Suspect Interview Questions A

I. Suspect Interview Questions A. Type: Create a list of interview questions that includes all five types of interview questions to obtain an admission of guilt from a suspect. B. Sequence: Organize y

I. Suspect Interview Questions A. Type: Create a list of interview questions that includes all five types of interview questions to obtain an admission of guilt from a suspect. B. Sequence: Organize your list of questions in a logical and appropriate manner. C. Importance: Describe the importance of the sequence of your questions and why the list is organized as it is.

I. Suspect Interview Questions A. Type: Create a list of interview questions that includes all five types of interview questions to obtain an admission of guilt from a suspect. B. Sequence: Organize y

This study source was downloaded by 100000787033686 from on 11-13-2021 19:34:18 GMT -06:00 This study resource was shared via Introductory Questions 1. Hi William, I’m …………. I work here at PBS& J. Have we met before?Ans: hello ……….. As long as I remember i don’t think so.

2. I’m gathering information for an assignment that I hope you can help me with. Do you have a few minutes to speak to me?

Ans: yes please .

3. I’m trying to learn about the check disbursement process. I understand you are familiar with this. Is it okay if I ask you some questions about your role?

Ans: yes of course it is ok.

Informational Questions 4. How long have you been here at PBSJ?

Ans: I have been working here for quite a long time since 1990’s 5. Tell me a little about your positions throughout your time here.

Ans: I was hired in the company as a controller, and later on was promoted as a financial officer 6. Can you walk me through the check disbursement process as you understand it?

Ans: we enter the invoices that are carried to us in the company finances and record them as the accounts payables. Then the accounts that are payable and the ones invoices that have been submitted in and are paid to their respected accounts, This study source was downloaded by 100000787033686 from on 11-13-2021 19:34:18 GMT -06:00 This study resource was shared via CourseHero.com7. What types of internal controls exist for the check disbursements?

Ans: first we take in the invoices and check whether the items have been delivered or purchased then the payments are proceeded with. Then the bank reconciliation is taken.

After that the payments are made.

8. You seem to have a lot of knowledge about this area. What ways could the process be improved?

Ans: well the process does not need any improvements just the items or the services that the payments are being made through should be checked before the payments are released.

9. What ways could the internal controls be improved?

Ans: internal controls can be improved with the segregation of the job assignments and power be divided amongst the employees before the payments are released it sould be checked twice or thrice.

Assessment Questions 10. Due to recent fraud scandals at large public companies, Congress has recently passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to protect shareholders and public from fraudulent transactions and to help improve accuracy on financials. Are you familiar with Sarbanes-Oxley?

Ans: yes indeed I am familiar with the act.

11. Oftentimes when someone is involved in fraud, they are in trouble themselves and not trying to hurt people. Do you know the type of person I’m talking about?

Ans: yes the one carrying out fraudulent activities internally. I hope so I’m right. This study source was downloaded by 100000787033686 from on 11-13-2021 19:34:18 GMT -06:00 This study resource was shared via CourseHero.com12. Why would an employee of PBSJ feel justified in taking company money?

Ans: well I think there is no justification in this case because this is wrong ethically. One cannot justify it in anyway how much ever he or she tries to.

13. What types of consequences should those people face?

Ans: the consequences should be according to the fraudulent act that they have performed if it was at start , or he or she have left the fraudulent act from some time back then he or she should be punished but some leniency can be shown may be temporary suspension or some fine and a warning. But if the one has been doing it from some time back and still carried on he should be reported to the authorities.

Admission Seeking Questions 14. Our investigation has clearly established that you took company money. I know you have been with the company for a long time. You have a great reputation amongst the senior management and employees. I don’t think you would do something like this unless you were feeling forced. Is that how you felt?

Ans: well my name has been dragged in this matter but I was not the one to be blamed for it as I went along the flow as I had pressure over me. And when I saw the involvement of other employees I just didn’t thought about the odds that I could face. I was living in the moment you can say. That I regret also.

15. Tell me about the first time it happened.

Ans: well I cannot remember it as it was long time ago. This study source was downloaded by 100000787033686 from on 11-13-2021 19:34:18 GMT -06:00 This study resource was shared via Powered by TCPDF ( Why did you decide to continue taking money?

Ans: obviously when I could get hold of my all needs in an instance through a shortcut I didn’t saw the way around and bought the stuff that I just wished for and kept on going.

17. What was the money used for?

Ans: it was used for buying fixed assets and pleasure seeking items.

18. Is there anything else that I know?

Ans: how can I tell that you are the one who had investigated all the case? I’m answering everything with all my cooperation.

19. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. Can I contact you again if I have any further questions?

Ans: yes of course I’m happy to help you out. It lightens my heart I must say. Thank you