Identify what you consider to be the most significant sources of stress in adult life

Chapter 6 of the course textbook addresses the issues of adult personality development. For this journal, reflect on how stress impacts overall wellness, how stress can be managed, and how you have managed it in your own life.
In this journal entry, address the following:
• Comment on how this week’s learning and materials compliment, oppose, and/or affect change in your positions and attitudes on the relevant subject matter.
• Identify what you consider to be the most significant sources of stress in adult life and the most relevant and effective stress management tools and methods; include comments on factors such as nutrition, exercise, cognitive appraisal, heredity, work, family, etc.
• From this reflection, formulate and describe examples of stress management strategies you might share with an adult client to manage sources of stress and enhance wellness.
• Share one example of an area in which you would like to make a change to better manage your own stress and enhance your wellness.