Fragments, Run-Ons, Comma Splices

1-20 its either correct sentence, fragment, run-ons, comma splices.


A.      Select the ALL fragments from 1-20 write number of the fragment, followed by a complete sentence to correct the fragment.


B.      Select the ALL run-ons and ALL comma splices from 1-20. Write the item number, and then correct each one by either separating or correctly connecting the independent part.




1.       About an hour later the CEO arrived


2.       Anthony is the new accountant in our office he is not CPA.


3.       Here’s the truth, the difference between achieving and not achieving is goal setting.


4.       Wal-Mart’s employees must recite and practice founder Sam Walton’s “10-foot rule.”


5.       The “10-foot rule” is explained in otem22, it is good advice for anyone working in retail sales.


6.       The carpenter is working very hard, nevertheless, we dont think she can finish by one.


7.       While the carpenter is working hard, we don’t think she can finish by one.


8.       The carpenter is working hard, we don’t think she can finish the job on time,


9.       Although Macy’s first efforts at the dry goods business in Boston failed miserably.


10.   After trying his luck with six other doomed retailing ventures.


11.   It is the weak who are cruel, gentleness can be expected only from the strong.


12.   Leaders have different styles, they all need, however, to be skilled in handling people


13.   Meeting must proceed according to rules furthermore, business must be conducted fairly.


14.   Because many informal meeting occur.


15.   Stay calm and don’t blame or name-call.


16.   Service can come in many forms, for example, it can mean having the right merchandise at the right time.


17.   The word business originally meant the state if being busy with anything.


18.   Ms. Scott flew to Spain last year then she took a Mediterranean cruise.


19.   A characteristic of high achievers is that they believe they are responsible for most of what is good or not good in their lives.-Charles Garfield.


20.   Mrs. Powell, carrying the coffer in one hand and the keys in the other.