Effectiveness of Behavioral Theories

Nursing homework help
art 1: Effectiveness of Behavioral Theories
Health education and health promotion programs focus on changing health behavior. Public health interventions are increasingly using theoretical frameworks to guide the design, implementation, and evaluation components to achieve behavior change and increase the health of the community.
From the assigned readings this week, review the following Web resource:
SOPHE Unintentional Injury and Violence Prevention. (n.d.). Behavior change theories that can be applied to injury prevention and control. Retrieved from http://sophe.org/ui/behavioral-theories.shtml
Based on your research, select a behavior change theory and provide an example of how that theory applies to a health promotion program. Then, respond to the following:
Describe the effectiveness of behavioral theories in bringing about behavior change in a health promotion program.
In the example you cite, examine the factors that led to the decision to apply your chosen theory to the specific health promotion program.
Describe how the health promotion program was designed to incorporate the elements of this theory.
Support your statements with appropriate examples and scholarly references.
Part 2: Social Determinants Impacting Public Health
Social determinants of health have a significant impact on public health issues. They are the social, economic, and environmental conditions that are not distributed equally among populations. Those living in poverty and unsanitary living conditions are usually more susceptible to disease. Inaccessible healthcare systems and an unstable government without policies to address these disparities also contribute to the burden of disease.
From the assigned readings this week, review the following Web resource:
World Health Organization (WHO). (2012). Social determinants of health. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/social_determinants/en/
Respond to the following:
Evaluate the social determinants that may impact current public health issues within the U.S.
Select a current public health issue in the U.S. and describe the social determinant that impacts the issue.
Describe existing practices that are in place to improve economic or social determinants. What additional measures can you recommend?
In your opinion, analyze whether more can be done to address the issue. Include an analysis of whether policy creates interference.
Support your statements with appropriate examples and scholarly references.