Identify key words and search terms to describe the problem, intervention, comparison intervention and outcome and write them in the table to assist you with your literature search.

2.6. Assessment Details
Assessment 1: a) Essay and b) Literature Search
Weighting: 50%
Word count: a) 1500 words
b) 500 words
Due Date: 24 August 2015 5pm
Submission details: Refer to Submission Requirements (p.10)
Marking Criteria and Standards: See page 18-20
Aim of Assessment
The aims of the assessment are for students to:
Discuss the principles and processes of evidence based practice; §
Critically discuss the importance of individual patient preferences § when making clinical judgements about the implementation of research findings
Critically discuss barriers and facilitators to implementing evidence based practice in the clinical area; §
Conduct a comprehensive literature search on a clinical question. §
The purpose of this two part assessment is to enable postgraduate students to utilise their clinical experience within their learning and skill development associated with critically reviewing the literature as part of evidence based practice.
Essay 1,500 words (40%)
With reference to your own clinical practice in no more than 1500 words identify the challenges and describe strategies for implementing an evidence-based approach to clinical practice. Incorporate literature into your discussion. It is expected that you will conduct your own search for additional reading material. Marking criteria for the assignment are listed on the later part of this Learning Guide.
Identification of evidence 500 words (10%). Please note Part B has TWO Steps.
Clinical question and literature search
Step 1: (5%)
(a) Write a clinical research question then complete the PICO table (Table 1) with type of patients or problem, intervention, comparison intervention and outcome.
(b) Identify key words and search terms to describe the problem, intervention, comparison intervention and outcome and write them in the table to assist you with your literature search.
Step 2: Conducting Search (5%)
(Please ensure that you have completed the Search strategy activity in Module 2 prior to this step)
(a) Using the keywords and search terms identified in the table from Step 1 conduct an electronic database search.
(b) Save a copy of your search history and the results of your search and submit with the assignment.
(c) Choose one paper from your search and identify PICO components
Submit your assignment electronically. Please note this means you will have to cut and paste your search on to one document for electronic submission.