, but this failed to occur. It is interesting to note that if one of the 5 countries that invaded had joined the alliance between Atropia and Eschryos, that Atropia’s capital and its 6 big projects would have remained under my control. This illustrates the strength of Atropia’s economy and big projects; they were so strong that Atropia was approximately 5 army divisions short of surviving the onslaught of five nations.

    The tentative plan was clear, maintain a defensive position in the capital which yielded a 70% boost to combat (50% from city walls, 10% from morale boost, 10% from defense) until the nations of the world attacked at which point their armies would be crushed. As they were military dictatorships, they attained their sizable militaries from a one time use special ability. Atropia’s sizeable military was acquired through it economy. Had the capital survived, Atropia would go on to acquire the Schwarzkopf War College big project and muster the largest military the simulation had ever seen, free from the economic strain caused by military maintenance.

    In all honesty, the frustration caused by such a blatant act of disrespect exhibited by an attack by five nations was going to result in a total war where the forces of Atropia would have steamrolled every fledgling nation that ended up under its venerable boot; that is a story for another day however. As stated earlier, the patterns of behavior of individuals in this simulation is characteristic of the prisoner’s dilemma. Player history resulted in a five country alliance weeks before any form of real diplomatic relations could be accomplished. This was additionally witnessed by every countries’ lack of willingness to negotiate. Any country had the opportunity to seize several cities and capital while the rest of the nations were focused on seizing Atropia’s cities.

    Had I been in the position of any other nation, I would have taken advantage of the concentrated focus on one country to utterly destroy every other nation. However, personal relationships were built on trust established long before this class began. That being said, I would be remiss to not discuss the personal relationship I had with Eschryos. Aaron and I went to highschool together and were even debate partners. This helped establish trust in game that was built on the trust we had for each other in life. Sadly, I did not have this personal relationship with other in the game. It was illogical and unprecedented for five nations to band together against a stronger power and be so resistant to the possibility of exploiting such a conflict for personal gain.

    If I were to play the same simulation with the same actors, I would choose military dictatorship instead of communist for style of government. This would have secured my fate as I could have utilized the “Mobilize” ability on turn 7 and gained an extra 14 army divisions. This would have been more than enough to crush the 5 opposing nations and and start my offensive to pick them off one by one. I was thoroughly disappointed to see the simulation reduced to such a boring alliance game.

    My goal for Atropia from turn 0 was to ensure self-sufficiency. This was the reasoning behind all of the big project bids. In a competitive game, it is stupid to try and develop long-term trading relationships given the inevitable turn to conflict. I would be thoroughly surprised if there was ever a simulation that ended in complete peace and I am sure that there will be a nuclear strike if the current simulation is allowed to run its course. In line with modern ideology, governments build weapons to use. The nations of the simulation developed massive militaries that they were inevitably going to use in an offensive capacity given their diplomatic standing.

    Ultimately, if this game was played with strangers, a true five country alliance would never have been formed. Following the invasion of two out of three cities, at least one of the five countries would have turned on the others if this was an anonymous game played completely online with players unaware of the people behind other nations. This is what I expected when I started researching this game; most of these opinions are predicated on years of strategy gaming experience both online and with friends. Treachery is inevitable, especially when the majority of the players are focused on one threat.

    Life and diplomatic relations are both about seizing the initiative and taking risks. The age old adage,”Nothing ventured, nothing gained,” holds as true today as it did whenever it was coined. A crucial part of any strategy game is in the deliberate weighing of risky actions to gain the most while risking the least. While many would criticize my lack of early military development, I predicted my strategy on the belief that I would be able to sway at least one of the 5 countries pitted against me with the thousands of resources and boundless technologies I had at my disposal. By the time it became clear that some nations were acting irrationally, it was too late to change my future actions. The risk was in demonstrating power to quickly. However, the challenge to this statement in this simulation was that nations were building up their militaries before I demonstrated any power at all.

    Had this game been played anonymously or online, I doubt a 5 country alliance would have been maintained given the grading scheme in the class. That being said, had the 5 countries been played by persons more vested in their own interests, the alliance would not have survived either. The sole factor that best illustrates this point is that the nations of the world were relatively apathetic to Poseidonas seizing not only 6 big projects, but two of my cities. The apathy of these nations shows that their actions were emotionally founded and that their military action and hostility was not directed at my country as much as it was directed at me.

    Attempts to build up the Atropia were very thoroughly rooted in the National Security Council. As the president, I was focused on the grand security strategy as outlined in this paper. With that in mind, my secretaries of state, defense, and intelligence were crucial for helping guide my decision making throughout. Rather than a compartmentalized system, we adopted a more informal committee style of leadership founded in an open forum. The lack of input by the secretary of the interior was nullified given the committee structure because other secretaries were able to way in on domestic policy.

    The culminating lessons drawn from this simulation is that history, of both players and nations, and relationships between players hold a substantial sway over decision making and can cause actors to behave irrationally and set aside self-interest. Perhaps the greatest threat to global diplomacy is the irrationality of action taken on behalf of friendships. The single most significant aspect of diplomatic forecasting is rational behavior. The human element distorts the rational thought process and makes accurate forecasting almost impossible, as seen with Atropia failing to appeal to any of the 5 enemy nations. In summation, people have been, are, and continue to be the problem in diplomacy. On that terrible disappointment, we must continue to put the fate of the world in the hands of the emotions and histories of nation states as well as the relationships between heads of state.


    As the President has discussed, diplomacy is caused by human-beings believing they are making a rational choice. However, the reality of this game yields the realization that an individual’s “rational” decision making is often founded in emotional acts rendering action to be inherently irrational. History has illustrated that conflict is rarely resolved or avoided through rational diplomacy. Mobilization of a large military for defensive purposes is an inherently rational behavior. With that in mind, other nations attacking a country for building up its military is also rational.

    This brings us to our Department of State, who will be discussing the mutual and non-mutual agreements with Atropia and the other six foreign states in the region.


    · Secretary of State

    Our nation started the Statecraft simulation in a defensive position with little to no resources. Our national diplomatic goals at the start of the game were plain and simple: regain the Orion mountains and build a self-sustainable nation strong enough to overcome its’ lack of natural resources and effective allies. The Orion Liberation Front (OLF) was presented as a useful tool in helping our nation to regain the Orion mountains and keep the Regime of Orion in check. The OLF did help in crippling the Regime of Orion economically, however it lacked the ability to help our nation militarily (like all terrorist groups in the Statecraft Simulation). The fact that Atropia was the smallest nation in the Statecraft simulation led to some economic challenges as well. Compared to other nations, Atropia was in a difficult position since the start of the simulation. Lack of natural resources and a large hostile neighbor forced us to seek any way possible in strengthening our nation’s position. The rapid development of Atropia due to the big project strategy was motivated by survival instincts, not global domination.

    The general diplomatic strategy of Atropia is defensive in nature. Our main goals were to build a strong economy, achieve self-reliance through winning big projects, raise the largest military and acquire cutting edge technology. If these goals were fulfilled, our next proposed step was attacking the Regime of Orion and liberating the Orion mountains.

    Other than the Regime of Orion, hostile relations did not exist at all between the Democratic Republic of Atropia and other nations. The general approach to diplomacy was through establishing trade and diplomatic relations with all willing nation. Our nation often initiated diplomatic treaties and trade deals with other nations, including the hostile Regime of Orion. The goal of these diplomatic missions was to ensure our safety and to satisfy the demands of the economy.

    The lack of strong and reliable allies has definitely played a major role in the downfall of Atropia. Eschyros was a great ally, but a stronger and a more efficient ally would have shifted the balance of power. Eschyros was one of the weakest and poorest nations, however they were open to an alliance with Atropia due to having a common enemy (the Regime of Orion). Our Nation also supplied Eschyros with massive amounts of resources and technology in order to finance their economy and military.

    As a realist secretary of state, my advice was always to keep enhancing our economy and military before helping any ally. Realism promotes “self-help”, a concept that defines state power in military terms and promotes state survival at any cost (1-Hartman, 2018). I initially opposed the alliance with Eschyros for two main reasons: the general weakness of Eschyros and the high economic cost of the alliance. A marginally stronger ally would have helped us in surviving and delivering a crush defeat to our enemies. However, Eschyros was one of the few nations willing to engage with us diplomatically. Their military sacrifices and loyalty were admirable nonetheless. It’s worth mentioning that the great nation of Eschyros refused many offers by the alliance of five to switch sides.

    The Alliance of five is made up of: The Regime of Orion, CARTAB, Unified Valerian State, Poseidonas and Funtfeland. The goal of the Alliance was to eliminate Atropia through any means possible. The Alliance members dedicated most of their resources towards that goal, in the meantime domestic issues were largely neglected and some of these countries even went into debt. Some members in the alliance of five were interested into negotiating peace or alliance with our nation, however none of the diplomatic talks bore fruit. Their determination to destroy Atropia was remarkable nonetheless. With that being said, according to our own intelligence reports, the alliance of five was based on previous real life friendships and not on the national interest or security goals of these nations in the simulation. The Alliance of Five contains both balancing (Alignment with weaker nations) and Bandwagoning (Alignment with dominant forces) elements (2-Hartman, 2018).

    Hostilities between The Alliance of Five and the Atropia-Eschryos alliance eventually led to war between the two parties. It took the Alliance of Five 3 turns and massive military and economic losses to achieve its’ goals. Economic losses will still affect the Alliance of Five due to the high cost of military maintenance. Many of the Alliance of Five nations ignored the process of nation building and focused mainly on acquiring military units. Our nation’s capital was targeted by 2 nuclear missiles launched by the nations of Funtfeland and Unified Valyria State in an effort to destroy it, however our capital survived due to acquiring the SDI big project.

    One of the drawbacks of the simulation is the lack of realistic gameplay. For example, using 100% your military in attacking a different nation will never occur in a real-life situation. Sending all your military divisions and leaving your whole nation undefended is not a realistic and strategic decision. For example, the nations of Funtfeland and The Regime of Orion sent more than 20 army division combined (lost 75% of their strength) but gained no direct control of the Atropian capital and its’ big projects.

    To our administration, effective diplomacy is the ability to project power through military, economic strength and information (1-Hartman, 2018). Our nation strived to be the most advanced nation regarding these fields. One of the drawbacks of this strategy is the unwanted attention from otherwise non-hostile nations. In this simulation, other countries cited fear and envy as a cause of their war against Atropia. These nations mobilized their armies and dedicated most of their economical assets (for many turns) towards taking down an advanced nation, not because their nations were facing a direct threat. In my opinion, this shows a lack of critical strategic thinking skills amongst some of the enemy leaders.

    Our nation will try to ally with a global power and try to reconquer our previous cities. A non-official deal was made between Atropia and the Unified Valyrian State. in the case of a breakdown in the Alliance of Five, Valyria will offer The Democratic republic of Atropia a city and The Democratic republic of Atropia will not attack or ally against the Unified Valyrian State. Atropia might come back in the game as a wild card. Appealing to the great nation of Drakhar might help us as well. The lack of global powers, the absence of superpowers like Drakhar, and the lack of natural disasters played a role in increasing the possibility of conflict between nations. Facing a strong enemy (such as Drakhar) or a massive natural disaster would have reduced conflict between nations and promoted international unity to combat a much larger threat. The Unified Valyrian State was generally friendly to Atropia, despite being a member of the Alliance of Five. Both nations had a non-aggression pact which was broken by the Unified Valyrian State. Diplomacy is the most important tool in the simulation and diplomatic failure was one of the major reasons for Atropia’s downfall (however, diplomatic ties were hard to establish in this simulation because they were driven by personal relationships rather than realistic national interests).

    During turn 3-4, a military alliance was formed between our nation and Eschryos. The Alliance treaty was created by the presidents and government members of DPR of Atropia and Eschyros.

    Treaty details: Countries: Democratic People’s Republic of Atropia and Eschyros

    Treaty Name: Zero-Sum Agreement

    Type of Treaty: Military Alliance

    Treaty Description: In light of recent knowledge of imminent threat from enemies of the OLF, we the government of Eschyros find no other alternative but to partake in this perpetual engagement of trade. By willingly choosing to accept the passage of the oil pipeline bid for the access of the Democratic People’s Republic of Atropia and the resources that will be reaped, in return Eschyros will receive the shared knowledge of all technologies in Atropia’s possession (and future knowledge) as well as 250 gold, 500 oil and 300 SK every turn. This will ensure the resources required to fund a strong and effective military for the benefit of both Nations, thereby ensuring security and domestic tranquility of both homelands.

    As our Department of State (DoS) has concluded, it is his responsibility to make any and all negotiations work for both parties. In this case the strongest bond was between Atropia and Eschyros. The two nation’s economies and trades made it possible for the DoS and our President to form a mutual alliance benefitting both nations. The greed that lingered from the other five nations has proven once again that diplomacy ultimately failed. The simulation dictated the need for a personal relationship with other state actors to promote trust outside of the simulation.

    On May 2nd, 2018, the mutual bond that the five nations had proved fruitless as the final scores were released. Most of the five nations were expecting high praise as they expected to look down on Atropia. Ironically, it was Atropia that stood tall and proud in the end as the nations that received a lower grade, loathed in disgust, complained about glitches and non-responsive game designers. In diplomacy, there are no cheat codes to make things work in your countries favor. As a result, other nations failed to truly understand the importance of the simulation by failing to build real relations with all seven nations, failing at trade, and believing in propaganda.

    Our State Department worked diligently to build foreign relations to no avail. When one nation had most of the resources and research, instead of initiating peaceful negotiations, many nations clinged to the fear driving them to annihilate Atropia proving once again that the irrational fear the five nations had against Atropia and Eschyros would ultimately spiral out of control. That is why we have a military: the Atropian Military Force (AMF), which our Secretary of Defense will now outline.


    · Secretary of Defense

    Currently, our military is growing. We have a vibrant recruiting team, bringing in patriotic men and women willing to defend the homeland, the fatherland, from all threats. The current defense budget for Fiscal Year (FY)’18 has increased dramatically since the defense budget took a downturn in FY’16. As a result of the country’s increased defense budget, Atropia was able to increase its roll from the home front to a more international scale. However, as Atropia may be more involved in international operations, the nation’s military posture is still purely a defensive.

    “In reality there is a wide and ineradicable area of overlap between civilian and military responsibilities and competencies in both peacetime and war. The challenge presented by this overlap is magnified in wartime by the fact that the civilian secretary of defense is in the military chain of command – and thus accountable for the outcome of US combat operations – while the uniformed chairman and other member of the JCS are not.” (George, R. & Rishikof, H./p.125/2017).

    As George and Rishikof have pointed out, even though the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) is a civilian, appointed by the President of the United States, SECDEF is still part of the military Chain of Command (CoC). Secretary of Defense Michal Mielewczyk, was appointed by the President of Atropia, President Andrews, to fill the role of defending Atropia from all threats. Even though the General is filling the role of a civilian, he is still highly respected and is the top advisor to the President and Atropian military.

    The Secretary of Defense has the responsibility to advise the president on the country’s ability to defend itself and project power. In recent months, Atropia has involved itself with its neighboring nations, to build defense and trade policies that will benefit both Atropia and the other countries. As a precaution, Atropia has decided to create a limited force. Eschyros, our first comprehensive ally in the contingency, has been a resourceful neighbor.

    As part of the trade agreement between Atropia and Eschyros, the President agreed with the Eschyrosian President to limit the size of the Atropian Military Force (AMF). Upon this agreement, other nations that neighbored Atropia and Eschyros agreed to other treaties. To name a few of these treaties that were signed and agreed upon between Atropia and the foreign countries include Zero-Sum Agreement with Eschyros. A Non-Aggression Pact was signed with Eschyros and the Unified Valyrian State, and finally, an Alliance Pact was signed with our comrades to promote the partnership between the Atropia and Eschyros.

    These treaties allowed the first talks for a possible trade agreement amongst the seven powers of the world. As other treaties, pacts, and conventions were being brought forth to the discussion table, The Democratic People’s Republic of Atropia began to see a positive outlook that favored trade versus the use of brute force engagements and quests for occupations of neighboring countries. This, in turn, allowed our country to fulfill the agreement Atropia and Eschyros had planned for many months.

    In a lecture seminar on Security Studies that was presented by Dr. Thomas Hartman, he stated, “The Commander in Chief of the United States has control of the military, and the president can also form treaties with other nations. These treaties are agreed upon a 2/3rd’s vote by the Senate, and as for Congress, they do not have any power to form treaties with foreign nations.” (Hartman, T/2018). Even though DPRA is a Communist-Totalitarian nation, members from the other cabinet and branches of government have some say. The different ministries can give opinions and make requests, but it is our president that has the final say whether or not something goes through.

    Atropia government does not have the same democratic values and standards to voting and final say as the United States. That is why the president is the final authority in the Atropian Government’s decision-making process. As for treaties with foreign nations, the Atropian President may appoint a member of the cabinet to speak and negotiate on his behalf; this role is typically delegated to the Secretary of State, but the president may appoint other cabinet members if he feels it would be beneficial to negotiations. If SECDEF has stronger ties with a foreign nation than the SECSTATE, the president is more likely to appoint SECDEF to specific negotiations. Ultimately, the president will agree or disagree to the terms of any diplomatic negotiation.

    Every nation [well most developed countries] has a strategic policy emplaced. For example, as it is pointed out by David Auerswald and Colton Campbell,

    “the NATO Alliance, passage of trade promotion authority to facilitate the negotiation of trade agreements or the imposition sanctions against a country could all be considered examples of strategic policy. There are advantages and disadvantages to congressional attempts to influence strategic policy. Direct methods, such as stand-alone legislation, can take a long time to enact – because winning coalitions must be built – and can require significant compromises to get to final passage” (p.288/2017).

    The NATO Alliance that was used in Auerswald and Campbell’s example in the strategic policy section under chapter 13: Congress the Other Branch, is a similar concept that was utilized by Atropia and Eschyros. A bilateral agreement between the two nations that supported trade, foreign policy, and national defense was passed and led to the formation of a strong alliance between Atropia and Eschyros.

    The policies and treaties that were agreed upon by Atropia and Eschyros, set in motion a growing foundation for bilateral relationships that continue to prosper and mature. Concerning the ever-increasing bilateral agreements set between Atropia and Eschyros, as mentioned earlier, the Atropian President agreed that the Atropian Military Force (AMF) would downsize and reduce the number of military personnel in its ranks. This in return assured that Atropia would not be seen as a global aggressor. Eschyros also did not want Atropia to send the AMF into neighboring nations, jeopardizing agreements made by Eschyros and the other countries.

    The AMF’s downsize and caped military strength follow the same national tactics used against Germany and Japan after World War II. The only difference between this was that Atropia never started a war to which the result was a caped military size. Atropia recently elected a new president and the cabinet members that were appointed by the president fully support fostering the growth of the AMF’s Military-Industrial Complex in order to enable Atropia to use brute power to influence global policy in the future. Since most of the cabinet had a realist perspective (ideology) for their Totalitarian-Communist Regime, it only made sense for the administration to act on that will to grow its military might in order to seize a position of dominance for foreign influence amongst the other nations in the region.

    The Democratic People’s Republic of Atropia was on the verge of expressing their might on an international scale before Eschyros persuaded the Atropian Government to downsize. This was a significant feat saving the Atropian government and economy billions of dollars. Since the AMF’s downsizing, Atropia was no longer using its military might to influence foreign policy. However, Atropia was able to capitalize on building the economy through scientific research and natural resource production.

    The AMF was now primarily used only as a domestic defense force, state police, security force, and reserve force. Considering the downsize, some of Atropia’s military equipment and vehicles were put into storage. Army Divisions that were set to stand-up to active military service, were decommissioned before the units could be established. Construction of barracks and housing for military personnel managed to stay in the budget, allowing the current AMF to move into new living quarters. The further development of housing, on the other hand, indirectly boosted morale for the people of Atropia giving the people access to the new furnished housing units.

    Part of the agreement with Eschyros was that when Atropia’s military downsized and was relegated to national defense, Eschyros would step up and defend Atropia from foreign actors. It is now Eschyros’ responsibility to build their military might to defend their nation and Atropia’s nation from foreign threats. Atropia however, would support Eschyros through research and natural resources, building both economies.

    As pointed out in the bilateral strategic policy between Atropia and Eschyros, the agreement between the two nations proved and continued to highlight that deals for global peace and trade are entirely possible. However, as Dr. Hartman points out in his lectures, Global Affairs can be quite terrifying. “Global affairs are a competitive struggle for the material and resources that ensure self-preservation. There is a problem with this doctrine: the most important resources are SCARCE. This scarcity means that there will be winners and losers in the struggle for resources.” (2018).

    Atropia managed to grow its economy by outbidding other nations for direct access to the national oil pipeline. The Atropian Government could now capitalize on the oil pipeline and become a significant exporter of oil to other countries in the region. But as Dr. Hartman pointed out, “global affairs is a competitive struggle for materials and resources.” (2018). It slowly dawned on the Secretaries of Defense, Intelligence, State, and Trade that precautionary measures were needed to avert conflict.

    Other nations were cross with Atropia’s successful purchase of the oil pipeline. President Andrews requested amendments to the current peace and trade agreement between Atropia and Eschyros. The Atropian President asked that the AMF would be allowed to slightly increase their military size and strength to deter foreign nations from acting aggressively. Atropia was focused on preaching peace and informing the world of the peaceful ambitions it held.

    The AMF never publicly announced to the other countries of their downsize and cap strength. The only other country that was part of the Non-Aggression Pact was the Unified Valyrian State, but they too were also not notified due to unstable relations brewing between the two countries. This recent economic boom for Atropia has put the nation on high alert, and with the approval of the Eschyros’ President, President Goldenberg, Atropia could increase their military strength due to perceived weakness of Atropia by foreign powers.

    In recent events, mainly focusing on Atropia’s recent economic boom in research and natural resource drilling/mining, Atropia is no longer focusing on defending its citizens from local interior/domestic threats but once again threats from abroad. With Atropia’s economic boom, building a strong and powerful nation is much more possible and realistic than before the country’s positive economic growth. The immense amount of resources that are being produced by the Atropian economy has allowed massive spending on the AMF.

    As of now, the Democratic People’s Republic of Atropia has refocused its defensive posture towards international threats. The AMF’s mission is still not building towards an offensive goal but the continuous task of national defense. The defensive position of Atropia has now become the story of the Alamo. The only issue is, as a nation, the Atropian Government is unsure whether or not an imminent attack or invasion will happen. All we know is that after the oil pipeline purchase, other foreign nations were highly disappointed and have demonstrated increased aggression in diplomacy.

    (1) As of today, April 19, 2018, The Atropian AMF is building and growing its might with the backing of a strong economy rich in natural resources, drilling, and exports. (2) Atropia’s spending is not an issue due to the economic boom, which allows the AMF to spend exorbitantly on anything it may need to defend the nation from any threats both foreign and domestic. (3) Since the downsizing of the Atropian Military Force and recent possible threats, the AMF is no longer on the offensive, but the defensive. This is to maintain the country’s independence and prevent the takeover of Atropia from a foreign government/dictator.

    As Dr. Hartman spoke about at his lecture on Security Studies, “Global affairs are a competitive struggle for the material and resources that ensure self-preservation. But there is a problem; the most important resources are SCARCE.” (2018). Who knew that having too many resources can lead to a countries annihilation? This is almost a similar case to the Invasion of Kuwait, wanting more oil for their gain.

    Like any head of a cabinet, especially the Department of Defense (DoD), these are leaders that have experienced life in the ranks, serving as enlisted, warrants and officers. These are in most cases, men and women who view ways to personalize their own military industrial complex, with their egoistic self-proclamations of what a military truly is. Of course, being nominated to such position especially in a communist state, you do not always get what you want; persuasion does work.

    With the assistance of the State Department, the SECDEF was able to foresee his vision of a massive military powerhouse backed by a stronger economic powerhouse. With resources and advancements in technology, Atropia was able to prove that might to themselves and the nations in its region. But, since the other nations did not have their “cheat codes” working, fear and propaganda took over their rational thinking, causing irrational action against a state that meant no harm to no one.

    In light of outbidding on the oil pipeline, in was then and there that the CIA notified the DoD, DoS and POTUS of the possible outcome that may lead to the end of Atropia. DoD was able to build a military quickly and even make deals on the black market to prepare Atropia from an all-out war by the Big Five. This brings us to our Intelligence Agency, who will brief you on the intelligence gathering.

    Imagery Intelligence (IMINT), Counter-intelligence (HUMINT), Signal Intelligence (SIGINT), Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), and Intelligence Analysis were all used to mobilize the Atropian Military Force (AMF) within a matter of two turns.Without the Atropian CIA, the DPRA would ceased to exist long before it did.

    Director of National Intelligence

    Intelligence is one of the biggest advantages for Democratic People’s Republic of Atropia. As a Director of National Intelligence, it is my duty to provide the president with timely information gathered not just within our country but also outside the borders, mostly involving threats to our beautiful nation, our people, interests, and property. We want to make sure that we are overseeing relationships with the intelligence of other countries.

    We focused on the development of our economy and natural resources. Since we were one of the poorest nations in terms of natural resource production, we had to think outside of the box and come up with a solution that would benefit our country and our people. In order to do so, we decided to be as self-sufficient as possible and obtain big projects. The main goal of getting big projects was to limit our trades and provide our citizens with domestic stability and rich resources. One of the big projects that helped us in terms of security and intelligence gathering was CIA. This project let us have information about every country, without them having a knowledge about us. It got rid of the need to have foreign embassies on our territory.



    The strategy of our country changed several times, but that was be due to actions from rest of the world. Democratic People’s Republic of Atropia was focused on developing good communications and relationship with Eschyros. A friendly relationship with them could have led to an exchange of intelligence and but mainly, the reason behind this alliance was safety. In case our country needed to take back what is ours from The Regime of Orion, Eschyros would have been a great asset. Just like us, they are Communist country and they are bordering The Regime of Orion from the south, where most of their geographical resources are located. Also, because of the threat we are facing from The Regime Of Orion, it is very important to our country that we keep them close and develop a working relationship with them as well.

    Another country that might benefit Atropia and is worth working and developing good relationships with is Poseidonas. The friendship between Atropia and Poseidonas means having an ally that is its own island and isn’t involved with any of the territorial disputes. They could help in trading and sharing information when it comes to espionage. By allying ourselves with Poseidonas and Eschyros we are mitigating potential attack from The Regime Of Orion. Supporting and aiding OLF is emphasized because in order to disrupt The Regime of Orion and take mountains back. Because of the lack of trust within our Sapphire Alliance, it is very important to have a backup plan, that back up plan consists of putting our support in OLF.



    The job of the Director of National Intelligence is to advance, develop, and integrate the performance in Intelligence Community and also “act as the principal intelligence advisor to the president, the National Security Council (NSC), and the Homeland Security Council (HSC) for intelligence matters related to the national security… oversee and direct the implementation of the National Intelligence Program (NIP).” (Roger, p188). It is very important that I, as DNI, develop working relationships with other Directors of National Intelligence. This way I have a chance to figure out what other alliances are forming that does not include the Democratic People’s Republic Of Atropia.

    Getting rid of embassies and ambassadors from other countries is a tough call and one that many countries aren’t willing to make. Letting other countries have embassies on our territory shows them our willingness to cooperate but it also has its downfalls. Opening up embassies means giving countries information about what we do, what we have and what we lack. Information is key to success and handing over that key might have more negative outcomes than positive. However, not letting others have embassies on our territory, means that they will do the same to our country. CIA big project is a solution to that problem. It has an effect of having our embassy in other countries and getting reports on them and of course perk of it is that they don’t get that luxury.



    Our main mission at the beginning was to have limited espionage operations that were targeting other nations’ military and economic power, while we developed the CIA big project. Atropia run spy missions such as Treasure and Dragon to acquire more intel on other countries, especially their resources and military intelligence, targets of these missions mainly remained to be Regime of Orion, Democratic Republic of Cartab, funfteland, United Valyrian State and Poseidonas. Knowing what these countries were rich and poor in, helped our country to decide what resources to trade and what to keep. This is was not just for the sake of intelligence, we could later use this information to negotiate better deals when it comes to trades and it also gave us heads up, in case safety of our nation was compromised.

    It is very important to develop CIA big project because it will provide us with free data on all countries every turn, this will also limit spy missions and any unnecessary moves. “The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a major player in the national security enterprise, witnessed by the frequency with which it has become embroiled in controversy surrounding its covert operations in war zones, its collection methods, and its analysis on major foreign policy issues.”

    (Roger, p204).

    I, the Director of National Intelligence, have been pushing for CIA big project, which we plan to get in turn 4. Getting this project will be a huge help and push forward, because it will show us what everyone else was up to, without them knowing what we were planning. We will have all the data on all countries and their resources, we could see what everyone is spending their money on and from there logically decide what they are up to. For example: If we see that Orion is trading on black market for steel and food we’ll know that most likely they are upgrading their defense system and their army. Also, because of CIA project, we can see exactly how much to bid for all the other projects and how much resources we need to outbid others.



    Besides Intelligence, defense is one of the most important aspects of this simulation. Good intelligence intel and CIA projects can secure our nation safety and peace. Because of CIA big project, we’ll know ahead of time if anyone is planning an attack and therefore, we’ll know exactly what to do and where to put troops and divisions.this demonstrates just how important the good relationship between SOD and DNI is, ultimately for our nation’s safety. This is where the role of Defense and State Departments will play a crucial role. Secretary of State is responsible for diplomacy but State Department will have to work with Intelligence Department to make sure that we avoid war, also to give DNI freedom to run CIA big project and eliminate embassies.

    The Democratic People’s Republic of Atropia was able to accomplish all of its goals by turn 5. Unfortunately, other countries were not happy with this and saw us as a number one threat. In my opinion, their actions were driven by fear, even though we made it very clear that we were not targeting anyone. Majority of other countries made an alliance to try and destroy us, the reasoning behind this, as expressed in class and over other means of communication, was that the Democratic People’s Republic of Atropia got too many projects and was unbeatable.



    Once again, we could tell that we were about to get attacked because of CIA big project reports, all of a sudden we saw military movements on the map and other countries like CARTAB and Orion combining their forces. It is very hard to fight against five countries at the same time on three different fronts, raged war weakened our country. We had to concentrate on military and defense, which cost us a lot of resources. Our number one and only true alliance remained Eschyros, we share our intelligence with them and also trade resources. We also trade technologies, that way both countries are sufficient. By turn 7, I personally was able to help them get their city back from CARTAB because I was able to see where CARTAB lacked defense, this was possible because of CIA big project. Not only did our intelligence help my country but it also helped our ally country. Now, their trust in us is even greater and they feel obligated to pay it back, which I am sure will come in handy in the game.

    Obtaining CIA big project was my way of ensuring our country with “maximum availability of and access to intelligence information within the Intelligence Community”. ( The greatness that we reached was partly due to CIA and intel it gave our country. It was our greatest achievement and one that helped us out the most.

    As all intelligence, it can be the oxymoron of any nation and still get the information wrong. But our Intelligence Director was on point and produced worthy intelligence that like our Department of Defense mentioned, was useful preventing a quick end of Atropia. Which now leads to our Department of Trade and Industry. The cabinet member will now brief you on Atropia’s imports, exports and industrial advances.

    · Minister of Economy and Trade

    National security is part of the international trade dimension. On the other hand, international trade is the avenue towards the achievement of full economic prosperity. For instance, national security is required in combat efforts by external threats to influence the economy and calm state of a nation. In economics, national security is defined on basis of protecting the nation in export and import-competing industries. For instance, if a given product is used by a special segment, for example, the military, the producers may be declared essential for national security under the security argument. The product can, therefore, be protected and improved upon so as to avoid foreign competition.

    Under national security, sanctions on exports and imports help in market regulation. The regulations aim at counteraction of external threats to national security (Rodger, George, and Rishikof, 2017). Under the international law, a country is entitled to judge and take action against a foreign nation that attempts to threaten its internal security. The actions involved may be coupled with restrictions that are coupled with diplomatic as well as political measures.

    On the other hand, it is argued that failure to implement objective policies results in abuse of national security provisions. Adverse effects on international trade may result due to instability and manipulation of regulations. Atropia as a nation requires recognition of essential rules and policies to curb external compromise on its economy.



    The people’s republic of Atropia was destroyed and some of its regions taken. The act resulted in the removal of the nation from the map since the demarcations of its boundaries and frontiers no longer existed. Orion took over one of the zones as Poseidonas took over two other zones including the capital city of the state. Therefore, the most valuable central region which was the base of government offices and institutions was gabbed living the country with no control point. Besides, trade with other countries has been severely affected to a point where we are not trading with no region. The main trade partner, Escher’s has also been badly destroyed and grabbed because of being allies to us. Therefore, the neighborhood was destroyed as a way of preventing us from rising up again. Valyrian offered us an urban center for a city in return for five technologies but ever since there has been no substantial information concerning the deal.

    Therefore, the vital interests in formulating the national policy include:

    · Regaining control over the capital city.

    · Establishing a strong and robust military base.

    · Enhancing cross-border and diplomatic relations.

    · Utilization of natural resources and creating a firm export and import industry for cross-border trade.

    · Signing a peace deal with international agencies such as the united nations and gaining full military and humanitarian support.



    Despite the inversion, our country boasts of valuable raw materials which include Gold, oil, and steel. Food, technological and scientific knowledge is also in plenty within the nation. Therefore, there is only minimal border control that requires being dealt with through legislation and formulation of policies that guard the national resources and wealth of the country.

    The citizens possess knowledge in all technologies which makes the country a strong base that can be developed and capitalized on to form a robust system upon which the economic system is built. Some of the technologies that are evident within the nation include: the advanced education system, mining technology for all raw materials, transport and industrial advances, naval, and air technologies that are tactical are possessed by quite a good number of nationals. Missile guidance, rocket navigation, and nuclear fission technology have been capitalized on to form a robust system.



    Atropia requires a Liberal free trade policy. Under the policy, there is no restriction of imports as well as exports. Besides, the system involves control of major economic wings by the government political system. Additionally, the systems of governance under political leader’s exercise protectionism.

    Furthermore, the country has to join the World Trade Organization (WTO) under multilateral trade agreements under the establishment of open trade markets. For profitability, the nation will apply protectionism to impose tariffs on imports as a way of promoting local employment. Also, subsidies on exports may be applied. Natural resources can also be exploited under the policy, thus there is a need for restriction on the importation of natural resources as a way of controlling economic exploitation. Under free trade policy, barriers to trade include non-tariff barriers, import quotas, as well as taxes under legislated regulation.

    On the other hand, protectionism has negative impacts on the economic growth and development. Consequently, free trade and elimination of trade barriers foster growth and stimulate development. However, liberal trade can result in losses that are unequally distributed with dislocation of the economic workforce within the importing segment. However, distorting policies and tax-free trading allows for mutual and liberal profitability.

    Mercantilism is a policy that focuses on the accumulation of luxurious and valuable resources such as gold and silver. The policy promotes governmental control of the economy and augmentation of the nation to rival powers. Monetary reserves are accumulated with respect to a balanced form of trade, especially in finished goods. the policy is not sufficient because it causes an economic imbalance among nations which may lead to war and inversion by strong economies just like it was during the colonial masters’ period. Manufactured goods are the elements of the policy but raw materials are currently included in the system.



    The linkage between nations through international trade and the national security provides for control and regulation of tariffs and trade through established agreements. The national security policy system was introduced through the General Agreement Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Act of the year 1947 (Rodger, George, and Rishikof, 2017). The act, therefore, acted as the center of trade disputes between nations since some of the members imposed unilateral trade sanctions with basis on national security. But, the outcomes of multiple disputes did not yield any significant success.

    However, with the prevailing economic and political systems, security policies have become complicated. Nations that are threatened by others, as well as terror attacks, have made the entire policy formulation process complex and sophisticated to both formulate and implement. Additionally, multilateral regulations under the world trade union (WTU) in conjunction with the united nations (UN) have brought national security under a free trade agreement (FTA). The FTA acknowledges pursuit of security in economic integration the thereafter permit for national security exclusions. Therefore, there is a need for legislation to control imports and exports in order to protect the state’s national security. Protection of the country against external systems is the strength that promotes national unity, cohesion as well as overall security within the country.

    Joining trade organizations under the world Trade union has a number of advantages that protect a nation against economic exploitation.



    Atropia has valuable raw materials for its industries. Besides, the necessary skills and knowledge required by the security system are also available. Therefore, the country needs to form a stable military base that utilizes innovative technologies in protecting the country. besides, ballistic missile technology is a security approach that can help scare enemies away and regain the grabbed zones of the nation including its capital city. Capitalising on security will result in the development of an independent nation free from external influences.

    On the other hand, the nation’s gold mines can be utilized for extraction and exportation to obtain foreign currency. Gold is also valuable and can lead to foreign inversion thus utmost security is a necessity in making sure the nation is stable and unwavering.



    The central bank also needs independence to promote developmental policies and regulations. For instance, policymakers within the government have to be separated from the central bank policy formulation process. The government makes policies that influence the economic standards of the country. However, their policies are for short-term achievements since they do not remain in leadership forever. Besides, the policies are influenced more by political interests. Such rules are based on self-intended benefits rather than mutual benefit. A shift to an independent central bank is of much importance as it is tasked with making long-term decisions. Such decisions are subject to variations under a team that is in constant review of the policy. Therefore, discretion is much evident in an independent central bank rather than a government managed the central bank.

    For instance, the government can decide to reduce interest rates during an electioneering period and raise it after elections to compensate for expenditures. Besides, during the implementation of the economic promises, inflation may occur as there is struggle to gain stability and acquire enough funds for minimizing situations related to poverty, unemployment, and security. With constant rates, it is difficult to achieve desired economic goals as the financial plans do not coincide with the attainable goal related economic adjustments.

    The primary role of the central banks is to conduct and implement the monetary policy to achieve price stabilization. That is, keeping the prices at their minimum under a stable inflation that is manageable. The policies have been subjected to various changes from policy-making techniques to central bank independence. Therefore, inflation emerges as the main target across the central banks. The transition from western countries has been adopted by various countries in a move from monitoring money in circulation to minimization of inflation framework.

    The central banks are therefore the main pillars of economic as well as financial stability. All efforts are geared towards reducing inflation. Due to globalization, the banks have extended their roles to management and control of volatile interest rates and exchange rates to eliminate financial crisis. They, therefore, need an independent framework of policies to execute the policy effectively. Besides, the objectives formulated will be tailored to economic goals thus ease of achievement. This is not the case with government control which focuses on short-term policies based on elective positions at different political periods. Besides, the international monetary fund (IMF) is in full support and advice of the central bank stakeholders on different operations within the bank.



    Atropia as a country boasts of essential military technology and skills such as missile guidance, aircraft technology, and associated mechanical skills. Since the country is in a crisis, the military needs to be redesigned in an attempt to form a strong military base that is fully equipped to counter external influence. Besides, the military needs to be enjoined with vital bodies associated with the united nations security Agencies (UNSA). Such agencies ensure peace and order is maintained across the borders. Therefore, vital support will be fully available to Atropia.



    Atropia has natural raw materials such as gold, steel, and oil. The minerals are vital in supporting various industries. Therefore, initiation of mining industries and associated firms will support local industry development which will; also enhance trade with other nations. For instance, gold is valuable and can fetch higher amounts of revenue in the form of foreign exchange. Oil is also vital in running various sectors of the economy that can help further built the nation. Industries, as well as the military operations, require fuel which is readily available thus an upper hand in enhancing security surveillance.

    The Department of Trade and Industry made impressive progress to satisfy the President’s requests along with the nations trading with Atropia. Which seemed to be going smoothly until Turn 6, that is when everything just went downhill. It is every nations dream to control as many resources as possible and Atropia was able to make that dream a reality. But as it has been mentioned before, when Atropia out bid another nation for an oil pipeline, trade agreements and inevitably war was bound to occur. It just shows that the rational diplomacy does not exist. Irrational thought-process is what lead the Big Five to attack Atropia and Eschyros. A sad state of affairs.

    Amongst all the international negotiations and agreements, Atropia dealt with plenty domestic issues. Here to brief you on Atropia’s Department of the Interior, is the cabinet member of Domestic Affairs.


    · Domestic Affairs

    Sent to Gulag for general incompetence.



    As a result of a great plan and even better execution of it, Democratic People’s Republic of Atropia became the well-oiled machine, every country knew that we were untouchable and that planted fear in them. This showed in the fact that we survived two atomic bombs. Five countries had to unite in order to destroy us. What made Atropia so strong and what made our capital city untouchable was step by step executed plan and mutual understanding between the cabinet members. Our high ranking officers worked together not just on domestic affairs but also on international security and relationships. Our diplomatic strategy was defensive and our main goal was to have strong economy. As a country we wanted to achieve self-reliance and that was done by winning big projects, having sufficient military and of course cutting edge technology. We achieved most of our goals, but because we became such a threat to rest of the world our security was compromised. Irrational fear installed in most of the countries caused irrational action against our state, it also was a reason behind formation of an alliance we referred to as Big Five. This was an alliance that combined all of their military, intelligence and resources with one goal in mind, destruction of The Democratic People’s Republic of Atropia. It took five countries with biggest combined military three turns to take our lands and that only highlights the strength of Atropia.


    Reference Page

    George, R. and Rishikof, H. (2017). The National Security Enterprise. 2nd ed. Washington D.C.: Georgetown University, pp.1-406

    Hartman, T. (2018) Political Science 423 (Security Studies) Northridge, Ca.: California State University, Northridge. Spring Semester 2018.

    Auerswald, D. P., & Campbell, C. C. (Eds.). (2012). Congress and the politics of national security. Cambridge University Press.

    George, R. Z., & Kline, R. D. (Eds.). (2006). Intelligence and the national security strategist: enduring issues and challenges. Rowman & Littlefield.

    IMF. (2018). Monetary policy and central banking. [online] available at: http://www.…policy-and-central-banking [Accessed 19th March 2018].

    Rey, H., (2015). The dilemma, not trilemma: the global cycle and monetary policy independence (No. w1162). National Bureau of Economic Research.

    Rodger Z., George and Harvey Rishikof (2017). The national security enterprise. Navigating the labyrinth. Georgetown University Press.

    1-Hartman, T. (2018, April 19). WHAT IS NATIONAL SECURITY? Lecture presented at POLS 423 in California State University Northridge, Northridge.

    This lecture covered the aspects of national security and its’ characteristics. Theories such as Realism, Liberalism and Constructivism were introduced in the lecture.


    2-Hartman, T. (2018, April 19). DIPLOMACY & GLOBAL COMMAND. Lecture presented at POLS 423 in California State University Northridge, Northridge.

    Several United States governmental agencies were covered in this lecture. This lecture covers the mission, culture and structure of the State department