How have social psychology theories been used in promoting breast cancer awareness?

Use of Psychosocial Theories in Nursing
Order Description
Use of Psychosocial Theories in Nursing
In an interdisciplinary field such as nursing differing perspectives often contribute to greater understanding and fulfillment of a patients needs. Take a minute to think about how this relates to the theoretical foundations of nursing. How do theories from various fields inform nursing practice?
For this Discussion you will explore how social and behavioral theories apply in a clinical setting by analyzing a case study.
To prepare:
Read case study #1 presented on page 328 of the course text Theoretical Basis for Nursing. Consider which concepts from sociological and/or behavioral theories could be used in nursing practice for addressing the patients health care needs. Address all the questions as stated in the case study. Conduct additional research as necessary using credible websites and the Walden library. Also consider how these theories are used in your own clinical practice.
Write a cohesive response that addresses the following:
What concepts from the various theories could be used in planning the 65-year-old womans care?
How might her care be changed if the woman were 25 years old or 45 years old?
How have social psychology theories been used in promoting breast cancer awareness? Provide at least one example to support your response.
How have social psychology theories been used in your clinical practice area? Provide at least one example to support your response.
Required Resources
Course Text: McEwin M. & Wills E.M. (2014). Theoretical basis for nursing. (4th. ed.). Philadelphia PA: Wolters Kluwer Health.
Chapter 13 Theories From the Sociologic Sciences
Chapter 14 Theories From the Behavioral Sciences
Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 discuss those theories from the social and behavioral sciences that are applicable to nursing and health care.
Article: Carnegie E. & Kiger A. (2009). Being and doing politics: An outdated model or 21st century reality? Journal of Advanced Nursing 65(9) 19761984. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2009.05084.x
Retrieved from the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database.
This article uses critical social theory to analyze the political role of nurses. The article argues that nurses must be prepared for political participation in national and local contexts in order to encourage policy analysis and community engagement within nursing practice.
Article: Conrad P. & Barker K. (2010). The social construction of illness: Key Insights and policy implications. Journal of Health and Social Behavior: Special Issue 51 S67S79. doi: 10.1177/0022146510383495
Retrieved from the ProQuest database.
This article examines the history of the social construction of illness and discusses different methods in which the concept of illness is developed in different cultures.
Article: Ford C. L. & Airhihenbuwa C. O. (2010). Critical race theory race equity and public health: Toward antiracism praxis. American Journal of Public Health 100(S1) S30S35. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2009.171058
Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.
This article applies a theory from legal studies to racial inequality issues in health care in order to improve social consciousness and quality of care.
Article: Kelly C. (2008). Commitment to health theory. Research & Theory for Nursing Practice 22(2) 148160.
Retrieved from the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database.
This article reviews the Commitment to Health (CTH) theory the theorys assumptions and application to nursing and health care.
Article: Ryan P. (2009). Integrated theory of health behavior change: Background and intervention development. Clinical Nurse Specialist 23(3) 161170.
Retrieved from the Ovid Nursing Journals Full Text database.
This article examines the application of health behavior theory to clinical practice.
Optional Resources:
Article: Byrd M. (2006). Social exchange as a framework for client-nurse interaction during public health nursing maternal-child home visits. Public Health Nursing 23(3) 271276. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1446.2006.230310.x
Retrieved from the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database.
Article: Mohammed S. (2006). Scientific inquiry. (Re)examining health disparities: critical social theory in pediatric nursing. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 11(1) 6871. doi:10.1111/j.1744-6155.2006.00045.x
Retrieved from the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database.