Briefly explain "empathetic listening

Week 2 Study Question

Fall 2017 PMIN 511: Pastoral Care, Counseling and Conflict
Study Questions
Book: Van Deusen Hunsinger, Deborah. Pray Without Ceasing: Revitalizing Pastoral Care. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006
1. What, according to the author is “at the heart of Christian life”?
2. What, according to theologian Karl Barth is the definition of “cure of souls?”
3. What does discernment of another’s true need require?
4.  What is the central purpose of Christian pastoral care?
5.  How does the “priesthood of all believers” relate to pastoral care?
6. What is the criterion by which we judge the value of any gift (for ministry)?
7. What is the ordained pastor’s role in the community?
8. How does a community build and express koinonia?
9. What is the result if pastoral caregivers immerse themselves in the Psalms?
10 What was the attitude and practice of  the fathers and mothers of the early church, monasteries and converts of the Middle Ages, Reformers of the sixteenth century practice when it came to Scripture?
11. What is a “typological” reading of the text–explain.
12. How do we judge the ideologies or movements for social change?
13. What is lectio divina (define) and what are its separate parts?
14. How do we show love for God?
15. In listening to others, what do pastoral caregivers need?
16. What did St. Vincent de Paul state about the ministry of listening and presence?
17. Briefly explain “empathetic listening.
18. What are the steps in Rosenberg’s model of empathy/empathetic listening?
19a. To learn to listen deeply, one must learn to connect a person’s feelings with what else?  b. If one connects only to another’s feelings, what is the result (in pastoral care/listening)?
20. What are the three skills of good listening?
21. Essay question: Explain the theology of kononia.
22. What is one of the major factors that prevent people when listening well?
23. A. What are some possible problems with Gendlin’s process of focusing?  B. Do you agree/disagree with this process-briefly explain.