Cultural, Sociological, and Psychological Mate Selection Factors

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 Hide Submission Folder InformationSubmission FolderAssignment 4: IntersectionalityTurnitin®Turnitin® enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®.Instructions
ASSIGNMENT 4: Cultural, Sociological, and Psychological Mate Selection Factors
Define intersectionality in your own words. Identify three intersecting areas of your cultural identity. At least two of these facets of your cultural identity should represent positions of privilege (or dominant culture) in our country. Describe how the three intersecting areas of your cultural identity (gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, and ability) impact your understanding of and relationship with marginalized groups of people in a paper of 1-1.5 pages. Your paper will be evaluated using standards below:
APA Style

  • In-text Citations
  • Reference Page


  • Organization
  • Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation

Note: This assignment should include APA style citations and a reference list.  Using in-text citations for the textbook material and listing the textbook as a reference is sufficient for this assignment.  However, if you choose to include another source of information, you will need to cite and include that material in the reference list.  Before you begin this assignment, you should review the rubric to get a clear understanding of how I will evaluate it.  After you complete the assignment, you should revisit the rubric to confirm that your content is on target and that you writing adheres to the Weekly Assignment Writing Standards.  If you are not familiar with how to execute the writing standards for this assignment, you will need to set up an appointment with the Writing Center at NLU and follow up with the instructor.
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Rubric Name: M4 Intersectionality Assignment Rubric

This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.CriteriaMeets All Expectations (100%)Meets Most Expectations (85%)Meets Some Expectations (70%)Does Not Meet Expectations (0%)Content and Focus (45%)4.5 points
– Follows all assignment directions.
– Connects assignment content to the course materials and readings and to his/her own professional goals, if applicable.
– Provides appropriate detail, depth, and breadth within guidelines for page/word count provided in the assignment directions.
– Addresses all 4 of the following components of the assignment:

  • Defines intersectionality in your own words.
  • Describes how the three intersecting areas of your cultural identity (gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, and ability) impact your understanding of and relationship with marginalized groups of people. At least two of these facets of your cultural identity represent positions of privilege (or dominant culture) in our country.

3.825 points
– Follows assignment directions closely with minor deviations that do not detract from the quality of the assignment.
– Connects assignment content to the course materials and readings and to his/her own professional goals.
– Provides appropriate detail, depth, and breadth with minor deviations from the guidelines for page/word count provided in the assignment directions.
– Addresses 3 of 4 components of the assignment, but may have minor difficulties in tying them together into a coherent and consistent response:

  • Defines intersectionality in your own words.
  • Describes how the three intersecting areas of your cultural identity (gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, and ability) impact your understanding of and relationship with marginalized groups of people. At least two of these facets of your cultural identity represent positions of privilege (or dominant culture) in our country.

3.15 points
– Follows most of the assignment directions.
– Connects assignment content to some of the course materials and readings and to some of his/her own professional goals.
– Provides varied but sufficient detail, depth, and breadth but does not meet guidelines for page/word count provided in the assignment directions.
– Addresses 2 of 4 components of the assignment, but may have minor difficulties in tying them together into a coherent and consistent response.

  • Defines intersectionality in your own words.
  • Describes how the three intersecting areas of your cultural identity (gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, and ability) impact your understanding of and relationship with marginalized groups of people. At least two of these facets of your cultural identity represent positions of privilege (or dominant culture) in our country.

0 points
– Does not follow or inconsistently follows the assignment directions.
– Makes a weak or no connection between the assignment content, course materials and readings, and/or his/her own career advancement goals.
– Does not provide appropriate detail, depth, and breadth that demonstrate mastery of the material and does not meet guidelines for page/word count provided in the assignment directions.
– Does not address at least 2 of the 4components of the assignment.

  • Defines intersectionality in your own words.
  • Describes how the three intersecting areas of your cultural identity (gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, and ability) impact your understanding of and relationship with marginalized groups of people. At least two of these facets of your cultural identity represent positions of privilege (or dominant culture) in our country.

Creativity and Critical Thinking (10%- Total)1 point
– Many ideas presented in the assignment are creative and original.
– Some of the ideas, solutions, suggestions, or views discussed in the assignment represent a unique and innovative way of approaching the issue that was not apparent to others.
– Student draws logical conclusions from facts gathered and presented, and uses such conclusions to recommend reasonable course of action, if applicable.