Advertising Strategy Development









Advertising Strategy Development

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Advertising Strategy Development

Drucker’s 5:

My client is at AT&T Corporation. This company is considered the best in media and entertainment, communications, and technology (Lewis, 2014). The target market for AT&T Inc. is pleasure-seekers and marketers. Pleasure-seekers are individuals who try at any cost to eliminate negative experiences and thoughts and restore happiness. The availability of entertainment has increased the market share for the company. Customers will always subscribe to the entertainments with an aim of improving their well-being. Marketers, on the other hand, use the company for advertising. It advertises the products and services of other companies and due to its larger customer base, the outcome is always positive.

The customers care about the quality of services offered by the company. For instance, pleasure-seekers expect the value of the services to be more than the cost. Marketers will also care about the effectiveness of the company. If the company meets the advertising goals of marketers, the demand for the service increases.

AT&T Inc. competes with T-mobile, Ability Inc., Akoustis Technologies, Inc., 8×8 Inc., Alaska Communications Systems Group, Inc., and Anixter International Inc. The reason for the success is its high-quality services which have enhanced customer satisfaction. My client is good at advertisements. The advertising and analytics services are responsible for the company’s success and growth.

SWOT Analysis

AT&T Strengths: The strengths of the company include the following: strong infrastructure, a large number of wireless and wired capabilities, one of the largest television subscription providers, expanding international business, and excellent services. One of the major strengths of AT&T Corporation is infrastructure. It offers global voice solutions in approximately 240 nations liking almost 400 carriers in the whole world. In addition, the firm has various wireless voice and data capabilities.

AT & T Weaknesses: Even though AT&T is an international leader in the telecommunication industry, it has the following weaknesses: eroding customer base, poor position against major international telecommunication brands, risky investments, defenseless against competition, and inflexible. The investment of the company in television is a very risky due to the reduced popularity. In the current market, this is not a profitable choice because of the increased internet video. Competition is also very high and the rivals are taking away the clients of AT&T through reduced prices. Lastly, even though the business is innovative in terms of services and products, it is inflexible.

AT & T Threats: The available threats for AT&T Company are increased costs and intensifying competition. Competition is a key characteristic in business and in the telecommunication industry; it is getting worse every day. For instance, in 2015, T-mobile, one of the competitors of AT&T Inc. took away millions of its customers. An approximate of 2 million monthly subscribers of AT&T shifted to T-mobile. T-mobile is growing at a higher rate and today, it occupies the third position in the United States of America (Nwogugu, 2015). Furthermore, the cost of maintaining a heavy infrastructure is very high. AT&T will spend a lot of resources and money on employees and infrastructure. Both increased costs and competitive pressures are causing a lot of problems to the brand.

AT & T Opportunities: The opportunities of the company are new acquisitions and diversification. The Leap Wireless of AT&T was successful and this translated to an increase in customer base and market share. Since the firm has lost a lot of customers, it’s wise to formulate some marketing strategies which will restore its economic position. The company should also venture into other areas which are profitable since television has already lost popularity. The emergence of online video reduced the demand for televisions due to the fact that customers have access to the internet. People are majorly using YouTube and Netflix. Diversification will offer healthy opportunities for the company.


Lewis, T. G. (2014). Booms. In Book of Extremes (pp. 51-67). Copernicus, Cham.

Nwogugu, M. C. (2015). The Case of T-Mobile USA, Inc. & AT&T (2010-2014): Financial Stability, Corporate Governance and Failed Business Processes.