Summary And Response Revision Essay

ESSAY 1: ENGL 1301

Essay 2: Summary and Response Essay

Throughout your academic career, you will be asked to read something and respond to it. This Summary and Response essay prepares you for reading a text critically and responding to it.


Choose any one of the articles we read on the topics of social media or cultural appropriation. In a 2-3 page essay, summarize the text accurately and objectively and respond to it with a thoughtful analysis.

Your summary should include:

· The author’s claim

· The title of the text and the full name of the author (the first time you mention the text)

· The author’s reasoning (focusing only on the author’s main points)

· The use of signal phrases (like “The author suggests…” or “S/he explains that…”) to indicate the ideas are the author’s (not yours)

· About 300 words (or 1+ pages)

Your response should include:

· An analysis and critique of the text and its effectiveness

· An organized approach (a thesis, supporting points, and evidence to support those points)

· Use of both paraphrasing and quotations

· Appropriate transitions between summary and response to indicate the movement of ideas

· About 300 words (or 1+ pages)

Your essay should have a Works Cited list that contains the source (article) you used.

Organizing Your Summary and Response Essay*


· Introduce the topic with a hook – a question, quote, a story, a statement, (some interesting way to open up the conversation about the topic of the article.

· Provide a brief overview of the article (the topic and attitude). Make sure you mention the author’s full name and the full title of the article or essay.

· State your thesis, an opinion about the article (that you will develop in the essay).


You will probably want to consider one of two ways to organize the body of your essay: block or point pattern. (See table on next page.)


· Reaffirm your opinion about the article (your thesis). Include the author’s name and thesis.

· Comment on the importance of the topic, returning to the opening strategy (your question, quote, statement of problem, whatever).

WORKS CITED LIST – Include at least the citation for the article you used.

Outline 1: Block Pattern* Outline 2: Point Pattern*
I. Introduction (1 paragraph)

II. Summary: (1 paragraph) Remember you are only summarizing (you may have fewer or more than these 4 points) A. Main Point 1 B. Main Point 2 C. Main Point 3 D. Main Point 4 III. Response Section (3-5 paragraphs) A. Respond to Main Point 1 by stating whether you agree or disagree and offer explanation and proof to defend your point of view. B. Respond to Main Point 2 in same manner, providing a good transition (agree/disagree) C. Respond to Main Point 3 in same manner (agree/disagreed) D. Respond to Main Point 4 in same manner (agree/disagreed) IV. Conclusion

I. Introduction

II. Main point 1

A. Summarize Point 1

B. Respond to Point 1 (agree/disagree) Support your statement with explanation

III. Main Point 2

A. Summarize Point 2

B. Respond to Point 2 (agree/disagree) Support your statement with explanation

IV. Main Point 3

A. Summarize Point 3

B. Respond to Point 3 (agree/disagree) Support your statement with explanation

V. Main Point 4

A. Summarize Point 4

B. Respond to Point 4 (agree/disagree) Support your statement with explanation

VI. Conclusion


Your essay (worth a total of 150 points) will be graded using the following criteria:

Summary – accurately and objectively represents the author’s central claim and key supporting points.  The summary does not merely list the main ideas but shows how the reasons support the claim.  The summary is selective about details and examples, choosing only ones that help to illustrate a key point. 30 points

Response – Includes a clear thesis that is critical and analytical. Thesis is supported with reasons and textual evidence. The response examines the rhetorical choices made by the author and how effective they were. 40 points

Quotations and Paraphrasing – The essay uses both quotations and paraphrasing that are appropriately integrated into the summary and response. Author’s ideas are effectively attributed using signal phrases. 20 points

Organization – Paper clearly and effectively presents both the summary and response. Transitions and paragraphing are used when appropriate. 15 points

Mechanics – Demonstrates a command of the standards of edited American English with no major grammatical errors. 15 points

MLA Format – Employs MLA format and documentation style, using in-text citations and including works cited page. Includes correct heading, font size, and spacing. 15 points

Writing Process – Demonstrates evidence of the writing process through outlining and/or drafting. 15 points

Due Dates

Rough draft due Thursday, October 25 (Bring your rough draft to class.)

Final draft due Tuesday, October 30 (Upload to Final Draft #2 in Essay 2:

Summary and Response Essay and bring hard copy to class.)

* Modified from “Summary and Response Essay” (